The two of them had a very happy marriage.

Such a pretty and strong girl, and she is from Union Medical College~!

I wonder if she has a boyfriend? ?

Usually at this time, Wang Yufei would come in from the side and start his mission as a flower protector.

But now... because he was holding his urine and didn't go to the toilet, he was already starting to fall behind...

Zhang Yi and the others were swimming in front of the team.

Wang Yufei had fallen to the end of the team.

Suddenly, a shout came from Liu Congren, and then he shouted:

"Okay! Since so many of you girls are on your menstrual period! Then I will ask the cafeteria aunt to check you to see if you are really unwell!

If it is really your menstrual period, then for the sake of your health, you will not be arranged to participate in high-intensity physical training in the next two days.

But...if it is found that any of you are lying...

Then I'm sorry, I will call and arrange a car to pick you up.

You will be eliminated in one day! Just pack up and go home!"

Liu Congren's voice was particularly loud.

Even if there were so many people running in the playground, his voice could still reach everyone's ears.

As soon as these words came out, those female doctors who pretended to have stomach discomfort immediately panicked!

Oh no!

They won't really check it!

We just...want to take the opportunity to be lazy, Coach Liu!

"That...that...I can hold on, Coach Liu. I'll go run now!"

" too! I'm not in pain anymore. I'll run now!"

"I'll run too. Hehe, it's just 2.5 kilometers. I'll run now."

The dozen or so female doctors who had just been around Liu Congren and asked for leave immediately ran away.

They all followed the main group.

Liu Congren sneered:

"A bunch of little girls, you still want to fight me? Humph!"


After nearly half an hour.

All the staff finished running.

Liu Congren looked at the panting clinical doctors and military doctors in front of him and couldn't help shaking his head and said:

"It seems that you still need to practice more! Five kilometers every day from now on, and..."

As he was talking, Liu Congren glanced at the entire group, but when his eyes touched Zhang Yi, he was slightly stunned.

Hmm? ?

That's not right.

Why is this guy not out of breath? ?

Why is he like nothing happened?

The military doctors who often run nearby are out of breath after running five kilometers and have to rest for a while to recover.

This kid... hehe, not bad, he has good physical fitness?

He is like nothing happened after running 2.5 kilometers with the clinical doctor team?

Liu Congren glanced at Zhang Yi and said:

"You, run 5 kilometers with them tomorrow."

Zhang Yi: ...

Damn it, I should have pretended earlier.

Even if I open my mouth and breathe heavily, it won't add to the burden of these 2.5 kilometers...

"Okay." Zhang Yi had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

"Okay, there is a bathroom over there, you all take a break, rest for ten minutes and gather.

Next, I will talk about our training content for this week."

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Yufei rushed in like an arrow from Li Xuan.

Pu Ling looked at Wang Yufei's back and smiled:

"Caini, I remember Wang Yufei said that if you can't run anymore, he will take you running?

Haha, I didn't expect that he can't run faster than you today."

Yang Caini didn't know what to say, so she could only shake her head and said:

"Men like to brag nowadays, just don't believe them."

If Wang Yufei knew that he had lost the goodwill he had worked so hard to gain because of a pee, he would definitely regret it...

Ten minutes later.

"At ease! Look to the right! Stand at attention!"

After a set of slogans, everyone stood in place in an orderly manner.

The sun was gradually rising at this time.

The damp and cold fog in the air had dissipated a lot, and after running for a while, everyone didn't feel cold now, but warm instead.

"Okay, next I will announce the content of the first week of training.

First of all, I would like to ask you, the group of doctors who came to train in the clinic.

How do you understand the four words "emergency doctor"? "

Asking questions as soon as you come? ?

Everyone's eyes rolled around, thinking about the answer to this question.

After Wang Yufei's speech, he was much more energetic. He raised his hand and answered first:

"I think emergency doctors are doctors who wrestle with the King of Hell.

In an emergency,

It means that the patient is in danger of death or in great need of medical help.

In clinical practice, a priority green channel can be opened for such patients. ”

“What else?” Liu Congren then looked at the others.

“I think emergency doctors should do a good job of pre-hospital emergency treatment to prepare for subsequent rescue work.

If the patient is critically ill, they should do their best to save the patient's life and control the deterioration of the disease. ”

“What else?”

“I think emergency doctors are a very hard job, very tiring, sometimes so tired that they don’t get enough sleep.”

Some people complained while talking.

Liu Congren was not angry, but just smiled and asked him:

“Then why do you still want to be an emergency doctor?”

“First, the emergency treatment in our hospital is good and the salary is quite high.

Secondly... I have already passed the examination for the hospital, and the leaders also think highly of me. I would like to change departments, but our director won't let me..."



Everyone around couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Yi also gave him a thumbs up: "Brother, you are so brave!"

Liu Congren became serious:

"Don't laugh, there is nothing funny, and his answer is also correct.

Everyone has different ideas about emergency doctors.

What about military doctors? What do you think of your profession?"

The military doctors stood straight one by one.

Compared with the lazy clinical doctor team next to them, they looked like a good student and a bad student.

"Report to the squad leader! My understanding of military doctors is to do their best to keep the injured comrades alive!"

"Report to the squad leader! My understanding of military doctors is that they should be the backbone of logistics and the bullets on the front line!"

"Report to the squad leader! My understanding of military doctors is that they should be able to use machine guns as well as scalpels!

In this way, if there is no one in front, we can also go up!"

With the passionate answers of the military doctors one by one.

The clinical doctor team was instantly as quiet as a chicken...

Oh my god...

There is really a big difference in comparison...



Salute to the men in the army!

For a moment, the clinical doctor team also became serious.

Everyone seemed to realize what kind of people they were training with now.

They are soldiers!

They are doing first aid training with soldiers!

In addition to saluting, they should also respect!

Although they know that they are definitely not as good as the soldiers in terms of physical fitness.

But in terms of professionalism, they may not lose!

Liu Congren looked at the changes in everyone's expressions and felt a little relieved.

Then, Liu Congren continued:

"Yes, your understanding of emergency doctors and military doctors is actually correct.

There is no standard answer to this question. The one in your heart is the answer.

Okay, I will announce now that there will be physical training arrangements in the next week, as well as outdoor rescue training, high-altitude rescue training, and dangerous wounded transportation training.

There is only one purpose, which is to improve your outdoor rescue level.

Have you all been on an ambulance to receive patients, right? "

Except for the military doctor, almost everyone in the clinical doctor team nodded.

Everyone has been on an ambulance to receive patients.


Except Zhang Yi.

"I haven't been on one yet." Zhang Yi raised his hand.

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