The most important thing is that the whole world is watching this operation now, and everyone knows that it is a very difficult operation. But if China only uses such a young doctor to complete such a difficult operation, will China's medical technology appear more powerful in the eyes of foreigners? ? Compare the degree of surprise of the president of Union Medical College completing this operation with the degree of surprise of an undergraduate who has just graduated. Which one is more shocking? ? It must be the latter! Once the operation is successful, the outside world will only think that China's medical field is full of talents! Such a difficult operation was only performed by such a young doctor!

So, after just a few seconds of thinking, Jin Zhenglun decided to give this opportunity to show the world China's medical technology to Zhang Yi!

To this rising star in China's medical field!

At this moment, there was an uproar in the operating room!

Everyone was so surprised that their mouths were so big that they could fit two eggs.

Not only in the conference room.

The audience in the live broadcast room also expressed surprise and doubts.

Many netizens who saw the news and came into the live broadcast room were not studying medicine, and they didn't know who was the president of Union Hospital.

But someone in the live broadcast room was popularizing science.

"Damn! The president of Union Hospital actually gave this opportunity to Zhang Yi?? Fuck!! This is outrageous!"

"Oh my god, is this appropriate?? I know Zhang Yi is very famous, but... but now the timing is too important! If the operation fails, then our country will lose face in front of the whole world!"

"Believe in Dr. Zhang! With Dr. Zhang's skills, he can definitely complete this operation!"

"The netizen who believes in Zhang Yi, I think it's better not to blindly believe in it at this time! I admit that Dr. Zhang is a very good doctor, and I like him very much.

But!! At this important moment, I still suggest that the senior experts of Union Hospital should complete this operation! This is safer!"

"Yes! I agree with the previous person. After all, Dr. Zhang is young and has never seen this This kind of big scene, I think it is more reassuring to have those big guys come to perform the surgery. "

"What's wrong with young doctors? ? Can young doctors not perform surgery? ? You guys are so funny!"

"As a neurosurgeon invited to watch the live broadcast, I want to tell you something.

I admire Zhang Yi very much, and I also know how difficult this operation is.

Especially when the surgical field is only a small hole with a diameter of two centimeters, I personally think that this operation is difficult to succeed.

But if you insist on doing it, you should let Dean Wen and others perform the surgery!

This kind of surgery that goes into the brain is simply impossible to succeed without certain experience!

So at this juncture, only these old experts can perform the surgery! "

In the live broadcast room, there are people who support Zhang Yi, some who think that the overall situation should be taken into consideration, and some foreigners who are watching the show in silence.

In short, there are people who say what they think.

Even on Weibo, Douyin and Toutiao today, even the terms "Can you trust Zhang Yi?" "The president of Union Hospital gave the opportunity to perform the surgery to Zhang Yi!" "Come on, Zhang Yi!" and so on once again dominated the top searches.

The word "Zhang Yi" has once again become a hot word among hot words!

It is not an exaggeration to describe Zhang Yi as the focus of the whole nation.

In just a short period of time, Zhang Yi's accounts on several platforms have all gained followers, and are about to break the 60 million mark!

This number of fans is simply more than many top stars.

Everyone exclaimed that it was awesome!

The scene returned to the conference room.

After an uproar, the leaders of the Health Bureau sitting in the front row did not expect that things would turn out like this.

Jin Zhenglun actually gave the position of the main surgeon to this young man? ?

Damn it! !

Do you know what time it is now, you old man! !

It's not the time for you to give young people a chance! !

The mayor and the municipal party secretary personally ordered that this operation must be successful! !

You old man!

Aren't you making trouble? ?

That young Zhang Yi, you actually gave him such an important operation to do? ?

Have you thought about the consequences if it fails? !

Director Li saw that something was wrong and regretted not stopping Zhang Yi before he went in.


At that time, he just thought Zhang Yi was going in to observe or

Who would have thought that Jin Zhenglun would be so exaggerated as to give the position of the main surgeon to Zhang Yi! !

Director Li's scalp tingled when he thought of the scene of the failed operation!

No, no! We have to stop Zhang Yi!

But when he looked up, Zhang Yi had already started the operation! !

It can be seen on the microscope display next to the operating table that Zhang Yi is looking for the best surgical position in the narrow incision.

This position is not easy to find, especially around the brain stem where nerves are everywhere.

Seeing Zhang Yi and the deans and directors in the operating room with serious expressions, Director Li wanted to stop him for a while, but it was not right not to stop him.

How to stop him?

Zhang Yi has already put his hand into the brain. You try to pull him out at this time? ?

What if his hand shakes and accidentally hurts the nerve?

Wouldn't the operation fail?

So, Zhang Yi must not touch him at this time!

But if you don't stop him...

This... If it fails, the consequences will be very serious!

For a moment, Director Li began to struggle.

In the conference room, everyone began to stare at the LCD screen intently.

Not only here.

Netizens in the live broadcast room, foreign friends far away on the other side of the ocean, senior leaders of Befa Technology Company, and even the mainstream media in the United States!

They are all paying attention to this small live broadcast room of the operation!

If it succeeds, they can applaud this young man.

But if it fails?

Then don't blame them for being rude!

'China can even fail in vertebral basilar artery aneurysm surgery? How is China's medical care? '

'China's medical care has failed! No one can even do basic neurosurgery? '

'China has failed! It seems that their modern medical care needs a lot of progress! '

See? ?

We have prepared the headlines of the press release about the failure of the operation~!

Just waiting for you to fail!


And at this time, the operating room... is terribly quiet!

Everyone held their breath, their eyes focused on Zhang Yi's hands!

They didn't dare to blink! !

So steady! ! !

This is a high-definition camera! !

How could Zhang Yi's hands be so steady! !

Because the operation was being broadcast live, the camera would zoom in to magnify the patient's brain incision and Zhang Yi's hands.

But from just now until now, when Zhang Yi was operating in the incision with the free forceps! !

It was as if Zhang Yi's hands were not moving at all! ! So steady that it made people palpitate! !

Professor Phipps's hands still had normal mechanical tremors! !

How could this Zhang Yi be the same as the robot just now? ?

Not shaking at all? !

Could it be that Zhang Yi was also a robot? ?

Can it also automatically shield mechanical tremors? !

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