The train was in a mess, but the train was still going.

Zhang Yi looked at the two buses not far away.

Each bus can carry 45 people, so the maximum number of people who can attend the training this time is 88.

"Go quickly, don't worry, you will come back later anyway."

Before getting on the bus, the staff reminded him again.

Yang Caini was even more puzzled.

"Where is the training? I heard Wei Shen say that it is in the emergency center? Why do we have to take a bus? Where are we going?"

The only two female comrades in the Union Hospital team leaned against each other and kept muttering.

Zhang Yi walked in front and led them on the bus.

As soon as I got on the bus, I could hear a series of slight exclamations from the entire bus.

"Wow! It's Zhang Yi! Zhang Yi is here too!"

"Look, that's Zhang Yi, right?"

"Oh, Zhang Yi is here too? It seems that this training is really interesting."

"I heard that Zhang Yi has just been at Union Hospital for a short time? He actually came to attend the training on behalf of Union Hospital so soon?"

While praising, I could also hear the discussion in the whole bus.

Even if everyone has never seen Zhang Yi in person, they have heard of the name Zhang Yi.

Especially since the news was so hot some time ago, it is hard not to know him, and Zhang Yi himself is very talented in studying medicine.

So when Zhang Yi got on the bus, everyone looked at him as if they had seen a star, and their eyes were straight.

Of course, another important reason is that Zhang Yi is really handsome.


"Hello Zhang Yi, I have heard of your name for a long time!"

Someone greeted Zhang Yi cheekily.

Zhang Yi didn't know him either. He just looked up and nodded with a smile: "Hello."

"My name is Qi Fei, I work at Harbin People's Hospital. We didn't know you would come before we came."

Zhang Yi laughed dryly: "Haha...really?"

"I'm a gastrointestinal surgeon. I've seen your surgery video on the forum. I benefited a lot from watching the radical resection of cardia cancer! I really want to learn how to operate from you!"

Qi Fei's face seems to be not just a little thick, but thicker than the city wall.

Before Zhang Yi found a seat, this guy started talking non-stop.

Not only Qi Fei, but many people in the car actually wanted to get close to Zhang Yi.

But they were thin-skinned... plus the pride of their own superior conditions, they couldn't bring themselves to talk to Zhang Yi.

However, several other doctors from Union Hospital next to them quickly became friends with the other doctors in the car.

In addition to their Union Hospital, there were doctors from Ruijin Hospital, Qilu Hospital, Harbin Hospital, and Tiantan Hospital in the car.

Almost all of them were well-known hospitals in East China and North China.

Soon, the car was full.

After the staff member who registered the car got on the car and called out the names again, the car started slowly.

Set off again to the next destination.

Along the way, the car shuttled through the busy city center, and the road ahead became more and more barren.

If Zhang Yi and the others didn't know the way, they would really think that this car was a human trafficker's car.

"Where are we going? Why are we driving further and further out of the city?" Wang Yufei looked at the scenery outside the window and wondered.

"I guess they are taking us out of the city for training? But what does this place have to do with first aid training?"

Yang Caini took out a bag of chocolate biscuits from her bag and ate while discussing with everyone.

Pu Ling looked out the window and then at the biscuits in Yang Caini's hand, and said:

"I suggest you eat sparingly. It seems that we don't know if there is a canteen where we are going.

If you don't eat sparingly with the snacks in your bag, you may not be able to eat them in the next two weeks."

This really woke Yang Caini up!

She immediately took the biscuits back:

"Yeah! You are right. Just in case, we have to eat sparingly with all the snacks we brought.

Last year's training didn't need to go to other places at all. This year is really strange.

I don't understand why we have to take people out for training? Isn't it better to just stay at the emergency training center?

It's like they really want to take us to be trained as field rescue doctors..."

After saying this, Yang Caini always felt that something was wrong.

He immediately slapped his mouth and said:

"Pfft, pfft, crow mouth... I'd better not say anything..."

Zhang Yi leaned on the chair with his head tilted, closed his eyes and slowly spoke:

"I guess it has something to do with the different coaches this time.

I heard that the coach this time is a military doctor from the field army, with rich experience in emergency treatment and has dealt with many critical and dangerous situations."

"Ah?! Why didn't Director Kang tell us?! I thought it was just very strict!!"

"What kind of troops are field troops? Are they specialized in fighting in the field?"

Pu Ling tilted her head and asked the other male comrades with curiosity.

The male comrades all showed embarrassed looks.

Pu Ling don't need to ask this question...

The taste of this sentence from the girl's mouth changed.

"Ahem! It's to explain it to you..."

Wang Yufei coughed twice, turned his head and looked at Yang Caini, who also didn't know much and looked ignorant.

It seems that the two girls didn't get the embarrassing point of the boys at all.

"Field troops are almost equivalent to the front line. If there is a war, they are the first troops to rush forward. They have a hard time."

"Oh~ So that's what it means. Does that mean that this new coach must have been on the front line?

No wonder Director Kang said that he would be as strict as possible with us!

It turns out that this coach actually came from this kind of army. It would be strange if he was not strict!"

The few people chatted all the way. The car drove for about another hour and a half before stopping.

At this time, the scenery outside from the window was completely suburban.

In the distance, you can still see the low bungalows and sheds covered with white plastic sheets.

Zhang Yi and Xiehe and others have never been to this suburb, so they don't know where it is.

"Get off the bus, take your luggage and get off in turn."

The driver opened the door while speaking, and a cold air rushed into the car in an instant.

As soon as you get off the car, you can see that the car is parked upright in front of a school that looks a bit old.

At this time, the iron gate at the door is wide open.

As if welcoming them.

Zhang Yi turned his head to look at the words on the plaques on the iron gate.

But perhaps because of the age, the plaques have been painted off, and it is impossible to see what is written on them.

Zhang Yi looked inside the gate again.

There are trees planted on both sides of the road, but only bare tree trunks are left at this time of year.

There are not even a few fallen leaves on the ground.

It is very clean, which means that someone cleans it regularly.

However, no matter how clean it is, it can't hide its sense of desolation.

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