The old man was very happy.

"Doctor Zhang! Thank you! You are a good person!

Thank you for helping me solve the hospitalization fee for my child! Thank you!

I don't know how to repay you, I... I really don't know how to repay you...

I... kowtow to you! Can I kowtow to you?"

Although Zhang Yi was scolded by netizens for posting the video, he knew in his heart that everything was caused by him.

If he hadn't abandoned the child and ran away, the hospital doctors wouldn't have looked for him everywhere.

The police wouldn't have come all the way from the imperial capital to their county to look for people.

In addition, the help Zhang Yi gave was real money!


Zhang Yi must be thanked!

"Get up! Don't kneel down. I don't mean to help you. I just want to help you because of the child."

Zhang Yi pulled him but couldn't move him. So he just let him do what he wanted.

"Doctor Zhang, you are a good person. Thank you so much!

But I don't have anything valuable on me. I don't know how to repay you. I can only kowtow to you!"


This guy kowtowed twice more.


If he kowtows again, his head will be broken!

"Okay, okay, you get up first. If you want to thank me, just make a promise."

The child's father stood up immediately after hearing this.

"Okay! Any promise is fine! Thank you, Doctor Zhang!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Yi, as if they were curious about what Zhang Yi wanted to say.

This family member has no money and no things. What promise can he make? ?

Zhang Yi's expression was extremely serious. He looked at the child's father and said word by word:

"I want you to promise that no matter you are rich or poor, you will never abandon your child.

Bai Yufan is still young, he is only five years old, and his parents occupy a very important position in his world.

And he has no ability to leave his parents and go out to be self-reliant.

If he leaves adults, he will die!

So, you have to promise me that you will never abandon your child again and don't do such irresponsible things.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't do it. I can't punish you, but the law will!"

As he said, Zhang Yi glanced at the police standing next to him.

The police nodded and said:

"Yes, according to Article 261 of the Criminal Law:

For those who are old, young, sick or otherwise unable to live independently, if they have the obligation to support them but refuse to do so, they may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years if the circumstances are serious.

Your child has a malignant tumor, and you don't want to raise him because he is sick, and you abandon him in the hospital.

If the hospital doesn't help you take care of and treat the child these days, once he dies because of your abandonment, then even if the circumstances are serious, you will be guilty of abandonment! You may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years!"

Hearing what the police said, the child's father shuddered.

At the same time, he was secretly glad in his heart...


Fortunately, the doctors and nurses of Union Hospital are good people, helping him take care of the child for so many days.


If the child really had no one to take care of him, he would probably have starved to death in the hospital...

"Thank you! Thank you, I know I was wrong! I'm really sorry, I really know I was wrong.

I will definitely work hard to earn money and take good care of the child!

By the way, I hope you can also talk to the child's mother, the police.

Although I divorced his mother, she also has the obligation to raise the child.

In the more than a year since we separated, she really hasn't given any money...

Don't say how much, she has to give a thousand yuan a month, right?"

The police looked at him and nodded: "Okay, we will talk, this kind of thing should be discussed with your ex-wife face to face, if you really can't discuss it, you can sue.

As the child's mother, she does have the obligation to raise the child."

Hearing what the police said, the child's father was relieved.

Before, the child's mother didn't give money every time he asked for it, and he hoped that the police would talk to the child's mother to give a little.

Soon, the conversation in the ward was almost over.

There is no need to worry about the money for the child's medical treatment.

Now, the child's father only needs to consider the living expenses of the father and son.

This must be up to him to work hard outside.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to go to work as a food deliveryman.

He has free time, can come to the hospital to see the child at any time, and the salary is not bad.

In the capital, if you work hard, you can earn tens of thousands of yuan.

After taking care of everything, Zhang Yi returned home with peace of mind.

The emergency room.

Bai Yufan's father finally came back. With his own hands, he could always earn money to support himself and his children.

Next is Bai Yufan's treatment.


Currently, he has only undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy once. After a few days of hospitalization, the treatment was effective.

And the only side effect is ulcer.

From this, it can be judged that the child can be discharged from the hospital.

This discharge does not mean that he is discharged after recovery, but chemotherapy and radiotherapy patients generally do it once a month.

As long as the side effects are not obvious or they can bear it by themselves, they can go home.

After making a date next month, Bai Yufan's father will bring the child to the hospital for the second chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

At that time, we will decide whether to do the third treatment according to the situation to see the side effects of the child and the metastasis of the tumor cells in the whole body.

If there is a third treatment, it will take another month.

And so on, until the tumor cells are killed.

If you are lucky, you can be cured directly by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Generally speaking, surgery can be performed after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and the effect will be very good.

The worst case scenario is tumor cell metastasis, and the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy are not very good. In desperation, one can only consider kidney transplantation.

Of course, what Bai Yufan chooses in the later stage depends on the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Treatment varies from person to person. Some patients with the same disease can be completely cured, some can live five or six years longer, and some patients can only live for half a year.

Zhang Yi definitely still hopes that Bai Yufan, this little guy, can grow up healthily.

That night.

The fact that Bai Yufan's father returned to Union Hospital was on the news.

Zhang Yi also knew that since the police agreed to the media filming, it would definitely be on the news sooner or later.

When he opened his phone, the top searched news topics on Weibo, Douyin, and Toutiao were all related to Bai Yufan.

Even more outrageous is that! !

The topic of "Zhang Yi, a good doctor in the hearts of the people" was also on the hot search!

Zhang Yi looked at this topic and couldn't help laughing and crying!

"No... Why am I on the news for no reason? Isn't this news related to Bai Yufan? What does it have to do with me?"

With curiosity, Zhang Yi clicked on his topic to check.

It turned out that the video in this topic was actually a video of Bai Yufan's father kneeling down to him alone.

In the video, the conversation between Bai Yufan's father and himself was all captured by the photographer in the ward at that time.

Not to mention, Zhang Yi was concentrating on talking to Bai Yufan's father at that time and really forgot the existence of the photographer.

I didn't expect that such a scene would be on the news now.

In the picture, Bai Yufan's father knelt down to him and said a lot of words of thanks.

But in the end, Zhang Yi only asked Bai Yufan's father to make a promise.

This promise was neither money nor a bribe.

Just the simplest sentence: Don't abandon your children again in the future.

This scene really moved the netizens.

Zhang Yi looked at the comment area on his phone and found that all the netizens were praising him.

Netizen ‘Guangxi Dili Lengba’ commented:

“I’m sorry! I really thought that the promise that Dr. Zhang wanted was that Bai Yufan’s father would pay back the hospital bills when he made money in the future… I’m narrow-minded, sorry Dr. Zhang!”

Netizen ‘I’m a little wolf warrior’ commented:

“Fuck! As a man of steel, I almost cried when I saw this scene!”

Netizen ‘Niu Hulu·Fake Huan’ commented:

“Ah!!! Dr. Zhang!! My husband!! You’ve done a great job! Our country of China has a promising future with doctors like you!! Muah~~”

Netizen ‘I’m your second uncle’s aunt’ commented:

“I’m so touched. Dr. Zhang has helped so much and donated one million yuan himself.

The result is But he only wants a promise that a father should make..."

Netizen 'Director Huang Xinyuan of Weilin People's Hospital' left a message:

"Dr. Zhang is awesome! As a colleague, I admire him very much!

To be honest, although he is much younger than me, he can even be my son.

But I still can't match his vision and courage!

He! He is definitely one of the best doctors in our Chinese medical field!

Of course, I also hope that there will be more good doctors like him in China!

In this way, our country will get better and better, and the doctor-patient relationship will get better and better.

This is a virtuous circle, and ordinary people will benefit in the future!"

Netizen 'Face the Wind!' left a message:

"Please support Dr. Zhang! If his charity fund is still in need in the future, I will definitely donate!

No matter how much the amount is

, we can donate as much as we can!

Do more good things, maybe it can help ourselves in the end! "

Looking at the comments of netizens, Zhang Yi was actually very moved.

Sometimes you feel that if you do something troublesome or thankless, people will really see it.

So Zhang Yi did the right thing in establishing a charity fund.

Then, Zhang Yi looked at the comments under the topic of "Bai Yufan's father returned to Union Hospital".

There are still a lot of abuses.

After all, it is a matter of the biological father abandoning his child. Even if you come back now, many people will still hate and dislike you.

But many netizens are trying to encourage the father and son.

Abandoning the child because of being too poor .

Since the Zhang Yi Charity Foundation is now responsible for the child's entire hospitalization fee, the father's burden will be much smaller.

Can he just take care of the child?

Can he earn some money and take care of their daily lives? ?

In short, there are all kinds of things on the Internet.

Of course, whether it is encouragement or abuse, Zhang Yi hopes that this young father can grow up and know his responsibilities.

SCI China Office Building.

Editor-in-Chief's Office.

Cheng Xin looked at the scores just evaluated and knocked on the door of the editor-in-chief's office in a panic.

"Come in."

The next second, Zhou Zhengguo's voice came in.

The door opened.

Seeing that it was Cheng Xin, Zhou Zhengguo also became nervous.

These days, the high-level paper written by the undergraduate has been hanging in Zhou Zhengguo's heart.

This matter is really suspenseful!

Undergraduate students write papers, hiss...

It's really incredible!

"How is it? Is the score out? ? "

Cheng Xin nodded vigorously.

Walking from his seat to the editor-in-chief's office, Cheng Xin felt that his excited heart was about to jump out of his mouth!!


This is the first case!!

Undergraduate students actually wrote...

"Tell me! How many points did Zhang Yi get for that paper? !"

Zhou Zhengguo was not much more relaxed than Cheng Xin.

In just a few minutes, Zhou Zhengguo felt that his palms began to sweat.

"Yes... yes..."

"Tell me! ! "



Union Hospital.

After Bai Yufan's father came to the hospital the day before yesterday, this sensational social news of abandoning a child finally came to an end.

At ten o'clock this morning, the doctor of the Pediatric Oncology Department approved Bai Yufan's discharge.

Wait until the seventh of next month to come to the hospital for radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Then it will depend on the situation to decide whether to arrange hospitalization again.

When he was discharged, Bai Yufan was still reluctant.

He hugged the doctors and nurses of the Pediatric Oncology Department and cried loudly, with tears and snot all over his white and tender face.

At this time, Zhang Yi felt that Bai Yufan was still a little baby.

Even Suzhou, who was in the next bed, envied Bai Yufan very much.

Suzhou had already done the fourth round of radiotherapy, and he had to wait a few days to arrange surgery, so he could not be discharged for the time being.

Can only envy Mu Bai Yufan.

The two kids also agreed to go out and see the Ultraman live-action exhibition together after they recovered from their illness.

Zhang Yi couldn't help laughing. Kids nowadays know so much.

Ultraman live-action exhibition? ? Isn't that a comic exhibition?

How old are kids who know about comic exhibitions?

When they reached the hospital entrance, Bai Yufan held his father's hand and looked back at Zhang Yi.

When he looked back, the little guy smiled at Zhang Yi, still a very shy smile.

But this smile was more friendly and familiar.

It was different from the unfamiliar smile when they first met.

Zhang Yi also smiled, squatted down and opened his hands to him.

The little guy understood immediately, let go of his father's hand and ran back.

He threw himself into Zhang Yi's arms.

"Xiao Fanfan, listen to your father when you go back, okay? Come to the hospital to see your uncle and aunt next month, okay? ”


Bai Yufan leaned his head on Zhang Yi’s shoulder, his forehead pressed tightly against Zhang Yi’s jaw.

When he nodded, his hair pricked Zhang Yi’s face a little.

“Okay, go back. By the way, if your dad does something strange again, or doesn’t come back for a day, you can come to the hospital to find your uncle, okay?”


The little guy nodded obediently.

After waiting for a while, Bai Yufan still didn’t come out of Zhang Yi’s arms.

Not far away, Bai Yufan’s father also smiled and watched this scene without interrupting.

He knew that the doctors and nurses in the hospital took good care of the children, and it was normal for the children to like them.

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