Qi Fei's face fell instantly: "Ah? No way, I just want to have a good rest!" Zhang Yi explained: "Before we came, the person who participated in the training last year in the department told us. He said that they were called up in the middle of the night to take an ambulance to save people last year. At that time, they were still in the emergency training center and lived in the duty building of the training center. The sirens of the ambulance kept ringing in the middle of the night, which woke them up instantly. Then the team leader came to inform that there was a car accident in such and such a serious accident, and there were many casualties. After going there, they found out that it was Drill.

So I think we are very likely to encounter this situation this time. ”

Mao Xiaoyuan poked his head out of his quilt and asked:

“But I saw that there was not even an ambulance on the playground? Why did he take us to drill in the middle of the night?”

Zhang Yi shook his head:

“Then I don’t know, I just heard Wei Shen say it.”

“Hey! So annoying! Never mind, let’s take a shower first! We are tired and sweaty after running all day, take a shower and go to bed early.

In this way, even if we are called up in the middle of the night to drill, we can replenish some energy.”

Then several big men took the washbasin to the bathhouse to take a shower together.

When taking off clothes, everyone in the dormitory stared at them.

Who are they looking at?

Definitely Zhang Yi.

Each of them is either skinny or slightly fat with a beer belly.

Except Zhang Yi, he has just the right amount of muscles that can make people envious.

"Hiss~ Zhang Yi, you have a nice figure, give me half." Qi Fei said as he reached out and touched Zhang Yi's abdominal muscles.

Zhang Yi disdainfully reached out and opened his hand.


"You want to practice by yourself? Look how skinny you are."

"Hehe! Where can I practice my abdominal muscles when I can barely run 800 meters? If I hadn't been thinking about the patients today, I really didn't want to run, I would just walk to the finish line."

Mao Xiaoyuan immediately reached out and shook his hand:

"My soulmate! I wanted to give up at one point!

But I thought to myself that I must persist for the sake of the patients!

So I gritted my teeth and ran to the end!

Damn, I didn't expect that we would have to practice physical fitness after we passed the test!"

"That's right, Liu Congren is really perverted!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down, be careful not to be overheard in the men's bathhouse, if someone tells you off, do you want to run five kilometers tomorrow?!"

Several grown men were chatting while taking a bath.

After returning to the dormitory, everyone lay down and began to rest.

Zhang Yi took out his mobile phone to read the news and then chatted with his friends on WeChat.

Someone in the classmate group wanted Zhang Yi to help get the number of the director of the gastroenterology department.

However, Zhang Yi replied that he was not in the hospital recently, so he could not help.

Li Xiuhui: "Not in the hospital? You don't work at Union Hospital anymore? Have you changed hospitals?"

Wang Jing: "Ah? Not working at Union Hospital anymore? Is it true?!"

Gong Shiming: "No way, Zhang Yi, how long have you been at Union Hospital? You left?"

Before Zhang Yi answered, everyone kept talking.

Zhang Yi: "I didn't resign. I am currently participating in emergency training, so I am not in the hospital."

As soon as this was said, someone asked immediately!

Zhang Mingming: "Damn! Is it the emergency training held in North China and East China this year? I heard that all the people were selected from awesome hospitals for the training!"

Zhang Yi: "It seems to be this, I don't know."

Mao Jun: "Wow... Zhang Yi, you are great! Our hospital is not qualified to participate in this training, you actually..."

Li Xiuhui: "I'm jealous! But Zhang Yi, I remember you are in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery? Why are you in the emergency department again? This training must be for doctors in the emergency department, right?"

The classmates in the group had a lot of questions, Zhang Yi just glanced at them and was too lazy to reply.

It just so happened that the counselor also sent him a private message, saying that the final film of the promotional video will be edited soon.

The film will probably be out tomorrow, and I will send it to Zhang Yi to take a look at it first.

Then I will see if there is anything I am not satisfied with and make a fine edit.

Zhang Yi also replied that it was no problem.

After looking at his phone for a while, Zhang Yi went to sleep.

Until 5:30 in the morning when the radio alarm sounded, there was no sudden midnight drill as Zhang Yi said.

Qi Fei said with a smile:

"There was no midnight drill at all yesterday! Are we not going to conduct a midnight raid this time?"

Mao Xiaoyuan said with a worried look on her face:

"It's only the first day, we still have to be careful!

But!! We have to get up at 5:30!!

It's too early! My legs can't take it anymore!"

Zhang Yi got up quickly and dressed, saying:

"Don't waste time, get up and gather quickly, otherwise you will be punished for being late for the gathering later!"

Everyone hurriedly dressed and went downstairs to gather.

When seeing Charlie Young, Wang Yufei took the initiative to come over and said:

"Charney, if we run today, I will definitely pull you to run~"

Charney Young glanced at him and said:

"No need, I can hold on by myself."

Wang Yufei's performance at the end of the run yesterday has left a very bad impression on Charlie Young.

And you're still pulling me to run? ?

You're lucky you don't let me pull you to run!


With this little physical strength, you're not even half as good as Zhang Yi.

When Charlie Young thought of this, she was a little surprised.

Hmm? ?

Why would she mention Zhang Yi for no reason and compare Zhang Yi with Wang Yufei? ?

What's going on? ?

Yang Caini stretched her neck and glanced at Zhang Yi who was walking in front of her.

It felt a bit strange.


On the playground, Liu Congren gave the order as soon as the crowd had gathered.

"Military medical team 5 kilometers, clinical medical team 2.5 kilometers, and then have breakfast after running!"

"Oh, by the way, Zhang Yi? You are running 5 kilometers with the military doctor today."

Zhang Yi nodded: "Okay, no problem."

Last night, Liu Congren did search with his mobile phone.

I didn't expect Zhang Yi to have so many heroic deeds? ?

He saved people in the hospital outpatient department and stopped the bleeding with hemostatic forceps.

He saved a patient who jumped into the river with uremia in the late stage under the bridge. He rescued him for almost half an hour. Normal doctors would have given up, but he continued!

And he miraculously saved him!

Car accident at the crossroads, open the abdomen on the spot to stop bleeding.

There are also patients with fractures, and use wooden sticks to fix them.

Even including surgical operations, in short, Liu Congren has seen a lot.

So early this morning, Liu Congren's eyes when looking at Zhang Yi have completely changed.

There is a little awe of the strong in that scrutinizing gaze.

This man is not ordinary.

Even more extraordinary than him, Liu Congren.

If Liu Congren is more experienced than Zhang Yi in field first aid,

But in surgery, Zhang Yi is definitely better than him.

Zhang Yi only needs first aid training to surpass him, but he needs a long time of experience accumulation to surpass Zhang Yi.


Round and round.

The whole playground echoed with staggered footsteps.

Yesterday's pain caused many people to be unable to stand straight.

Today is another 2.5 kilometers, and many people are really about to give up.

Some people are really going to run to Liu Congren to ask for leave.

In the end, Liu Congren ignored me.

It is impossible to agree to leave. If you want to take leave, just ask the hospital to send a car to pick you up.

Unexpectedly, some people couldn't stand it and decided to give up the training!

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