The weather was very cold, but it was better than having nothing.

Mao Xiaoyuan held her lips, snorted, and continued to make her bed.

After they had packed up, they went downstairs to get toiletries.

Although this place was remote and desolate, the facilities were quite complete.

There was not only a canteen, but also a public bath on the first floor where you could take a shower.

It was a bit cold, but it was better than having nothing.

Zhang Yi guessed that there should have been soldiers or other special personnel trained here before.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone arrived at the playground on time after the lunch break.

In terms of gathering, the military doctors were definitely faster than the clinical medicine team.

When Liu Congren glanced over, the doctors who had not yet woken up immediately became energetic.

Enduring the pain in the feet, they immediately stood in formation.

"The 2.5 kilometers in the morning is just the beginning. After today's training, remember to stretch your leg muscles and relax more, so that you won't be unable to get up tomorrow morning."

"One, two, three, turn back!"

At the command, everyone looked back in unison.

"You can see it on the right rear. There are many tools there, such as stretchers, large bandages, and ladders.

These are all things used in normal training.

Now everyone listen carefully. The afternoon training is a scene rehearsal, carrying the injured in dangerous places!

You must rescue the patient as quickly as possible and transport the patient to a safe area.

This task is a group of five people, one of whom will be the patient. You can form teams and assign them at will.

Start from the right rear of the playground, bandage the patient and then carry him on a stretcher.

Go around the playground twice, which is a distance of 800 meters, and the transportation is considered successful.

I will time it, see who is the fastest, and also see who is the best at bandaging the wound. Is the method correct?

If you are fast but the bandage is messy, you will be considered unqualified!

If the patient is accidentally thrown off the stretcher during transportation, it will also be considered unqualified!

Remember, I will write down the unqualified people!

Which hospital or which company, I have a list in my hand, it is clear.

So you have to take every training seriously, do you hear me? ! "

"I heard it!"

"Okay, you have five minutes to form a team and draw lots.

Five minutes later, I want to see you start to carry the stretcher and prepare to start bandaging. "

As soon as the voice fell, everyone started to form a team.

Those who form cliques form cliques, and those who flatter others flatter others.

In this case, bandaging is actually simple.

Everyone is a doctor in the emergency department, and everyone knows how to bandage patients on the basis of basics. It mainly depends on physical strength!

It's hard to run 800 meters by yourself, let alone carry a person and run 800 meters!

In addition, the 2.5-kilometer run in the morning had just ended, and everyone's legs hadn't recovered yet.

Now they had to carry someone and run 800 meters again!

It was really killing me!

Mao Xiaoyuan looked at Zhang Yi and whispered:

"Is Zhang Yi's mouth blessed? How come Zhang Yi could predict such dangerous things about carrying the injured?!"

The selection process was over quickly.

Female doctors became popular because they were generally lighter.

They were the most suitable candidates to play the patient on the stretcher.

In the end, Zhang Yi, Mao Xiaoyuan, Qi Fei, Zhang Shengwei and Charlie Young formed a group.

Wang Yufei wanted to join, but Qi Fei didn't see the point and squeezed Wang Yufei out.

Wang Yufei rolled his eyes wildly, cursing Qi Fei in his heart that he would always be a bachelor and could only have a five-fingered girl!

After the team was formed, Liu Congren announced the theme of this exercise.

"Pelvic fracture plus closed fractures of tibia and patella, and it is unknown whether there is bleeding.

Okay! The drill starts now!"

With Liu Congren's order.

Each group started to move.

Speaking of fast, the military doctors were really fast.

A group of five ran over.

They chose a stretcher and started bandaging with bandages.

There were a lot of things in the place where tools were piled, and there were also folded and used large bandages.

It was called a bandage, but it looked more like a bed sheet.

But it didn't matter, it was all for bandaging anyway.

"Pelvic fracture is a very dangerous fracture, especially comminuted pelvic fracture.

First, fix the patient's hips and waist to avoid secondary fractures.

Otherwise, it will be bad if it touches a large blood vessel!

Also, Coach Liu just said that the bleeding is unknown.

He neither said it was bleeding nor that it was not bleeding.

Then we have to follow

Prepare for the worst.

Treat the patient as if he has a pelvic fracture and is bleeding. You all know how dangerous this situation is, so I don't need to say more.

So we must be fast!

Send the patient to a safe place as soon as possible so that we can provide life support as soon as possible.

As for tibia and patella fractures, you can use a small bandage and a wooden board to simply fix them.

That's about it, come on everyone!

Let's strive to get first place among these 24 groups! "

Zhang Yi walked to the right back of the playground while telling his teammates about the plan he had come up with.

Several people nodded in unison.

You're right, we thought so too~!

But first...

We'll do our best~~

The pelvis is located in the middle of the human body. The protruding bone that can be felt on both sides of the waist is the highest point of the pelvis.

It is the bone that supports the weight of the entire upper body.

It is shaped like a bowl or a basin.

Once the pelvis is fractured, the first to be injured are the organs in the lower abdomen.

The abdominal aorta and mesenteric artery are the blood vessels that are most likely to be punctured by the broken ends of the fracture, causing heavy bleeding.

After a pelvic fracture, the patient's entire waist cannot move.

So fixation is the top priority!

Only by placing the patient Only when the pelvic position is fixed, the bones inside will reduce the bleeding caused by movement during transportation.

In principle, patients with pelvic fractures should move as little as possible.

But if necessary, there must be more than three people, preferably four people, and the height must be on the same level.

One person cannot be tall and the other short.

In this way, the patient cannot remain stable during transportation.

It is very likely that the patient will be shaken to death before reaching the hospital.

Four people and the height are at the same level, so the transportation process will be more stable, and the patient will also reduce the possibility of secondary fractures and bleeding.

At this moment, in addition to Zhang Yi's group, several groups on the military doctor side also moved very quickly.

It seems that they should have trained for this exercise before.

"Lie down quickly, we have to hurry up! Not only because this is a competition, but also because this is a patient with a pelvic fracture who may bleed!"

"Oh, okay! "

Yang Caini nodded nervously.

I don't know why, it's just a drill, but Zhang Yi's serious tone makes it seem like... they are really transporting patients.

For a moment, everyone became serious.

Several people took a large bed sheet and quickly fixed it around Yang Caini's hips and waist.

The bandage method used was a triangular bandage method specifically for pelvic fractures.

To put it simply, it's a triangle, a bit like the style of underwear.

Wrap it from the back waist, then tie a knot at the belly button, and then another corner is passed through the thigh root, and tied again at the belly button to fix it.

Several male comrades touched her up and down, and Yang Caini blushed.

Forget it, this is a drill...

Although it's embarrassing, but... let's just pretend nothing happened...

"Hurry up, the military medical team has already bandaged it, let's hurry up too! "

Mao Xiaoyuan pointed to the group next to them.

That group was from the military medical team, and their movements were very fast and standard.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but give them a thumbs up in his heart.

Of course, Zhang Yi would not admit defeat!

After speeding up his movements, Zhang Yi quickly bandaged his legs.

"Alright! The bandaging is done, lift it up, and let's go!"

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