After hearing this, Mr. Wang reluctantly believed it.

He had heard of virtual currency, but he had never played with it.

It is indeed very similar to stock speculation.

People abroad started playing with it several years ago, but it has only started in China in the past two years.

If you buy potential stocks, they will rise, and if they fall to the limit, you will lose everything.

But I have to say that if Zhang Yi really earned this 50 million by all-in...

That's really a lifetime of dog shit!

Can you actually make money on this thing? ?


I'm convinced!

This guy is really lucky!

"What do you think, Mr. Wang? Do you think I can invest in this 50 million?

Since you invited me to be a medical device consultant and are willing to let me earn this money, then I naturally want to talk to you about my true thoughts.

Before I came here, I was not sure whether to invest.

But after taking a look at your company and production line, I found that you are indeed a good boss, Mr. Wang.

There is a reason why Lianfa has been able to grow so big."

The medical device industry under Lianfa was established in recent years.

In addition to cooperating with major domestic hospitals, there are also many companies cooperating with them abroad.

The fundamental reason is that Lianfa's products are good.

Otherwise, one-third of the hospitals in the country would not have switched to their products in just a few years.

The main reason is that the product quality is excellent, so it can be accepted by everyone so quickly.

This is also the point that Zhang Yi is interested in.

The first is that the boss has a good character.

The second is that the environment of the company and the production line is qualified.

The third is that the reputation and user experience are very good.

After several points, Zhang Yi wanted to cooperate with him seriously.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi said:

"Of course, I will not participate in your Lianfa head office, I will only participate in the medical device business.

If you want to separate the medical device business into a subsidiary, that's fine.

My reputation will be combined with your products, and I believe that the production line will definitely increase at that time."

This sentence really touched Mr. Wang's heart.

Zhang Yi is still so young and has already emerged in this industry.

If we really cooperate in the future...

Maybe it will be like what Zhang Yi said, the production line will continue to increase.

Mr. Wang thought for a while and asked with a smile:

"Haha, Dr. Zhang, your idea is very good, but...what if I don't agree?"

Zhang Yi was not angry, and showed a smile with the same ambiguous expression as Mr. Wang:

"It's okay, I am also very grateful that you are willing to come to me with this good job, and next time, we will definitely have the opportunity to cooperate again."

Mr. Wang narrowed his eyes.

Next time? ?

Does that mean this cooperation is over?

Before Mr. Wang could think for two seconds, Zhang Yi continued:

"To be honest, Mr. Wang, there was a company that approached me before, but I didn't reply to them.

It just so happened that I thought you were a good person, and I believed that it would be more appropriate to cooperate with you.

That's why I came all the way to see you...

Of course, if you think it's not suitable, that's fine.

There will definitely be a chance next time."

Zhang Yi said it very tactfully, and even made up a competitor.

Mr. Wang panicked instantly.

He really believed what Zhang Yi said.

In addition to their company, there are other companies that are also trying to attract Zhang Yi.

Generally, a doctor is only responsible for one brand and production line of medical devices.

If Zhang Yi agrees to other companies, then...their cooperation will definitely be over.

So Mr. Wang is also thinking now!

Thinking very seriously!

Do you want Zhang Yi's money and agree to let him invest?

If he were to buy shares, the money distributed to Zhang Yi every year would not be one million plus a five-point dividend.

Then it might have to be split in half!

Split in half...

How much money would that be...

If the returns are very good, Zhang Yi might be able to make back his investment in one year!

At worst, it would be four or five years.


This is a lot of money!

It hurts to think about it!

But if Zhang Yi is rejected, this sweet opportunity will be given to other companies.

Presumably, the company that is talking to Zhang Yi must be their Lianfa's competitor.

If Zhang Yi is really poached, then Lianfa will be in danger in the future.

The market is so big and so competitive. If you have good quality and a good reputation, others will also learn to improve their quality.

If the quality is good, then the core competitiveness will be the key.

An enterprise

The industry must have core competitiveness to break out in this era of internal circulation.

Therefore, Zhang Yi, a famous and talented frontline clinical doctor, is their core competitiveness in the future!

"How about this, Dr. Zhang, this matter... let me discuss it with other partners.

I will definitely be too hasty to make a decision alone, so..."

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded:

"No problem, I think you are a kind person, so I am willing to take the initiative to cooperate with you.

I hope you will discuss it carefully."

Zhang Yi was secretly happy. This person was actually fooled by his few words? ?

"Okay, I'll give you a reply within three days."

"No problem, but I may not have time later because I have to go to the Imperial Capital Emergency Medical Center for training.

If you have considered it, just call me. Anyway, I have already decided.

Whether we cooperate or not, you and your granddaughter can come to me if you have any physical problems in the future.

Even if the cooperation fails, we are still friends."

Heard of this, Mr. Wang's eyelids jumped.

For a moment, he couldn't tell what Zhang Yi meant.

"Hehe... OK... OK!"

After two dry laughs, Mr. Wang shook hands with Zhang Yi.

Originally, he wanted Zhang Yi to stay and have dinner with other general managers in the company.

But Zhang Yi said he had something to do, so he didn't stay for dinner.

Lian Shi came and left on the same day.

This gave Mr. Wang the feeling that Zhang Yi was very busy and popular.

Could it be that Zhang Yi saw that he didn't agree and immediately went to the next company to discuss cooperation?

Although Zhang Yi kept saying that they were friends or something.

But these were just polite words, he was not stupid, how could he not hear them.

After thinking about it, Mr. Wang decided to hold a meeting to discuss this matter.

The sooner the result is, the better!

Otherwise Zhang Yi will really be poached by another company!


The next morning, Zhang Yi planned to ask Chen Fang, who was also on vacation, to accompany him to look at cars.

But for the time being, he was not looking at four-wheeled ones, but two-wheeled ones.

Zhang Yi wanted to buy a cooler motorcycle to drive.

To be honest, the apartment is not far from the hospital. It is very troublesome to go to and from get off work every day with four wheels, not to mention that you have to spend a long time in traffic.

It would be more convenient to buy a cooler motorcycle.

And the appearance is also very cool.

Wearing a motorcycle hat, driving a small car, how handsome~!

But Chen Fang didn't answer his call? ?

Not answering it would be fine, but he hung up after two rings? ?

"What's going on? Why didn't you answer my call so early in the morning?"

After a while, I saw the WeChat message from Chen Fang:

"My wife is in the capital. Don't look for me today. I have to work hard."

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