The doctor in the operating room noticed Li Hui's fake smile.

He was upset because he had just ignored such a big director.

Then, Kang Yanming said apologetically:

"Oh, I'm sorry, Director Li, you've made such a hard trip.

It can't be helped. The family member just signed after a long time. If Zhang Yi hadn't used provocation, it's not certain when this person would be able to enter the operating room.

I called you here to ask you to help take a look. This patient's foot was injured by a 100-jin stone slab.

Look, it's rotten like this now."

Kang Yanming pointed at Hu Shun's right foot while speaking.

Although the operation was intercepted by the emergency department...

But since someone from the orthopedic surgery department has come, we have to let them take a look.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to make them come for nothing.

Li Hui didn't say anything more. His original purpose of coming in was to see Zhang Yi perform the operation.

Compared with watching Zhang Yi perform the operation, the little thing that just ignored him was naturally insignificant.

At this moment, the entire instep of the patient had been washed with a large amount of saline.

The condition of the foot was also more clearly presented to everyone.

First of all, the shape of the entire foot. After being hit, several fractures caused the entire instep and toes to show a deformed change.

There were cracks in the skin on the instep and even the heel.

The newly emerged blood from the small blood vessels around was washed away, revealing flesh-pink and even grayish-white tissues and blood vessels.

In the eyes of doctors, this color is not normal.

Normal tissue is pink with blood, and even after the blood is washed away, it should be light pink, not gray.

Li Hui walked in and took a look, frowned slightly and said:

"With so much missing, we can only choose skin grafting later. I guess we can only do a first-stage debridement and Kirschner wire fixation today."

After just one look, Li Hui already had a surgical plan in his mind.

If the damaged area is too large, generally orthopedic surgery will choose multiple surgeries for reconstruction.

For example, Hu Shun, today we will do a first-stage debridement and Kirschner wire fixation, and then add a VSD (negative pressure closed drainage device).

After about a week, the VSD can be removed, and then the recovery of the five big toes can be checked.

If the recovery is good, the second stage of skin grafting can be prepared.

If the recovery is not good, such as black necrosis of the toes, another amputation will be required.

Basically, this is the process of phalangeal surgery.

After Li Hui expressed his opinion, he gently set his sights on Zhang Yi.

You are the lead surgeon for this operation. Tell me, is my opinion correct? ?

Zhang Yi looked up at Li Hui:

"Well, Director Li said what I thought.

Since everyone understands this, let's not waste time. Let's get started."

Zhang Yi urged slightly.

We really can't waste any more time.

Hu Shun went from the Sixth Hospital to Union Hospital, and the family members spent more than three hours in the middle.

"Okay, then I'll be free today. You guys do the operation and I'll be your assistant."

Li Hui said with a smile.

When he smiled, a dimple appeared on one side of his round cheek.

This made Li Hui look less approachable than Kang Yanming.

At least Zhang Yi thought that Li Hui looked kinder.

"Then I'll trouble you, Director Li. Let's get started. Let's do the debridement first.

After the debridement is completed, let's see if the defect can be repaired or grafted.

Our primary goal is definitely to save this foot, but if it can't be saved, we will try our best to save more big toes."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Kang Yanming responded after hearing this, and his eyes were full of trust and affirmation when he looked at Zhang Yi.

General emergency surgeries are difficult to be seen in advance like major surgeries in other inpatient departments, and doctors from various departments come to consult and discuss the surgical plan.

After the discussion, just wait until the day of the operation and do it directly according to the plan.

But emergency surgeries like emergency surgeries are not allowed.

Most of the time, they take a rough look after the consultation, discuss a general surgical plan, and go directly to the operating room.

The situation is urgent, and there is not so much time to discuss in detail.

Therefore, in the emergency operating room of the emergency department, the surgeon is the one with the most say.

In the emergency department, many patients come with cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction or

cerebral hemorrhage, car accident hemorrhage and so on.

These are all very urgent diseases that can kill people in minutes.

Some patients may not have time for consultation and go directly to the operating room while watching the angiography images.

Therefore, those who can perform emergency surgery in the emergency department must have strong ability to deal with critical and severe diseases.

This is also one of the reasons why Kang Yanming is very optimistic about Zhang Yi.

This guy has terrifyingly strong observation, execution and judgment.

With him as the main surgeon, the emergency doctors are relieved and the patients' families are also relieved.

The operation officially began.

On the side, Li Hui really ran to be someone's assistant.

Lan Kang looked at his director, his face full of hesitation...

Director, director!

Zhang Yi is indeed amazing, but...

They are trying to steal the performance of orthopedics!

You are here to help too? ?

Isn't this the same as being sold and helping others count money? !


Although Lan Kang has tried his best to wink at Li Hui.

But Li Hui seemed to have seen nothing.

His eyes were fixed on Zhang Yi's hand, and he knew nothing else.

"Too much of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle is missing, so we can only try to suture it with the dorsalis pedis muscle on the side."

"Give me the Kirschner wire."


The thin steel needle was very obedient in Zhang Yi's hand.

Other doctors had to work hard to fix it, but Zhang Yi did it.

It was as easy as threading a needle.

Li Hui couldn't help but get curious.

Zhang Yi's hands were not only dexterous, but also very strong.

Did he practice somewhere? ?

"Director Kang, take a section of the arm vein for me."

In the operating room, Zhang Yi gave instructions in an orderly manner.

Kang Yanming looked up and asked:

"Are you replacing the dorsalis pedis vein?"

"Well, the dorsalis pedis venous arch is defective in a large area, including a section of the deep peroneal nerve, so the middle finger can't be used.

Cut a blood vessel to graft and see if the ring finger can be saved."

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Kang Yanming nodded and did as he was told.

Seeing Kang Yanming's reaction, Li Hui looked at him in surprise.

Thinking that this old guy has finally found someone to treat you!

I used to see Kang Yanming with a dark face every day, either preaching or on the way to preaching.

Hey? ?

It's better now.

Someone can actually come up with someone to order Kang Yanming around.


Just for this, Li Hui has to give Zhang Yi a thumbs up.

"Give me the tissue scissors."

Zhang Yi took the scissors and cut off the middle finger that had been cut almost along the bone gap.

There was no point in keeping the middle finger. From Zhang Yi's point of view, it was likely to be necrotic if it was forcibly connected.

At that time, it may even endanger the patient's life, which is not worth the loss.

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