The doctor was so excited that he couldn't help shaking his hands while holding the curved plate.

Zhang Yi! !

This is the miracle doctor! !

At this moment, Wen Kang was a little excited, and his hands holding the curved plate began to tremble uncontrollably.

After taking two deep breaths, he tried to recover.

Not only Wen Kang!

Everyone present!

And the chief experts who were assistants in the operating room! !

They all seemed to have forgotten to breathe!

They stared at Zhang Yi's hands!

It's coming out! !

The removed tumor is really coming out! !

And it was a blind cut! !

The general shape of this tumor has been seen by these people in the operating room.

As soon as the tumor was removed, they could roughly tell how well the tumor was removed and whether the operation was successful by just looking at the border.

Bang, bang, bang!

The whole conference room was very quiet!

Everyone could almost hear their own heartbeats! And the heartbeats were getting faster and faster!

The whole heart seemed to be about to jump out of the throat!

Finally! !

Zhang Yi's hand moved! !

Everyone could see that Zhang Yi's hand holding the removal forceps began to retreat out little by little.

Very steady!

So steady that it was no different from a robot!

"It's out!!"

The next second, a mass of blood-red unknown tissue with a diameter of about three centimeters was clamped out by Zhang Yi.

The experts and directors immediately gathered together, and several heads gathered together to observe the removed tumor!

They were so excited that they even blocked the high-definition camera.

(The audience in the live broadcast room was cursing~)

But these experts and directors didn't care about that!

The expressions on everyone's faces were either horrified, shocked, or unbelievable.

After a while, Director Ma of Qilu Hospital was the first to speak:

"The border of this tumor is so... so complete!"

"Miracle! This is a miracle!"

"Too perfect! The tumor was removed so perfectly!!"

Then, the experts raised their heads and praised Zhang Yi.

Director Ma of Qilu Hospital was still questioning Zhang Yi a few minutes ago, but now he was slapped in the face.

Director Ma's inner OS: Ouch~ My face hurts~

But it doesn't matter! !

Even if I was slapped in the face, I still have to say: Zhang Yi is awesome!

After the directors finished reading, they put the things in the curved plate under the camera.

At this time, the live broadcast room had a high-definition direct shot of this small tumor!

Instantly, netizens were boiling again!

"It was a miraculous operation!"

"Fuck! There was no bleeding at all??"

"So complete, so complete! This operation must have been successful!"

"The tumor boundary is so clear! There was no bleeding! This shows that Zhang Yi cut it perfectly along the boundary! There is even a capsule on the tumor!"

"Too scary! Is this Zhang Yi's strength?!"

"He is the God!"

"Chinese doctors are amazing!"

The tumor was perfectly complete and clear in front of the world.

People who know the business almost know that this operation is likely to be successful!

And it is a miraculous success!

It is a success that cannot be replicated!

It is a possible success in the impossible!


Even on par with Professor Phipps!

At least Jin Zhenglun has this idea in his mind.

He looked up at Wen Kang next to him, wondering what Wen Kang was thinking? ?

This technology, blind cutting!

If he is not extremely strong-willed, proficient in anatomy and has a photographic memory, who can do this operation? ?

Who can? ? !

I am afraid Phipps can't do it either!


Zhang Yi's future is absolutely immeasurable!

In the conference room.

Many doctors watching the operation were stunned.

This is so fucking amazing! He actually succeeded in blind surgery!!

Then Zhang Yi will definitely get the 60 million!


I am so envious!

Earn 60 million from one operation? ?



We also want to earn 60 million a day!

Are you still accepting apprentices? ?

Director Li, who was sitting in the front row, was so nervous that sweat was oozing out of his palms and chest...

Awesome guy!

I never thought that one day I would have to rely on a young man in his twenties to keep my official hat? ?


Thank you so much, Zhang Yi!

In the operating room, the operation is still going on.

But it is almost done.

Because the culprit has been taken out, the next step is to finish the work.

Inspection, drainage, suturing, medication, etc.

Before they knew it, most people in the meeting room were so nervous that their palms were sweating or beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

But Zhang Yi? ?


He is still so handsome!

Calm and unhurried!


He is really handsome!

Just at this time, the operation was about to end, and the camera also shifted to Zhang Yi's face very understandingly.

Although only his eyebrows were exposed, he was still so handsome!

The female netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't help but start to be crazy again!

One by one, they scrambled to be Zhang Yi's girlfriend.

Of course, Zhang Yi didn't know that he had already charmed thousands of girls at home and abroad and became the new public sweetheart~

"Okay, it's over. Thank you for your cooperation. We can start the examination."

After putting down the needle holder, Zhang Yi said to several leaders in the operating room.


It is the most important step to really test whether the operation is successful!

Although people who know the business can probably see that this operation is done very well!

But people who don't know the business don't know.

How can they tell how to cut the tumor best?

They can only look at the angiography image!

Soon, Zhang Yi and his team left the operating room. After the people from Xinbei Hospital came in and fiddled for a while, the examination began!

After the scanner went up and down the patient's brain, it took less than two seconds.

The patient's current brain angiography image appeared on the big screen.

The position of the vertebral basilar artery was originally a black shadow!

But now!

The shadow is gone! !

It's gone! !

Only the spring clip-shaped fixator is left!

The next second after the image came out, the whole conference room burst into exclamations.

A few seconds later...

"Pa", "Pa", "Pa"!

A deafening applause rang out in the whole conference room! !

Some people even stood up and applauded!

The applause echoed in my ears for a long time!

Even the foreigners sighed and stood up to applaud Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi smiled and looked at the conference room, bowing slightly to everyone.

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity, thank you!"

"Pa", "Pa", "Pa"!

The applause continued!

Looking at this scene, netizens in the live broadcast room also sent gifts.


The barrage was almost flooded with gifts, and Zhang Yi's face was almost invisible.

At the same time as the operation was successful.

The United States.

The headquarters of Beifa Technology Company.

"Mr. Charlie, the operation was successful! The doctor named Zhang Yi completed the operation!"

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yes, Mr. Charlie, I just watched the live broadcast. Dr. Zhang Yi's surgical operation is so superb!

He chose blind resection! He directly cut off the tumor without a surgical field!"


Mr. Charlie looked up from his desk and opened his mouth in surprise.

Blind resection? !

Oh my God!

It's amazing! !

Then, after thinking for a few minutes, Mr. Charlie suddenly grabbed the black suit behind him and walked out while instructing his assistant:

"Book the earliest flight for me. I want to go to the capital of China and say thank you to Dr. Zhang Yi in person.

In addition, the 10 million thank-you money is also ready.

We must use this to restore the image of our Beifa Technology Company!"

"Okay, sir! I'll prepare it now!"

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