The doctor said that the patient was still very tired.

"Zhang Yi? You came to the hospital so early? Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Seeing Zhang Yi walking towards them, Wang Yufei asked in surprise.

This guy obviously went home after 2 a.m., and there was still some time before he had to go to work?

He actually came so early?

Zhang Yi nodded at him:

"I came to the hospital to deliver food. By the way, how is Wang Xinhui now?"

"She's awake. I'll counsel the family members here and then take them in."

Zhang Yi also glanced at the family members and advised:

"Hey, in fact, there shouldn't be such mutual harm between parents.

I'm not blaming you parents. Your child is only fourteen or fifteen years old. A naughty child is just at the age of rebellion.

Parents should not push too hard, whether it's academic or other aspects.

If she can't get into high school, is she no longer your child?

If she can't go to college, will you sever the mother-daughter relationship?

Definitely not.

She is always your child, you gave birth to her.

If the communication is not appropriate, try another way to communicate."

The girl's mother nodded with tears, and then said with a regretful and frightened expression:

"I don't know how to deal with this child now. I really have no idea what to do. She won't listen to any advice.

Let her study hard and try to get into high school. The high school entrance exam is coming up in the second half of the year, but she still doesn't want to study and plays every day...

I am a voice of love and a harsh criticism! "

"I understand your feelings. Who doesn't want their children to be successful as a parent?

But to be honest, most of us are ordinary people, and it is difficult for ordinary people to produce a real talent.

So relax, if she can study hard after being discharged from the hospital this time, then encourage her and try to finish high school.

But if she still doesn't focus on studying, then I suggest you don't force it.

Reading can indeed increase knowledge and broaden the mind.

But it is not the only way to go. You pushed her so hard this time, and even took a large dose of motion sickness medicine.

Fortunately, she was rescued and she was fine. What about next time? Will she be so lucky next time? ? "


The family members were speechless after hearing this.

Is it really impossible for their daughter to study hard and go to college?

After counseling the family members, Wang Yufei also told the two family members some precautions.

Don't say anything that will affect her mood when the child just wakes up.

The family members nodded in agreement.

Before they were about to enter the emergency room, Wang Yufei pulled Zhang Yi's sleeve and whispered:

"Zhang Yi! Come down early after delivering the meal. I have something important to ask you!"

Zhang Yi frowned: "Important? What is it?"

"Go first, and I'll tell you when you come back."

Seeing Wang Yufei's serious expression, Zhang Yi thought it was really an important matter.

Pediatric Oncology Department.

Zhang Yi brought food to Bai Yufan, but the little guy hasn't woken up yet.

Lying on the bed with a silly face.

Looks so cute.

There is no way. It's too early and the child hasn't woken up, so I can only put the lunch box at the nurse's station.

"Wow, what breakfast did you prepare, Doctor Zhang? It smells so good!"

The nurse looked at the lunch box and her saliva was almost flowing out.

Zhang Yi joked:

"Don't be greedy, that's the breakfast prepared for Bai Yufan."

"Oh, I know, I know! Humph~ stingy~!"

After delivering the meal, Zhang Yi returned to the emergency room.

What exactly did Wang Yufei want to ask?


In the emergency room, as soon as Zhang Yi walked in, he could hear Wang Xinhui and her family crying and apologizing to each other.

After all, she saved her life. Now this little girl should know how to cherish it!

"Do another blood gas test to see if the lactic acid has dropped."

When Zhang Yi approached, he glanced at the girl's condition and reminded Wang Yufei.

Wang Yufei nodded: "The blood has been drawn, and a lot of yellow and white liquid has been drained from the lungs. It seems that it is really water for washing the lungs."

Zhang Yi glanced at the drainage bag hanging on the girl, and the bag was full of water.

Wow, that county hospital is really awesome.

Gastric lavage became lung lavage, and such a big thing happened, and in the end, it was Union Hospital that had to clean up the mess.

"Little girl, don't do anything in the future, okay? Look at the suffering you have endured, with tubes inserted all over your body, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Zhang Yi walked to the bedside and looked at the girl and asked.

The girl nodded with difficulty with red eyes: "Uncomfortable..."

Aren't gastric tubes and urinary catheters uncomfortable?


Especially the urinary catheter, it is uncomfortable when inserted and even more uncomfortable when removed.

"So don't do stupid things next time, understand?"

"I know... Thank you, doctor..."

Wang Yufei then walked up to Zhang Yi, pulled him aside and asked mysteriously:

"Zhang Yi! I ask you, how do you know that this girl is poisoned by difenidol? There are so many drugs on the market! How do you know it's this one?"

Wang Yufei was extremely curious!

He was curious from the moment he got the test results!

Before Zhang Yi could speak, Wang Yufei narrowed his eyes slightly and continued: "Tell me! Do you have the ability to predict the future?!"

Zhang Yi was amused by Wang Yufei's expression, and the doctor laughed.

Wang Yufei frowned: "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing at you for thinking too much! Have you read too many novels or watched too many movies? And you can predict the future?

Haha, if I could predict the future, I would have become the richest man in the world, and I would still be a doctor here?"

"Then tell me quickly, how did you guess it? I can't guess that it would be motion sickness poisoning after thinking about it! I thought of phenobarbital, but I didn't think of motion sickness medicine!"

Zhang Yi still had a faint smile on her face. She walked to the girl's bed and reached behind the girl's ear.

Then, a thumb-sized motion sickness patch appeared in Zhang Yi's hand.

"Oh my god! What is this?!" Wang Yufei was shocked!

He walked in front of Zhang Yi and looked at it carefully.

On the bed, the girl touched herself and explained:

"This... seems to be the motion sickness patch I put on. I used it when I came back from my hometown a few days ago."

Wang Yufei suddenly realized: "You are motion sick?"

"Hmm..." The girl nodded.

"Good guy!! No wonder you chose to take motion sickness medicine to commit suicide! So you are motion sick?!"

Oh my gosh!

How could he not find this thumb-sized thing? !

It was Zhang Yi who found it again!

How could he observe so carefully!

It only took a few minutes to check before and after, how could he be so sharp-eyed that he could see such an inconspicuous motion sickness patch? !

At this moment, Wang Yufei was only surprised and admired!


Really admire!

Such insight, such observation...

Really admired! !

On the hospital bed, the girl looked at her parents with guilt, and then told the whole story.

"Actually, I had a quarrel with my mother after I came back from my hometown that day...

She always asked me if I had done my homework, and asked me what to do if my grades were not good.

She always said that I was not a good child, and that I was not as obedient as my cousin...

But... I didn't want to have bad grades.

I felt sleepy when I saw English, and I had a headache when I saw math.

I didn't want to...

Later... the day before yesterday, I ran away from home after a big quarrel with my mother.

I was very sad... because my mother said I was useless and a waste... 呜呜...

I wanted to jump into the river, but it was hard to jump because of the ice on the river, and then I wanted to jump off the building...

But... but I was afraid of heights, so later I wanted to go Take medicine.

It turns out that the pharmacy doesn't sell that kind of sleeping pills, so I searched online to see which medicines can kill you without pain.

It turns out that the medicines I found are not sold in the pharmacy, and finally... I accidentally found motion sickness medicine when I was rummaging through my bag.

Because I used to get motion sickness, my mother would prepare motion sickness patches and motion sickness medicine for me when I went on a long trip or had to sit in the car for a long time.

At that time, there were only two motion sickness pills left in my bag.

But the side effects written on the box seemed quite serious to me.

So I thought that since this is the case... I might as well take more motion sickness medicine to see if it can cause those side effects.

So, I went to the pharmacy and bought several boxes of motion sickness medicine and ate them all. "

Hiss! !

Good guy!

Although this girl is young, she looks fierce enough!

She actually thought of this way to commit suicide?!

On the side, the girl's mother cried and said:

"Oh! You little girl... How could you take so many motion sickness pills!

You almost scared mom and dad to death... Woohoo...

You are mom's baby, you have to live well, okay?

Mom apologizes to you, mom shouldn't say that to you.

In the future... Mom won't force you anymore, if you can learn, then learn, if you can't, forget it, okay?"

At this moment, the mother may have let it go.

She almost killed her daughter by pushing too hard.

If that's the case, it's not worth it!

Every parent hopes that their children will become successful and

The daughter becomes a phoenix.

But how many dragons and phoenixes are there in this world?

It may not be a bad thing to admit that the child is mediocre.

Until almost all the people in the emergency department came, Wang Yufei was still mumbling to himself after writing the handover record.

Mao Xiaoyuan saw Wang Yufei mumbling to himself as soon as he entered the office.

He patted Wang Yufei on the shoulder and asked:

"What's wrong? Are you reciting the handover record?"

Wang Yufei shook his head:

"No, a super weird patient came in the middle of the night last night, so weird that even the plot of a novel dare not be written like this!"

"Is it true? What patient?"

"Forget it." Wang Yufei waved his hand: "You will know when the handover is over later."

Soon, all the people who worked in the emergency department during the day arrived, including Kang Yanming who had returned from vacation.

The year was gradually over, and more and more people came to work.

Wang Yufei took the handover book in his hand and began to read.

"At 8:00 a.m. on February 11, 2023, the night shift was handed over.

Twenty-three new patients were admitted yesterday, and 28 were discharged.

Fifteen of them were critically ill patients...

The patient in bed 7, Wang Xinhui, female, fourteen years old.

She was sent to our hospital by an ambulance from a lower-level hospital at 23:25 because she was in a coma, convulsed, and coughed up blood after taking the medicine.

Ventricular fibrillation occurred when she was admitted to the hospital, and she was immediately defibrillated. The defibrillation was successful at 23:35, and the heart rate returned to normal.


Hemofiltration was performed once at 1:19, and the blood filtration was completed at 2:22.

It was not until 6:46 a.m. that the blood drug concentration test results came out and it was confirmed that it was difenidol poisoning. In addition, the lung damage and respiratory acidosis in the patient were not caused by our hospital, but by the previous hospital."

After listening to Wang Yufei's handover, the people in the entire office opened their mouths in surprise.

Even Kang Yanming showed an expression as if he had heard something strange:

"What? Gastric lavage turned into lung lavage?! Which hospital?"

"It seems to be in Yunbei County, not far from the imperial capital."

"Oh my god! This kind of thing still happens in this day and age? The family members must keep the diagnosis results and go back to the hospital for compensation."

Wang Yufei nodded: "I have already told the family members, and they are also very angry."

"By the way, this patient is poisoned by diphenidol? Isn't diphenidol a motion sickness medicine? How much did she take? ? "

"This little girl is prone to motion sickness, and she has motion sickness patches and motion sickness pills in her bag.

She had a quarrel with her family and ran away from home and wanted to commit suicide. As a result, the pharmacy did not sell other medicines, so she saw the adverse reactions on the package of Difenido.

She found that the reaction of this medicine was quite serious, so she went to buy five boxes of motion sickness pills.

It was originally a simple matter of taking medicine to commit suicide, and it would be done by washing the stomach.

I didn't expect that washing the wrong stomach would lead to such a series of consequences. "

Wang Yufei spread his hands and said helplessly.

If the county hospital hadn't washed the wrong stomach, would he have spent so much effort last night?

In the end, it was Zhang Yi who came to help to find out.

Thinking of this, Wang Yufei looked up at Zhang Yi.

Kang Yanming looked at Wang Yufei approvingly:

"Not bad, Wang Yufei, you are now very capable of taking charge of things on your own. You handled the situation very well despite being so busy last night.

Is the girl stable now?"

"Yes, she is, but she still seems a little dizzy. She will probably need to stay in the hospital for another two days for observation before she can completely recover.

And that is..."

"What is that?"

Wang Yufei hesitated to speak, and everyone looked at him.

"In fact, we have to thank Zhang Yi for finding out that the patient had the wrong stomach lavage last night.

Because I really felt it was strange at the time, and I didn't know what kind of medicine could have so many complications at the same time, so I called Zhang Yi.

Later, Zhang Yi came to the hospital late at night, and later... it was found that the gastric lavage turned into lung lavage."

"Ah? Zhang Yi?"

"Zhang Yi again!"

"Awesome Zhang Yi, running to the hospital late at night, you're tired."

In the office, everyone started to brag about Zhang Yi's awesomeness.

Wang Yufei actually envied this feeling of being praised.


One should be realistic.

Zhang Yi's visit to the hospital last night really helped him a lot.

If he were alone, he would never know when the girl's gastric lavage turned into lung lavage.

So, he would take the credit he deserved, but he, Wang Yufei, would not take the credit he shouldn't.

(Today is New Year's Eve. First of all, I wish all my friends who are following me a happy new year! I'm busy these days during the New Year, so the update may be a little slower, but the number of words will definitely not be less, still two chapters of 4,000 words.


It may be a little late if something happened, but I will definitely make up for it later.

Finally, thank you all for reading! Happy New Year! Wish you good luck! )

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