The host was unable to successfully treat the patient this time, but the system knows everything the host did. 】

【Therefore, a reward of 50,000 yuan is given as encouragement! 】

【The host can withdraw cash in virtual currency! 】

Zhang Yi was lying on the bed feeling melancholy.

The system suddenly spoke.

"Hmm? Encourage me? And give me 50,000 yuan specifically?"

Although 50,000 yuan is just a drop in the bucket for Zhang Yi now, it is better to have it than nothing.

Isn't money accumulated little by little to become more?

Soon, Zhang Yi closed his eyes and caught up on his sleep.

Since New Year’s Day, the snow in the capital has never stopped.

However, the snow has a tendency to gradually decrease.

It is said that snowy days are not as cold as thawed days, and Zhang Yi has deeply felt this.

The dry and fierce cold wind blew in his face. When he went out to work in the morning, Zhang Yi secretly decided that he had to go to the mall to buy earmuffs after get off work today.

Otherwise, his ears would be frozen and painful every morning.

When he just walked to the entrance of the emergency room, Zhang Yi saw Kang Yanming and Tian Feilong arguing again from a distance, wondering what they were arguing about.

Zhang Yi glanced at the two of them, and didn’t intend to say hello. He wanted to walk away directly.

The two directors had a bloody storm, and they had to quarrel every two or three days.

It would be better for him not to disturb them.

Unexpectedly, Tian Feilong stopped Zhang Yi directly.

“Zhang Yi, wait a moment.”

Zhang Yi laughed dryly twice and turned his head slowly.

If it is a blessing, it is not a disaster. If it is a disaster, it is inevitable...

"Director Tian, ​​Director Kang? What's wrong? What's the matter so early in the morning?" Zhang Yi asked with a smile.

Tian Feilong rolled his eyes at Kang Yanming and asked Zhang Yi's opinion directly:

"It's like this, Zhang Yi. I know a director of a medical column. It just so happens that they want to find you to do an interview on medical first aid knowledge during this period.

It's a popular science interview, and the program content will be broadcast on Imperial Capital Channel 1.

It's equivalent to asking you to record an interview program, which is also popular science, that is, to popularize some basic first aid knowledge to ordinary people who watch the program.

I just want to ask your opinion, because they have already asked me for your opinion before.

I thought you were on vacation, and Kang Yanming didn't agree, so I didn't reply to them.

You are also at work today. I think it's not easy to delay it, so I asked you specifically."

Tian Feilong glared at Kang Yanming again after he finished speaking.

Neither of them had a good face.

Kang Yanming also said with a cold face:

"Zhang Yi! You don't have to listen to him. If you want to go, go. If you don't want to go, you don't have to force yourself.

Zhang Yi said before that he doesn't like these interviews. Why do you still accept them?

Can't you just turn him down? Why are you asking?

The hospital is so busy, but you still do interviews. Are you free?"

Tian Feilong put his hands in his pockets and looked at Kang Yanming, not to be outdone:

"What do you mean I'm free?! I'm trying to get Zhang Yi's own opinion!

How can you be like that? You rejected him without even asking.

This interview can make money and can also provide scientific knowledge to the people. What's wrong with that!

Humph! I think Zhang Yi It may not be appropriate to be in your group, otherwise Zhang Yi, you can come to our group two. "

"What are you talking about? You are dreaming! I am rejecting your inexplicable interruptions on his behalf!"

"Who are you talking about? !"

Zhang Yi: ...

Two leaders...

Can't you let me speak...

You are clearly asking for my opinion...

But I can't get a word in for a long time...

It's really annoying...

"Uh... That... Stop! Two directors! Calm down first! Let's... Let's talk inside first, it's too cold outside, let's talk inside."

Zhang Yi pushed the two fools to the emergency hall.

As soon as he came in, it was indeed much warmer than the ice and snow outside.

After shivering, Zhang Yi looked at Tian Feilong.

"Director Tian, ​​you said that the Imperial Capital Channel 1 invited me to do an interview?"

"Yes." Tian Feilong nodded: "It was a director I knew before. He said that he wanted to invite you to do a special issue on emergency medical care, but he never had the chance.

Later, he heard that you came to work at Union Hospital, so he contacted me and asked me to help make a connection."

Zhang Yi looked very serious, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"Well...then I'll think about it."

Tian Feilong saw that there was hope and quickly took out his mobile phone and continued:

"In that case, I will send that person

I'll send you a WeChat message, right? You guys can chat. He's the editor and director of the Capital TV station. He'll tell you a lot of details about the interview.

Actually, it's not that I have to establish this connection.

Mainly because I personally think that Zhang Yi, you are already very well-known now. Since you can use your ability to help more people, I think there's nothing wrong with doing this first aid science popularization.

That's why I asked Kang Yanming in advance, but I didn't expect him to refuse without even thinking about it.

This is obviously a good thing, right? "

While saying this, Tian Feilong also glanced back at Kang Yanming.

Kang Yanming was too lazy to pay attention to him. He rolled his eyes at him and went to the office of Group 1 first.

The reason why he helped Zhang Yi refuse this matter was because he had heard Zhang Yi say before that he didn't like these interviews.

Anyway, no matter what, it depends on Zhang Yi's decision.

After adding WeChat, Zhang Yi put away his phone.

If it was a simple interview, like the reporter from Yunnan Provincial TV station last time, just asking a few questions, then Zhang Yi would definitely not go.

If it was to do a popular science about first aid knowledge as Director Tian said, then he could really consider it.

In fact, many TV stations occasionally do some popular science about medical knowledge.

For example, what are the more common basics such as ankylosing spondylitis, hypertension, diabetes, etc. Disease.

Although first aid knowledge is not as common as these diseases, it is better to educate the people. If you really teach someone, it may come in handy in a critical moment.

After putting down the phone, Zhang Yi went to work.

The emergency department is still very busy during the day, especially today Zhang Yi is in charge of the emergency room.

In the whole morning, five elderly people with cerebral infarction came.

Winter is here, and myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction are the frequent seasons for elderly patients.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi's physical strength has improved a lot compared to before, otherwise he would be exhausted after running for a whole morning without drinking a sip of water.

Zhang Yi didn't look at his phone for the whole morning. When he had time to eat at noon, he found that the director he added in the morning had sent him more than ten WeChat messages.

Zhang Yi opened and replied one by one.

Director Huang: "Hello, Dr. Zhang! Nice to meet you!"

Director Huang: "I have always wanted to find you to do an interview on medical knowledge. It seems that your willingness to add me on WeChat means you agree? ”

Director Huang: “Doctor Zhang, are you busy? Please reply if you receive it. Thank you.”

Director Huang: “Well, let me first talk about our special project. We mainly want to invite you to do a popular science lecture on first aid tips, such as choking, cardiac arrest, hemostasis of trauma, burns, etc.

You are very well-known now, and I believe many viewers are willing to listen to you talk about medical science.

I wonder if Dr. Zhang is willing to do an interview with our TV station?

The cost issue is easy to talk about. Our TV station is willing to pay 50,000 yuan for one episode.

What do you think? If you agree, please reply when you are free. Thank you very much. "

Zhang Yi was eating while reading the news.

Fifty thousand for one issue??

It's pretty good when you think about it.

After all, I'm not a star, just a doctor with a little fame.

Fifty thousand is about the same price as many directors and deans who do interviews.

Zhang Yi's education is still undergraduate, and he hasn't taken the postgraduate exam yet.

Zhang Yi is still very satisfied with this price.

Plus, it can be regarded as popularizing medical knowledge for the people. Zhang Yi thought about it and thought that this interview seemed pretty good.

There was no reason to refuse.

Zhang Yi simply agreed directly.

"Okay, no problem, I'm working, if there's anything, we can talk after get off work in the evening."

Director Huang replied immediately:

"Okay, okay, thank you so much, Dr. Zhang! Let's talk in the evening, you're busy, so I won't bother you."

During the meal, Chen Fang saw Zhang Yi playing with his phone all the time, so he turned his head and asked:

"What's wrong? What's on your mind? ”

“Nothing, a TV station asked me to do an interview about first aid knowledge.”

“Ah? Isn’t that a program? ? !”

“No, it’s just a popular science interview. I think this interview is much more meaningful than the previous one, so I agreed.”

“Damn it! Great, Zhang Yi, you’re going to be on TV!”

Aside, the doctors who were eating at another table also looked over when they heard it.

“What’s wrong? Zhang Yi is on TV? What’s going on?”

“Which TV station?”

Zhang Yi said after taking a bite of food:

“It seems to be Imperial Capital Channel 1.”

Then, the doctors around him showed envious expressions!

“Oh my god, Imperial Capital Channel 1? But

Yes! That's a very authoritative TV station!"

"That's right, I'm from the capital, I've watched this TV station since I was a child, it's a very authoritative local channel in our area."


"Hey! I'm so envious! Zhang Yi, you've only been in our Union Hospital for a few months, and you can actually be on Channel 1 in the capital!"

"Oh my, I'm so jealous, I want to be on TV so my parents can see it, so I can win some glory~"

Several doctors around joked.

They said they were envious, but they were also envious in their hearts.

In the medical circle, which doctor who can be invited to be interviewed on TV is not a big-name doctor?

Either the director, the deputy director, or the dean.

Even these directors and deans are also academicians of the Academy of Engineering, or professors of certain top medical universities.

All of them can only go to some experts in their sixties.


Zhang Yi.

One 25, oh no, a young man who will be 26 soon.

Such a young doctor was invited to popularize first aid knowledge~


If you say you are not envious, you are just being stubborn!

How long has Zhang Yi been in the hospital? He won the first place in the first aid training and was invited to be interviewed on TV.


People are really incomparable!

For the whole afternoon, the news that Zhang Yi was going to do a show on TV spread throughout the hospital.

A large part of people were envious, and a small part were jealous.


"Is Zhang Yi good? I saw a message in the group saying that the Capital Channel 1 invited him to do popular science? Is it true? ”

Neurosurgery, a department that can insert a scalpel into the human brain.

In any hospital, doctors in this department are superior to others.

Because the technology is difficult, doctors who can specialize in neurosurgery are basically over 30 years old, because they are almost this age after completing their doctoral studies.

Add to that the one or two years of internship. Except for interns, the entire neurosurgery department is almost a gathering place for masters and Mediterraneans.

In fact, every hospital has a few most famous departments, just like West China, which always competes with Union Hospital for the first place, is the most famous for internal medicine. Department of Neurosurgery, Department of Psychology and Psychiatry, Department of Stomatology, etc.

Union Hospital?

The most famous departments are also Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Endocrinology, and Neurosurgery.

Outsiders may not understand why neurosurgeons can walk sideways in the hospital.

But insiders understand.

Putting a scalpel into the brain to overcome those tens of trillions of nerve cells is already something that most people cannot accomplish.

Therefore, the Neurosurgery Department of Union Hospital generally turns a deaf ear to what is happening outside the window, and mainly no one will talk to the neurosurgeons.

"Zhang Yi? I saw him when I was admitting patients in the emergency room the other day. He looks okay, but to be honest, he is just pretending to be the boss in other small hospitals. It is not certain that he will come to our department."

"Come to our department? Forget it, is he qualified? He hasn't even taken the postgraduate entrance examination. How many papers have he written? Have they been published in SCI? If he can't even publish in SCI, don't even think about joining our neurosurgery department, right? ”

The speaker is Wang Ziwei, 35 years old this year, and he is the backbone of neurosurgery.

“Yes, even if he really has a paper, what is the impact factor? Let’s wait until his paper can enter SCI Zone 2. If he is praised every day, he can only stay in the emergency room. ”

“Shh! Keep your voice down, it’s not good to talk about others.”

A voice interrupted the discussion of several people, and they shut up and started to busy themselves.

SCI is an international academic paper website.

Doctors need to be promoted, and in addition to taking exams, they also need to write papers.

Papers need to be published. Generally speaking, papers published in SCI Zone 2 are considered to be of a very powerful level, and generally only postgraduates and doctoral students have this ability.

The quality of papers written by undergraduates is not very good, generally only in Zone 4, and slightly better ones can enter Zone 3.

Papers that can be published and enter Zone 1 are basically the top domestic bigwigs.

And their paper impact factors are very wide (It is used a lot), and it also needs scientific research innovation. People who can write such papers must be very powerful.

Then there is the internationally renowned Lancet medical journal. Doctors who can publish articles in the Lancet can be said to be the best of the best.

The Lancet is an internationally authoritative medical journal.

Founded in 1823, it is currently the most authoritative journal in the medical field.

Moreover, the Lancet is divided into main journals and sub-journals.

There are no more than fifteen doctors in the entire Union Hospital who have published papers in the main journal of the Lancet.

Among them, the central surgery team, the surgical team led by Jin Zhenglun

He once published an article on whether hypothermia in postoperative patients affects cardiovascular events.

Most of the others published in sub-journals, or in the general SCI Zone II.

Therefore, if Zhang Yi wants to gain recognition from these people, he must achieve something in the field of scientific research and academics.

Otherwise, there will always be people gossiping.

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