The exam was completed in a hurry.

"These ten people are Qi Fei, Mao Xiaoyuan, Yang Caini, Zhang Shengwei, Zhang Yi, Qian Jin, Wei Zhiming..."

Zhang Yi looked at the people in his group and whispered:

"Well? All five people in our group passed?"

Yang Caini clapped excitedly:

"Haha! I know why, it may be because of the points you mentioned before, especially the lumbar fracture. Anyway, I considered it when I wrote the answer at the end."

Qi Fei also smiled and nodded:

"Yes, I wrote it in too, hehe, thanks to you, Zhang Yi."

He is right!

Following Zhang Yi, it's another day of winning without doing anything~

These ten lists basically have half of the quota for the clinical medical team and the military medical team.

Liu Congren looked down at the list in his hand:

"Zhang Yi, Qi Fei, Mao Xiaoyuan, Zhang Shengwei and Yang Caini, you five are in the same group, right?

All passed?? Did you plagiarize or borrow from others?"

This question was not asked to Zhang Yi and the others, but to the instructor who turned around.

"No, they wrote the answers themselves. They discussed the patient's chief complaint in advance on the plane, and inferred from the chief complaint that the injured person in this exercise might have a lumbar fracture."

"Oh?" Liu Congren raised his eyebrows and looked at the five people.

"Being able to suspect a lumbar fracture in advance shows that you have done a good job of analyzing the chief complaint.

Good, I commend your group.

I hope you all will learn from their group. If anyone can't remember the chief complaint during the next intensive training, just leave as soon as possible like the female doctor yesterday.

If you can't remember such an important chief complaint, don't waste our time.

Okay, the first emergency drill is over.

Next is morning exercise. The ten people who are called will run 2.5 kilometers, and everyone who is not called will run 5 kilometers.

Listen carefully, everyone, 5 kilometers.

You can only have breakfast after running!"

"Ah? 5 kilometers..."

"It's killing me...Is my leg going to survive..."

"Oh my god...Five kilometers?! Kill me..."

The clinical medicine team was wailing.

The military medical team was already used to this intensity and ran as soon as they were told to.

The five people in the same group looked at Zhang Yi with gratitude:

"Thank you, boss, because of you we can run 2.5 kilometers less! Love you!"


Training day after day.

Soon, it was the afternoon of the seventh day.

There was another midnight assault training in the past few days.

Some people continued the helicopter rescue training, and some people were off-road vehicle rescue training.

Seven days is not long, but not short.

Everyone's physical strength has indeed improved visibly.

On the first day, it took half an hour to run 2.5 kilometers.

Now it only takes half an hour or even 25 minutes for everyone to run 5 kilometers.

There are also training exercises with stretchers, and the speed is much faster than the first day.

"Today is the end of seven days of physical training plus basic first aid training.

You will have to go back to the emergency center for the next seven days.

You have to participate in rescue in the emergency center.

Don't think that getting up in the middle of the night is a drill. Remember! Going to the emergency center is a real visit!

I know that except Zhang Yi, all of you have made visits.

For this, I specifically tell you, Zhang Yi, to be more cautious. If you don't know anything, you can ask the teacher at the emergency center."

Zhang Yi nodded obediently: "I understand, thank you Coach Liu."

"After seven days, which is the last day of your training, there will be a final physical and professional assessment.

The director of the emergency center and I are both judges.

So you have to work hard, see you in seven days!"

After seven days of hard physical training, they can finally go back to the city!

After packing up, the more than 80 people in the clinical medicine team got on the bus one by one at the door.

The military medical team also got on another car with them and headed to the emergency center together.

In the car, Mao Xiaoyuan was so happy that she almost jumped up.

"It's not easy! We can finally get into the city! I felt like I was in prison these seven days!"

Pu Ling touched her stomach and said:

"If we have time tonight, let's go eat hot pot?! I was so greedy these seven days.

I didn't even get to eat!"

"Okay, okay! Let's eat hotpot!" Charlie Yeung was the first to nod her head in agreement.

We have been staying in this godforsaken place for seven days, and there is nothing but the canteen.

Everyone has long wanted to change their taste.

"What do you think, Zhang Yi? If we have time tonight, let's go out for hotpot?"

Zhang Yi is the team leader, and everyone will ask Zhang Yi's opinion first if they have any ideas.

"No problem for me, you decide."

"Woohoo~ That's a happy decision! ”

Everyone was happily choosing which restaurant to go to for dinner in the evening.

Little did they know...

They couldn't get out at all!!


After nearly two hours.

The bus drove into the Imperial City Emergency Center.

This is the emergency hub of the entire Imperial City.

According to the location of the emergency call, the nearest hospital's ambulance will be assigned to the rescue as quickly as possible.

When the hospital's ambulances are insufficient, the emergency center will send its own ambulance.

When encountering a dangerous situation, requiring a helicopter or off-road or super-large ambulance, the emergency center will also be the first to send its own ambulance.

This is the main function of the emergency center.

The car stopped steadily, and everyone got off in turn.

It was still the staff member they met on the first day waiting for them.

"Listen to me, everyone, that's the dormitory, six people in a room.

In the next week, you will all participate in a week of medical visits and rescue work at the emergency center.

Go wherever you are needed according to the needs of the emergency call.

After receiving the patient, life support should be given immediately to prepare for the subsequent patients to be admitted to the hospital for rescue.

This week is not a physical training, but a practical training.

You are all doctors, so I don’t need to say more about how to rescue patients.

There are six people in the dormitory, and you can form a team to move in.

Does anyone want to be in the group for the outpatient visit?

Three people in a group, come and register your name first.

If no one wants to be in a group, I will randomly assign them.

There will be an instructor following you every time you go out for a visit.

The instructor is also a doctor, but he is more experienced than you.

The last day is a unified assessment. Coach Liu has told you about this, right? ”

Everyone nodded in unison: "Yes."

"That's fine, there is one more thing I want to tell you.

Although these seven days are work, it is not nine to five. You will be closed in the emergency center all day long.

There are no other problems.

Make a decision quickly. The rescue group is three people in an ambulance. Come and register when you decide. ”

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