The first time, the last time.

First aid, what is first aid?

It's like them, fast and good to save people.

Otherwise, it would take 18 minutes like the last one.

The patient had already completed a series of reincarnation tasks on the stretcher, such as drinking Meng Po soup and reincarnation.

"Next is the fifth. Although you are the fifth, you seem to be the first in the clinical medicine team.

Yes, I have noticed you, you are quite fast.

Now I will check whether your rescue mission is up to standard!"

Liu Congren's eyes were full of expectation and a bit of cunning and sharpness.

The other people in Zhang Yi's group were panicked.

They looked nervously at Liu Congren as he squatted down to check.

Zhang Yi was not panicked at all.

Although the system did not reward him with these skills of bandaging wounds in the wild, he was still a top student after all.

After all, he had studied in school for five years and worked for more than a year.

If he couldn't do this well, wouldn't it be a waste of such a powerful system to give him a cheat?

"First of all, bandage, good, very tight.

Not loose, can firmly stabilize the patient's pelvic area.

It can't be pulled apart, and the knot is also tied well.

And the posture, when carrying patients with pelvic fractures, they must lie in a bent knee position, so as to further stabilize the pelvis and avoid heavy bleeding.

This is also done well.

Huh?? You also added a pad to the lower back?!"

Liu Congren's eyes suddenly lit up.

When he touched Yang Caini's back, he felt that there was a pad behind.

There was no pad in the tools on their playground.

In fact, adding a pad also plays a role in stabilizing the pelvis and preventing shaking.

It's just that there is no pad there, so Liu Congren didn't plan to add this requirement today.

I didn't expect that their group would take the initiative to add it!

It shows that they think about things very carefully!

"Why did you think of adding a pad? There is obviously no pad there." Liu Congren stood up and asked Zhang Yi with a smile.

"There is indeed no pad there, but I have it in my mind, so I took an extra large bandage and stacked it up to make a pad to reinforce the triangular bandage at the pelvis."

Liu Congren smiled and nodded, but didn't say anything.

Then he squatted down and carefully checked every fixed bandage on Yang Caini's body again.

That look made Yang Caini's whole body go crazy!

After looking for a while, he went back to the first group of military doctors to take a look.

After that, Liu Congren didn't say anything again.

His expression was as serious as usual, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

"Okay, Zhang Yi's group from the clinical medicine team also passed. They did a good job. Keep it up."



Mao Xiaoyuan, Qi Fei and others bumped their fists excitedly!

While thanking Zhang Yi, they also thanked themselves.

Thank you for not giving up and trying hard to send the injured here.

Otherwise, they might not be able to get the first place in the clinical medicine team~!

Zhang Yi didn't react much to this result.


He Zhang Yi basically passed the tasks he completed, right?

It would be strange if he failed!

It's not that Zhang Yi is arrogant~

But Zhang Yi is so strict with himself.

Only pass! No failure!

Then Liu Congren continued the following inspection.

The more he went to the back, the more failed.

Either the time exceeded ten minutes, or the bandage was too loose and it was pulled off.

Finally, among the 24 groups, those who exceeded the time limit and those who failed the bandage were blocked.

There were only 16 qualified teams left.

Some of the unqualified doctors also complained, asking why the time was so strict.

They really tried their best in ten minutes.

They had just finished running 2.5 kilometers in the morning, and now they had to run 800 meters carrying a living person weighing more than 100 kilograms.

Their physical strength was almost exhausted, and they really couldn't run within ten minutes.

When Liu Congren heard this, his face turned black instantly.

The look in his eyes looked like he wanted to eat someone.

"I'm too lazy to explain the reason to you.

Those who understand will understand, and they will work harder to complete the task next time, and will strive to complete the task within ten minutes.

And those who don't understand will only complain here why I set the time so strictly!

I'll just say it straight.

I think ten minutes is too slow!

Ten minutes?!

What is the best time for cardiopulmonary resuscitation?

How many minutes of rescue for cerebral hypoxia is the highest survival rate?

Massive bleeding

How many minutes will the patient go into shock and die? !

Do I need to tell you this? Huh? ! "

"So you still think I'm playing a game, right? ?

Do you still think this is just a mission? ? Just a competition? ? Just for the final assessment? ? "

Liu Congren yelled at the top of his lungs, and no one dared to say anything.

Everyone shut up.

"Unqualified teams, get out! "

Another shout, frightening many doctors.

The unqualified teams stood up obediently with a nervous mood.

Among them was Wang Yufei...

He was with several doctors from Tiantan Hospital.

There was no problem with the bandaging...

The problem was the time, they just finished it in 10 minutes and 12 seconds.

It was these 12 seconds...

They became an unqualified team.

Wang Yufei was so angry! !

Damn, just 12 seconds!

If I had known earlier, I should have strengthened my exercise and run regularly.

I wouldn't have run 2.5 kilometers in the morning and couldn't straighten my legs in the afternoon...


What a sin!

"Listen carefully, unqualified teams!

I won't punish you, I will only motivate you!

Since most of your teams lost in physical fitness, I will strengthen your physical training.

Now, you go run one kilometer and come back, then do 30 sit-ups and push-ups each in one set.

Complete two sets first.

Remember, this is not a punishment, it is to motivate you! "

Liu Congren is smiling, but there is a knife hidden in his smile.

People who see it feel uneasy...

Hey, Coach Liu, please stop smiling.

Your smile scares us!

The unqualified people all looked depressed, wanting to cry but unable to.

Because all the tears turned into sweat and evaporated~~

"Hurry up! Run! If you don't run, I will notify your hospital now and send a car to pick you up! ”

Sure enough, this sentence worked.

A group of people immediately started running.

Woo, if it wasn’t for this crappy job, if it wasn’t for this crappy training, why would we suffer here!

What a miserable day for workers!

The unqualified people were ‘motivated’ to practice physical fitness.

Now all those standing in front of Liu Congren are qualified.

There are many people who gloat over the misfortune, secretly rejoicing that they have passed and don’t have to suffer physical fitness.

But the next second, Liu Congren’s words immediately poured a bucket of cold water on them.

“Ahem! You are very good, all of you have passed, and you have completed it very well.

So now I want to give you a reward!”

“Really? There can be a reward?”

“No need for rewards, you can just disperse quickly and let us go back to the dormitory to rest~”

“Yes, yes, my legs are hurting so much, Coach Liu, we don’t need rewards, just rest for a while. ”

The same smile appeared on Liu Congren’s face again.

It made people’s scalps numb.

“Really? You want to rest? Hahaha…”

“Since you want to rest so much, I’ll help you. Anyway, I’ve always been a good coach who rewards and punishes clearly.”

“Frog jumps, sit-ups, and squats are 30 in a group. Let’s do two groups first! Rest after finishing~”


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