The incision was cut off, but the wound was not smooth.

Let's look at the incisions of the other people.

Qi Fei's incision was five centimeters, Mao Xiaoyuan's was five centimeters, and Yang Caini's incision looked slightly larger, probably about six or seven centimeters.

In short, Zhang Yi's incision was the smallest.

In general, a small incision for open abdominal surgery also means that it is beneficial for the patient's postoperative recovery.

In this regard, Zhang Yi has already surpassed the others.

Let's look at the location of the incision. These people almost all chose the longitudinal incision, the location of the rectus abdominis in the right lower abdomen.

Choosing the longitudinal incision for the rectus abdominis is not easy to damage the muscle or cause hyperplasia, and the subsequent muscle recovery will be faster.

In fact, at this point, Zhang Yi and the others are still on the same frequency.

The speed is about the same.


I don't know why, after opening the abdomen, when pulling, expanding the surgical field, and suspending the ileum...

Zhang Yi gradually widened the gap with the others.

The six judges on the jury seat would have taken a look.

But as they watched, their eyes fell on Zhang Yi!

And they didn't dare to look away!

Because as soon as they looked away, when they turned their eyes back, they would find that Zhang Yi had actually reached the step of separating the abscessed appendix? ?

When did he check for intestinal adhesions? ?

When did he observe for peritonitis? ?

How come Zhang Yi's operation span became so large after a while? ?

Therefore, several leaders all involuntarily looked at Zhang Yi.

Maybe they would occasionally look at other people around them with their peripheral vision.

But they would turn their eyes back immediately after just one look.

Director Qin next to Kang Yanming came up to him and whispered:

"Kang Yanming, let me ask you, do you really not know how much Zhang Yi's salary is?"

Kang Yanming looked at Director Qin mysteriously, frowned and said:

"I really don't know, what? Do you really want to poach our Union Hospital? Let me tell you, no way."

Director Qin smiled and said:

"I'm just asking you, don't be so sensitive."

After chatting for a few words, Director Qin suppressed his excitement and said secretly in his heart:

"What a pity! Why didn't I discover this hidden gem earlier?!

This guy's operation is really good, a common appendicitis laparotomy is so meticulous and smooth.

I wonder how his other operations look?? I'm really curious!"

He had heard of the name Zhang Yi before he came here. He heard that he was poached by President Jin of Union Hospital from a people's hospital in a second- or third-tier city.

Because he is a medical genius, it is said that he spent a lot of money to invite him.

But there is still no accurate information about the exact amount.

Some people say that the annual salary is 500,000 yuan.

Some people say that the annual salary is 1 million yuan.

Director Qin thought about it and estimated that the annual salary should be 1 million yuan.

Any large enterprise, especially a place like a hospital that relies on technology to save lives, as long as you are a genius, the hospital will try its best to spend a lot of money to give you the best treatment.

This is the awesomeness of the technical flow.

However, when thinking of the annual salary of 1 million yuan, Director Qin shrank his neck.

Forget it, the Union Hospital is rich and can afford this money.

Their hospital can't afford it...

Therefore, he can only think about poaching in his mind.

On the operating table, Zhang Yi quickly freed the appendix.

Because there was no suction device, Zhang Yi could only tell the steps:

"Take out the abscessed appendix, flush the abdominal cavity, and after probing the abdominal cavity without adhesions and inflammatory secretions, clean one side and then close the abdomen."

This is the simplest operation for abscessed appendix.

Clinically, there is also an appendix that is full of adhesions when the abdomen is opened, and this operation is not so simple.

It takes a lot of time to free the intestines and peritoneum.

After removing the appendix, flushing and cleaning, Zhang Yi began to close the abdomen layer by layer.

Zhang Yi's movements were very fast. He had already started to close the abdomen, and the others next to him were just starting to free this step.

Swish, swish, swish!

Zhang Yi showed off his continuous suture method again.

The incision that was cut was sewed back again, and the judges were also overwhelmed when they tied the knot at the end.

Turn the hand, draw a circle, and pull it again.

Oh? This knot is done? !

The hands are really skilled!

At first glance, it is obvious that he is a skilled hand!

Jin Zhenglun and Kang Yanming nodded with satisfaction.

That's right!

This operation, if you say it is their Union Hospital doctors, they are twice as good.

It's a great honor!

"Okay, judges, I'm done."

In front of the operating table, Zhang Yi walked to one side and took off his mask, gloves and other things.

"Okay, let's check it out."

Kang Yanming stood up and said confidently.

Then, the leaders walked to Zhang Yi's operating table to check it out.

The way to check is to dismantle it!

First, check whether the incision is sutured tightly, and then dismantle it to see whether the appendix is ​​removed cleanly and whether other organs are accidentally injured during the removal process.

After opening it, it was found that the inside was very clean, and all organs and intestines were reset.

The knot tied when the root of the appendix was sutured was also very firm.

It should be said that this was the first time Kang Yanming checked Zhang Yi's operation in this way, and he was shocked again.

Although this is just a model, it is not difficult to see that Zhang Yi's skills are very strong!

No matter how much money Jin Zhenglun spent, anyway... the money was worth it!

Several leaders nodded frequently after the inspection.

Nothing but praise.

"Okay, you go out first, and we will announce the scores later."

After the examination, Zhang Yi was called out.

In the training room, the judges did not whisper to each other, but gave the most appropriate scores according to their hearts.


From theoretical knowledge to outdoor first aid assessment to first aid operation assessment, the whole morning passed quickly.

After Zhang Yi came out, he waited outside for more than two hours until nearly noon when everyone gathered again to prepare to announce the final results.

In the conference room, all the doctors who came to participate in the training, including those from the military medical team, were sitting inside.

It was Liu Congren who announced the results.

At this moment, Liu Congren held two pieces of paper in his hand, on which were the total scores of each trainee.

"First of all, let me say that everyone has worked hard during this period, especially in the past week.

I know that everyone has been tortured by me, but I believe that this experience will become a precious memory for you when you look back in the future.

First aid training is very short, but being an emergency doctor is something you must stick to for the rest of your life.

Whether you stay in the army, go to the clinic, or... no longer work in this industry.

I hope you will always keep that enthusiasm and kindness!

Two weeks is neither long nor short. , I believe everyone has made a lot of good friends.

In fact, you can keep in touch after you go back, and you can also have a meal together in private.

Ahem, you can also call me. Although I am very serious when I train you, I am very gentle in private. "

After saying this, there was a boo from the audience~~

"Huh? You are still gentle? Oh, it's scary~!"

"Haha, I don't believe it, Coach Liu."

"Coach Liu's mouth is a lie~"

The atmosphere in the meeting room was very harmonious. After the silence, Liu Congren's face became serious.

"Okay, now let's announce the final results of your two weeks. Who will be awarded the honor of the outstanding emergency doctor this year?"

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