The police said that the police had to take action to stop the police from going to jail.

"A major car accident occurred in Didu today, resulting in six deaths, four serious injuries, and three minor injuries, including a child under six months old!

The incident has a bad impact, especially...

At present, the two vehicles involved in the accident have been found, and the owner of the vehicle has been arrested!

The suspect confessed to the crime of hit-and-run..."

Such a hot news appeared in the real-time news pop-up on the mobile phone.

It took the public security organs less than ten hours to catch the person.

And according to the news, the reason why this person crossed the zebra crossing at such a high speed is really similar to what Zhang Yi and others guessed.

Lost more than 10 million in gambling!

I couldn't figure it out for a while, so I did this.

Originally, this person didn't want to take revenge on society, but when the car drove to the traffic light intersection, seeing so many people stuck there, he felt even more upset, and hit it in a fit of anger.

After the collision, he was also very scared and regretted it.

However, the tragedy has already happened, and no matter how much he regrets, it can't change the fact that he has destroyed so many families!

"This man has been caught! Damn, I'm waiting for him to be sentenced to death!"

"The speed is okay, he caused the accident during the day, and was arrested at night, he must not be able to escape!"

"Is there any need to say this?? With such a big social news, where can he run?? Directly wanted nationwide."

Not only Zhang Yi, Mao Xiaoyuan and others also received this push message on their mobile phones.

At this time, several of them were cursing and sighing.

Zhang Yi looked at it and didn't say anything, as long as the person was caught.

Although the dead cannot be resurrected, the perpetrator must give an explanation to the families of the deceased.

Then, Zhang Yi opened the game page to prepare to bet on the score.

Two hours later, one million arrived.

At present, the system reward plus Zhang Yi's own investment and financial management.

I believe that in the near future, becoming the richest man will definitely not be a problem!


The next morning.

Before the 8 o'clock meeting, Zhang Yi and his friends were dragged by Wang Yufei to Yang Caini.

Yang Caini didn't want to pay any attention, but when she saw Zhang Yi in the crowd, she turned her head away and didn't say anything.

She ignored and didn't say anything.

Wang Yufei tiptoed forward and said with an apologetic tone:

"I'm sorry, Caini, I was wrong last night... but... but it was all their idea, especially Zhang Yi! It has nothing to do with me! I... I'm sorry, don't be angry.

I specifically asked them to come and say sorry to you..."

Yang Caini then turned her head and rolled her eyes at Wang Yufei.

After her eyes swept over Zhang Yi, she thought for a while before she uttered two words softly:


After saying that, Yang Caini left.

She was almost exhausted from driving three cars last night.

She was tired and sleepy now, and she had no mood to talk to Wang Yufei about these things.

And before the consultation last night, Wang Yufei, the idiot, confessed to her!

Yang Caini was so angry that she almost died of anger that night. She didn't eat any of the kebabs, and Qi Fei ate them in the end.

Looking at Yang Caini's angry back, Wang Yufei frowned:

"See! Caini really ignored me! She was willing to talk to me and accept my kindness before!"

Zhang Yi spread his hands:

"Who told you to go online to learn those inexplicable domineering quotes? You are in trouble now, right?"

Wang Yufei glared at Zhang Yi and said regretfully:

"I really regret it. I shouldn't have listened to you! You are still a single dog yourself!"

Zhang Yi: "???"

Am I a single dog? ?

I am just keeping myself to myself~!

Wang Yufei had a stern face all morning.

Zhang Yi didn't bother to care about him. After coming back from two consultations, he hurried to the cafeteria to have lunch.

At this time, Qi Fei rushed in with walnut eyes that had just finished catching up on sleep!

"Zhang Yi, look at this video, hahaha... you're actually advertising your school?"

"What school is advertising?"

Zhang Yi looked up at Qi Fei and took his phone to watch the video.

It turned out to be a promotional video he had shot for the school before.

I didn't expect it to be released today.

Zhang Yi took out his phone and looked at it. The counselor really sent him a message.

It said that the promotional video for enrollment would be released at 10 a.m.

But I was busy in the morning and didn't have time to look at my phone until now.

"Not bad, Zhang Yi, you look very handsome in this suit!"

"What video? Let me see it?"

On the side, several other doctors also rushed to

Qi Fei shook his phone: "On the top 15 of Weibo's hot searches, go check it out. Tsk tsk, Zhang Yi, you are really a big star in our medical field. You are on the hot searches every other day~" Zhang Yi glared at him: "Stop it, eat your meal." At this moment, Zhang Yi was on the Weibo hot searches again. Clicking on the hot searches, they were all exaggerating how handsome Yi was, saying that they wanted to give birth to a baby for Zhang Yi. Anyway, there was a lot of random praise, and those who didn't know would think that Zhang Yi was a big star in the entertainment industry. Those colleagues envied Zhang Yi, but Zhang Yi himself didn't feel anything. He just hoped that those few fans would not disturb his work and life. No one likes to live under surveillance every day. ... Five days later. Finally, the final assessment of this emergency training came! They will be successfully "released" after today! ! Zhang Yi and his team were called to gather early in the morning.

Without saying anything, they were asked to run two laps in the next-door helipad to warm up.

After running, they saw a very familiar man.

Oh my god, Liu Congren is here.

Liu Congren changed his usual stern expression and grinned:

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Your physical fitness seems to have declined a bit? You are out of breath after just two laps?"


This is scary!

The group of people below immediately held their breath.

"No, no, we are not out of breath at all~!"

"Haha, today is the last day, and it is also the time to check your results!

After so many days of training and hard work, I believe everyone has a deeper understanding of first aid.

Next, I will tell you about the specific content of today's assessment.

The helipad next to it is the main venue for your assessment today!"


Liu Congren said while pointing to the open space not far away.

"Today's assessment is divided into two parts, one is outdoor first aid assessment, and the other is theoretical knowledge assessment.

For the theoretical knowledge assessment, you will go to the first floor conference room later, and there will be a very simple test paper for you.

You are all top students in a large hospital. I believe that thin test paper is no problem for you.

The second is the outdoor first aid assessment. I hope you will take this outdoor assessment seriously!

Because it is not me who will grade you, but other leaders who will grade you."

Liu Congren smiled mysteriously.

But Zhang Yi already had an answer in his mind.

These leaders Liu Congren mentioned are probably the hospital leaders, right? ?

Kang Yanming had already called to notify that Jin Zhenglun would also come back.

Since the vice president of Union Hospital is coming, shouldn't the leaders of other hospitals also come? ?

Other doctors seemed to have not received the notice yet, and they were all confused.

"Leader? Which leader? From the Health Bureau?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's the director of our department, but he didn't notify us?"

"Okay! Everyone, be quiet!"

Liu Congren snorted, and everyone shut up immediately.

It seems that everyone still remembers the five kilometers dominated by Liu Congren.

"I'll give you half an hour to get familiar with the helipad over there. There will be some corresponding obstacles in the outdoor emergency assessment later."

"Ah? There are obstacles?"

"Damn, are you serious?? We are emergency doctors, not soldiers, so it's not necessary, right?"

"What obstacles? You're not asking us to carry the patient across the obstacles?"

"No way? It's so tiring..."

"Zhang Yi, if we have to be divided into groups later, let's go together~"

Qi Fei rolled his eyes and communicated with Zhang Yi in advance.

Zhang Yi nodded: "Yeah, okay."


I'm on the boss's side again!

Half an hour later, after a round of wandering, the group was arranged to go to the conference room to start the theoretical knowledge test.

When the staff handed out the test questions, Zhang Yi glanced at them.


Why are they testing primary school students here?

Which of the following diseases is remittent fever common in?

A, sepsis;

B, tuberculosis ‘

C, typhoid fever ‘

D, acute pyelonephritis. ’

‘“Is it still necessary to think about this? You can choose it with your eyes closed, right??”

What are the blood pathological characteristics of sulfhemoglobinemia?

A, cyanosis, the blood is brown, and there is no change in oxygen therapy.

B, cyanosis, the blood is blue-brown, and it does not change color when exposed to oxygen.

C, no cyanosis, the blood is light red, and it turns dark brown after oxygen therapy.

D, no cyanosis, the blood is dark brown, and it does not change color when exposed to oxygen.

"For this question, those who have not been in the hematology department for a long time may be easily misled by other answers, but B should be chosen.


The most typical symptom of hemoglobinemia is cyanosis, and the skin is bluish purple.

But there are more diseases that cause cyanosis. Shock, heart disease, etc. can cause the patient's skin to show this condition.

Therefore, the only test standard for sulfhemoglobinemia is the blue-brown blood that can only be seen after a blood test.

This disease is also relatively rare. After taking sulfonamides or accidentally taking liquids containing sulfur, or eating sulfur-containing meat foods, a large amount of hydrogen sulfide will be produced in the intestines. After entering the blood, it will react with hemoglobin and become sulfhemoglobin. ”

This is the pathogenesis of sulfhemoglobinemia.

Due to chemical reactions, sulfide hemoglobin cannot combine with oxygen.

Therefore, this hemoglobin can no longer carry oxygen to participate in the body's blood circulation and provide nutrition to various organs.

Hemoglobin that cannot carry oxygen is equivalent to a useless abandoned pawn in the body. If it is all combined with hydrogen sulfide, the person will definitely have problems.

So this type of patient will have symptoms such as cyanosis and hypoxia.

Therefore, option B, which says that cyanosis and blue-brown do not change color when exposed to oxygen, is correct.

What are the main clinical manifestations of congenital hemolytic anemia?

A. Cyanosis;

B. Jaundice;

C. Hepatosplenomegaly;

D. All of the above.

"Haha, this question is quite challenging. Cyanosis is used to confuse the audience and make them think it is D, but in fact B should be chosen. ”

Anemia generally does not cause cyanosis, only hypoxia does.

So A can be ruled out, and the remaining B and C are clinical manifestations of hemolytic anemia.

But if we want to emphasize the word "mainly", Zhang Yi thinks that B should be chosen, jaundice.

As soon as you enter the hospital, the first thing you can see is jaundice, and the skin color is different from that of ordinary people.

Secondly, you can only see hepatosplenomegaly after a B-ultrasound.

So Zhang Yi chose B for this question.

The assessment system did not prompt the whole process this time, and Zhang Yi answered them all by himself.

Fifty questions, forty multiple-choice questions, and the remaining ten were case questions.

Zhang Yi handed in the paper in less than ten minutes.

The staff member in front of the conference room looked incredulous!


He just started answering the questions??

He finished it??

"Can I hand it in early? I'll go down and move around first, and I'll have an outdoor test later. "

Zhang Yi asked after handing the test paper to the staff.

The staff swallowed his saliva, not knowing whether to allow him to hand in the paper early.

This kind of thing has never happened before. Others have handed in on time, the fastest half an hour, the slowest more than forty minutes.

This is the first time that someone can hand in the paper in less than ten minutes in this kind of assessment.

The staff raised his hand and looked at his watch.

Wow, eight minutes and fifty-six seconds.


I'm afraid the obstacles on the apron below haven't been built at this time, right?

"Well... Well, since you've done it, put it here."

After thinking about it, he agreed.

After all, this person is Zhang Yi!

This speed... shouldn't be too surprising.

After putting the test paper on the table, Zhang Yi really left the meeting room first.

In the meeting room, Qi Fei cursed secretly:

"This fucking world, I've only written half of it, and Zhang Yi has already finished it! "

Others all watched Zhang Yi leave with envy and admiration.

The apron.

As soon as Zhang Yi came down, he saw that the whole venue began to change.

It was empty just now, but now the runway has been marked out and several sand obstacles have been piled up.

And the iron racks next to it seem to be ready to put things on it.

Seeing Zhang Yi walking slowly, Liu Congren was slightly surprised.

After shaking the cigarette in his hand, he looked at Zhang Yi and asked:

"You... aren't you doing the theoretical knowledge test?"

Zhang Yi: "Yes, I'm done."

"What? ! You... how long has it been? You finished in ten minutes? ? "

Zhang Yi nodded: "Yes, come down to warm up in advance."

After taking a deep puff of cigarette, Liu Congren said:

"Okay... you... you just watch here, the venue is not set up yet, it will take more than 20 minutes. ”

Originally, the time for setting up the venue was calculated.

It was about 30 minutes, which was exactly the time when the theoretical examination of the previous people ended.

I didn’t expect Zhang Yi to show up halfway!

It was over in ten minutes.

Forget it.

This is a ruthless person, and ten minutes is within his normal range.

Although Liu Congren was not their coach during this period, he also took this time to dig up all of Zhang Yi’s deeds.

He even found Zhang Yi’s past with those Huaxi people in Huaxi Hospital.

Video of top students stitching together!

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