The traffic accident was so serious.

"5+4? What kind of accident is so serious? Was it a bus or a van?"

Teacher He frowned and said:

"It wasn't a van, it was a normal car that hit people."

It turned out that more than ten minutes ago, Zhang Yi and his friends were just returning from the old man.

Under an overpass near Chengyun Road, the light was green for pedestrians and red for vehicles.

As a result, a black car actually rushed straight to the zebra crossing at a speed of 130 yards! !

Pedestrians walking normally can't avoid the speed of 130 yards at all!

So, the group of people crossing the road were directly hit and flew out.

When Zhang Yi heard what Teacher He said, a picture immediately came to his mind...

What does it mean to hit someone at 130 mph?

The speed on the highway is controlled below 120!

This car dared to drive 130 on the city road! !

Zhang Yi estimated that the four patients who said they didn't know whether they were dead or not were most likely dead.

And their death must have been very miserable.

A speed of 130 mph is enough to knock people away and smash their brains.

It is also enough to directly break a person's hands or legs...

"How many minutes has it been since the accident?"

"According to the time of the call, about ten minutes. The Sixth Hospital is the closest to the scene and is estimated to have arrived at the scene."

Ten minutes...

This time is already very long.

Especially for this kind of car accident...

Ew! Ew!

The people in the car had just exchanged a few words, and five minutes later, the car stopped.

Looking out of the car window, in addition to the ambulance from the Sixth Hospital, a police car also arrived.

The traffic police set up a cordon at the edge of the entire intersection.

Zhang Yi looked forward and saw patches of dark liquid on the asphalt road.

Looking closely, the liquid was still red.

Smelling it again, there was a smell of blood.

"Take your things and get off the car!" Teacher He gave an order, and several people got off the car immediately.

As soon as they got off the car, the whole vision was widened.

Immediately, all the doctors who got off the ambulance revealed a strong sense of shock and discomfort in their eyes!


Is this the speed of 130 miles per hour? ?

Oh my God...

Zhang Yi frowned, and his heart became even more uncomfortable when he looked at this scene.

The car that hit people disappeared, it must have been a hit-and-run.

There were also many vehicles blocking the zebra crossing behind them that were about to cross the road, but they were temporarily stopped by the traffic police.

Many frightened passersby squatted on the roadside and cried around the zebra crossing.

And what about the zebra crossing and the entire intersection?

It was people!

It was people lying on the ground and lifeless!

It was broken limbs!

There were hands and legs!

All scattered on the asphalt road!

There were also a lot of flesh and blood tissues that could not be named or seen clearly... scattered on the ground in puddles.

The whole scene... made people feel physically uncomfortable.

It was bloody and miserable, and it was a scene that would be mosaiced on TV!

Zhang Yi's heartbeat quickened.

This was the first time!

It was the first time to see a doctor in the true sense!

Zhang Yi quickly calmed down and kept telling himself in his heart:

Stay calm! Stay calm!

Save people first! Saving people first is the most important thing!

The next second, Zhang Yi began to scan the scene.

He didn't go with Mao Xiaoyuan and Qi Fei, but went to the center of the accident with a first aid kit.

There's a male patient over there!

Oh, no... not only is his leg broken, but his entire internal organs, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are all smashed...

No, this one can't be saved, next one!

There's a female patient over there!

Oh... no!

How can I save her when her head is cracked!

Find the next one!

Suddenly, Zhang Yi's eyes lit up, and he saw a girl in school uniform!

She looked about fifteen or sixteen years old!

She's still breathing! The blood in her body is still running!

"Little sister? Little sister, can you hear me? Wake up?! Wake up quickly?!"

Zhang Yi ran over and asked the girl in her ear.

Unfortunately, the girl couldn't respond at all now.

Even when she shone a flashlight into her pupils, her response had already slowed down.

The girl's face was covered in blood. A closer look revealed that blood had formed in the subarachnoid space, with about ten milliliters of blood loss!

Her legs, both kneecaps and calves were crushed to pieces!

Even a jerk like Zhang Yi could not see

In this situation, everyone would shake their heads.

Damn, how can this leg be connected? ?

The kneecap is gone, and it can only be amputated? !

At this time, a doctor from the Sixth Hospital came over to remind Zhang Yi:

"This one is already hopeless, the four over there are all confirmed dead."

The man pointed to the two injured people Zhang Yi had just seen, and two people lying on the ground not far away.

Zhang Yi shook his head affirmatively and said:

"No, no, no! This girl may not be! She can still be saved!"

The doctor from the Sixth Hospital frowned:

"Her pupils are starting to dilate... huh? Are you... are you Zhang Yi?!"

Halfway through the words, the doctor's eyes immediately lit up.

Good guy!

I actually saw the boss here? ? !

Zhang Yi nodded hurriedly and said:

"This girl can still be saved. Send her back to the hospital for surgery! Hurry! It will be too late if you delay any longer!"

"Ah? This... this kind of person can still be saved?!"

"Quick! Bring the stretcher and send it to the Sixth Hospital. This patient can be saved!"

"But... but... our hospital..."

The medical level of the Sixth Hospital may be good in other cities, but it is simply not good enough in the imperial capital.

So the doctor was hesitant to say that the girl's pupils began to dilate, and no one in their hospital could save her.

The next second, Zhang Yi raised his head and said decisively:

"I! I can save her! Send her to your Sixth Hospital quickly, and I will perform her surgery.

Also, you should quickly notify your hospital and ask the hospital to prepare a green channel for the injured in this car accident. All places for examination, beds and operating rooms must be vacated!"

"I... I..."

The doctor hesitated, but he didn't expect to be commanded by Zhang Yi? ?

"Hurry up! Human lives are at stake!"

Zhang Yi was so anxious that he almost yelled.

The man nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I'll call them to prepare the operating room right away!"

Hearing the noise from Zhang Yi's side, Mao Xiaoyuan also came over immediately:

"Zhang Yi, the situation is really not good, there are several limbs broken over there! And there are too many blood loss!"

Zhang Yi looked up and glanced around.

More and more passers-by were watching outside the cordon, and some were filming the scene with their mobile phones.

Inside the cordon, doctors were also racing against time to rescue the injured.

But despite this, there was still an illusion that there were not enough manpower and time.

"Give this girl mannitol, and then saline with a bottle of furosemide! Also give her a hemostatic needle!"

"Also, put tourniquets above the knees on both legs!"

"Establish two intravenous channels, and then send her to the car for oxygen monitoring!"

"When you are ready, go back to the Sixth Hospital with them! I will come later, and I will perform the surgery on this girl!"

Zhang Yi gave the treatment plan as quickly as possible.

Mao Xiaoyuan nodded after listening:

"Okay, no problem!"

"Which patient with bleeding you are talking about? I'll go and see."

Mao Xiaoyuan pointed to the far right side of the zebra crossing:

"The one with the broken leg, Qi Fei is stopping the bleeding next to him."

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