The more fans you have, the more you have to be a role model.

Just like a star who appears in the public eye, the more fans you have, the more you have to play a role model.

There are tens of millions of fans following Zhang Yi now.

Everything Zhang Yi does can influence his fans.


Finally, Zhang Yi nodded:

"Okay, let's go and have a look during the break in two days. Whether we agree or not, we'll see first."


Chen Fang responded, and the matter was settled.

Just after the two finished chatting, an ambulance arrived at the emergency door.

Zhang Yi could hear the sirens of the ambulance while sitting in the office.

"Is there a patient?"

As he said this, Zhang Yi stood up and walked towards the emergency entrance.

As he got closer, he found that the car didn't seem to be the ambulance of Union Hospital.

"Is this the car of the Sixth Hospital?"

"Xinyu? Did the Sixth Hospital send a patient here?" Zhang Yi asked a nurse.

"Yes! He was injured on the construction site. The Sixth Hospital couldn't treat him, so they sent a worker here."

So that's it.

Zhang Yi walked to the door to pick up the patient.

It happened that he was in charge of the emergency room today.

As soon as he walked to the door, an uncle was carried down from the ambulance.

He was about fifty years old.

The whole right foot was wrapped in a lot of gauze into an oval shape.

As soon as he looked inside, Zhang Yi could only use the word "skin torn and flesh torn" to describe it in his mind!

"What's the situation? What's wrong with the foot?" Zhang Yi asked while pushing the patient into the emergency room.

"I was working on the construction site. I was accidentally hit by a stone slab falling from a car and injured my foot. The first metatarsal and proximal phalanx of my right foot were all fractured.

The skin, nerves and blood vessels on the entire dorsum of the foot were broken in many places. It is not certain whether it can be repaired.

This is the CT scan taken by our hospital. Take a look.

And the family members... The family members are a bit difficult to deal with. They strongly demand that the foot be restored to its original state.

They have been making trouble in our hospital for two hours. We had no choice but to send them to you."

Zhang Yi took the CT scan handed over by the doctor and raised his eyebrows:

"Oh, you are leaving the stall to our Union Hospital?"

The doctor shrugged:

"Oh, who made your Union Hospital awesome."

Zhang Yi said nothing and pushed the man into the emergency room.

The uncle is currently conscious and has lost blood, but not much.

He was given a painkiller, but he still whimpered and shouted in pain.

Seeing that the family members were not there, the doctor of the Sixth Hospital reminded Zhang Yi again:

"Doctor Zhang, the family members of this patient are very aggressive, you should be careful.

Our director originally said that we should try our best to save the limb and see if it can survive in the later stage. If it cannot survive, we may have to perform amputation surgery.

Because the flesh of the entire dorsum of the foot was smashed by the stone slab, our director searched for a long time but could not find a few intact blood vessels and nerves.

The stone slab is said to weigh more than 100 pounds.

But the family members refused to agree and insisted on making a fuss, saying that amputation cannot be done and the foot must be cured.

Ah! It's really difficult to deal with. You should be careful when communicating, so as not to provoke the family members.

There will be another quarrel at that time."

"Okay, I know, thank you." Zhang Yi nodded.

After the handover was completed, the doctor of the Sixth Hospital left in a car.

Chen Fang held a stack of notices and asked the family members to sign at the door.

Zhang Yi glanced at the door. Those family members were really not easy to mess with.

Chen Fang frowned the whole time. He said one sentence, and the family members chattered ten times.

Watching this scene, Zhang Yi pretended not to see it and turned his head to pick up the CT film in his hand to observe it.

The first metatarsal is the posterior part of the big toe connected to the human foot, that is, the highest and largest bone on the dorsum of the foot.

You can clearly feel the hardness of the bone by touching it with your hand.

The phalanges are the bones of the five big toes.

From the film, the phalanges of the big toe were broken into two pieces.

This metatarsal on the dorsum of the foot was broken into three pieces, and the metatarsal of the middle finger was also broken into two pieces.

This is just the situation of the bones that can be seen through the CT film.

For orthopedic surgery to be successful, it is not enough to just look at the bones.

The most important thing is the blood vessels and nerves.

In some orthopedic surgeries, if you lose your bones, you can use 3D printing technology to rebuild an identical bone for you.

But where can you find blood vessels and nerves? ?


It's hard to reconnect after it's disconnected.

So, the most important thing for this uncle right now is to see how the blood vessels and nerves in his feet are doing.

"Bring the scissors, I'll cut it open and see."


It's been more than two hours since the accident.

Zhang Yi has to move a little faster.

If the disconnection time is too long, it may not survive even if it is reconnected.

"Ouch... It hurts! Doctor! My foot hurts, please be gentle!"

After the gauze was opened, the blood stuck to the gauze and was torn off, which did involve the skin and flesh.

The uncle screamed in pain.

It would have been better if he didn't scream, but the scream attracted the family members who were waiting at the door.

"What are you doing in there??! Lao Li?? Lao Li, how are you?"

"Dad? Dad, are you okay?? Can the doctors in there be gentler? My dad is injured! Be careful or I will complain to you!"

"We want to go in and see! Why don't you let us in??! Is there something shameful going on in there?? Ah?? Why don't you let us in?!"

Outside the door, the family members were knocking hard on the door of the emergency room while talking.

The knocking made the door bang loudly.

The noise directly attracted Kang Yanming.

Kang Yanming was followed by several doctors in white coats.

When the director came, the family members were a little scared.

Kang Yanming had a cold face and asked in a low voice:

"What are you arguing about here? What can't the family members say in a good way? Can you take the responsibility for disturbing the patients inside?"


"My husband is not a patient??! My husband is screaming in pain inside! Let's go in and see what's going on? Why can't we go in?!"

The two young family members were a little afraid of the director, but the old lady was different.

She stared at Kang Yanming with her hands on her hips, spitting saliva while talking, and her mouth was like a shower head.

Kang Yanming frowned more and more, staring at the old lady and said:

"It is because of impulsive family members like you that the emergency room cannot allow family members to enter and exit at will!

There are critically ill patients in it, and doctors and nurses are needed to rescue them at any time to save their lives.

What if you cry and make a fuss in it and delay the doctors and nurses' rescue?

Can you bear this responsibility??!"

The old lady rolled her eyes and couldn't find words to retort Kang Yanming for a while, but her hands were still on her waist, as if she had lost verbally but didn't want to lose in terms of momentum.

At the stalemate, another scream came from the emergency room!

"Ouch... It hurts! Don't touch my feet!"

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