After reading the comments, Zhang Yi found that there were quite a lot of fans praising him. Of course, there were also a few netizens who said that he was using these children to gain sympathy and would sell goods through live broadcasts later. Zhang Yi laughed it off after seeing this comment. Me? Selling goods? Do I need that little money? Of course, helping the orphanage is just a piece of cake for Zhang Yi. If a person happens to have these social resources to help them, why not do it? Zhang Yi feels that people should help each other and should be a warm group, not too indifferent. Only in this way can society develop better. At about 12 o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yi and the other two returned to the imperial capital. Zhang Yi originally planned to treat them to a midnight snack, but Chen Fang and Mao Xiaoyuan refused considering that they had to get up early to go to work the next day.

Of course, how could they miss such a good opportunity to eat Zhang Yi's meal?

"If you can't eat tonight, you can eat it tomorrow after get off work." Mao Xiaoyuan's eyes were shining when she said this.


I can eat a good meal for Zhang Yi~!

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded: "Okay, no problem."

Although Zhang Yi is not the richest man yet, eating a meal is really a drizzle for him.

Mao Xiaoyuan drove them home separately.

After returning home, Zhang Yi washed and rested. He was a little tired and planned to read the news about this Weibo tomorrow morning.


In fact, that night, after the Weibo was sent out, Gao Qi began to receive a lot of anonymous transfers and calls from unknown numbers.

At first Gao Qi was still surprised, but after reading the news, he knew what was going on.

It turned out that Dr. Zhang really posted on Weibo for them!

He didn't sleep much that night, mainly because he was excited.

The matter of the orphanage was completely settled!

At about seven o'clock the next morning, Gao Qi sent a WeChat message to Zhang Yi.

"Dr. Zhang, I have received a lot of money here, and many enthusiastic people said they would come to adopt children...

Everything is going in a good direction...

I really don't know how to thank you!

I think your help to me and these children is not enough to measure and repay you even if I kneel down and kowtow to you.

I can only sincerely wish Dr. Zhang that your future career will be more and more successful, healthy, and your family will be safe and happy! Thank you!"

Zhang Yi didn't see this WeChat message when he got up in the morning. He saw it when he went to the toilet and flipped through his phone after the handover in the department.

Zhang Yi thought for a moment and replied: "It's okay, as long as the children are happy, I will visit them at the orphanage when I have time."

"Okay, I will tell the children, they will definitely look forward to your arrival!"

After chatting, Zhang Yi put down his phone.

The days in the emergency department are busy and fulfilling.

Three days later.

Guan Hua was discharged from the hospital.

On the day of discharge, she thanked all the doctors and nurses in the respiratory department, and before leaving, she came to the emergency department to thank Zhang Yi.

No one could have imagined that the "time bomb" on Guan Hua's heart was set by the old lady herself.

She had been set for 21 years just to wait for it to explode.

Unexpectedly, fate is sometimes so magical.

Not only has the aneurysm, which should have been removed by surgery long ago, not been removed for so long, but the old lady is still alive and well.

Moreover, she recovered from bronchitis in a few days, and now she can go home and continue to enjoy the blessing of her children.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh. Some people want to die but can't, and some people want to live but can't.

Guan Hua's family gave Zhang Yi some fruits and the famous imperial palace cakes.

Zhang Yi didn't want to accept them at first, but the family was really enthusiastic.

They said that Zhang Yi helped take care of the old lady and helped Gao Qi a lot, so they had to accept something to feel at ease.

It wasn't an expensive gift, just some fruit snacks. Zhang Yi thought about it and accepted it.

Unexpectedly, less than half an hour after receiving these fruit snacks, the dean's office called.

"Zhang Yi, Dean Jin is looking for you! It sounds very serious!"

The nurse who answered the phone reminded Zhang Yi cautiously.

Zhang Yi was also puzzled. Dean Jin suddenly looked for him? And very serious?

What happened?

Could it be... that I would be fined for accepting a palace cake?

"Okay, I got it. I'll go up right away."

Soon, Zhang Yi came to Jin Zhenglun's office.

"President Jin? Are you there?"

"Come in."

Zhang Yi pushed the door open and walked in: "President Jin, you want to see me?"

President Jin was indeed serious. When had he not greeted Zhang Yi with a smile before?

Today is really a little special!

"Zhang Yi, sit down. I have something to tell you."

"You go."

Jin Zhenglun put down the pen in his hand and reached out to pour a glass of water for Zhang Yi.

"It's like this. Have you heard of Beifa Technology?"

"Befa Technology Company? No." Zhang Yi frowned and said so.

"It is a technology company in Farah. They have recently developed a robot that can perform remote surgery related to 5G technology.

Then they happened to cooperate with Huaxing Technology. They plan to try to promote this kind of remote-operated robot in our country.

I heard that there will be an abnormal exhibition at the end of this month. At that time, several major technology companies doing 5G research in the country, as well as leaders of the National Health Commission, will participate.

Doctors from many hospitals across the country and top students from medical schools will also come to visit.

I was invited to the meeting. I plan to take you with me. What do you think? Are you interested?"

Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows!


How can I not be interested!

I have heard people say that 5G technology has come out, and robots that can perform surgery have come out. Now doctors will be laid off.

At that time, Zhang Yi sneered.

Can machines replace doctors? ?

Are you kidding?

Machines can only play an auxiliary role.

The reason why humans are human is that we have a developed brain compared to cold machines.

We have consciousness, can judge right from wrong, and can feel warmth and cold.

If one day machines really replace humans and become the first race on earth, then...

Forget it, Zhang Yi thought about it. If that day really came, he would have been dead.

"What do you think, Zhang Yi? Are you going?" Jin Zhenglun asked again.

Zhang Yi clapped his hands immediately:

"Go, Dean Jin! I must go to this kind of meeting!

I have heard about remote-controlled robots for a long time, but I haven't seen them yet.

Since I have this opportunity this time, thank you Dean Jin for showing me the world."

"By the way, Dean, who is the doctor who is doing the remote operation this time?"

Jin Zhenglun's eyes suddenly became mysterious:

"It's a medical master we all know!"

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