The doctor was in a modern hospital ward.

On the bed in the middle was a gray-haired old man.

He was Professor Phipps.

At this moment, he had slowly woken up.

The bed was surrounded by medical staff and family members wearing isolation suits.

Everyone had a worried look on their faces.

"Mr. Phipps? Are you feeling okay?"

"Dad? Dad, can you hear me, Dad?"

"Professor, you're finally awake!"

As soon as Phipps opened his eyes, he heard several shouts before he had time to adapt.

But at this moment, the memory in his mind stayed on the remote-controlled operation he performed in the operating room.

Phipps opened his eyes slightly, looked around blankly and asked:

"What about the surgery? How is the surgery? The surgery for the vertebral basilar artery aneurysm..."

When everyone heard this, they realized that the old man was still thinking about the surgery when his life was hanging by a thread? ?

At that moment, they couldn't help but admire him.

The professor is worthy of being a professor.

This character is a role model for our generation!

"Professor, don't think too much. The surgery has been successfully completed and the patient is out of danger. You are the only one left.

But fortunately you are awake now. It is also fortunate that the damn guy didn't hit the fatal place such as the large blood vessel..."

Otherwise, Phipps would really die on the spot.

"Fatal... place?"

Listening to his student's explanation, Phipps's brain memories came one after another!


I was shot!

It was that damn guy!

He actually said that I killed his child? !

It was obviously his child who had a terminal illness! He actually blamed me for the mistake!

Phipps, who woke up, was a little excited, and even the heart rate on the electrocardiogram soared a lot.

Everyone around him became nervous:

"Dad! Are you okay?"

"Professor, you lost too much blood before, but fortunately you were rescued in time. As long as you can wake up and survive the infection period, you will be fine!"

Phipps closed his eyes, endured the pain from several organs and skin on his body, raised his hand, and signaled everyone not to be too nervous.

He himself is a doctor, and based on the pain from these places on his body, he can roughly guess that the murderer did not hit the vital point.

Come to think of it, I am lucky...



"Wait Ryan, you just said... that the operation has been successfully completed?"

The doctor called Ryan nodded.

"Yes, Professor. We immediately sent you to the emergency room after you were attacked. As for the remote-controlled operating room...

It was a mess inside at the time. I heard that the remote-controlled data cable was also damaged, so the Chinese side interrupted the operation.

But later, a doctor from the Chinese side took over the operation. The patient in the experiment has now been successfully operated on. According to the news report, the patient has also woken up."

Professor Phipps was relieved when he heard this.

Fortunately, the Chinese patient did not die because of his absence.

After all, this kind of craniotomy is extremely difficult.

From this point of view, China's medical level is also good.

"It's great that everything is fine. Please apologize to the people at Befa Technology for me. If it weren't for this damn attack, the remote control would have been successfully completed on the day of the live broadcast.

How about this, Ryan, tell them that they can set the time for the next remote control. I will do the operation for them again no matter what."

"Ah? Uh... well..."

Ryan's eyes suddenly began to dodge, and he spoke hesitantly.

Phips glanced at him and asked:

"What's wrong, Ryan? Is there any problem?"

"It's like this, Professor, Befa Technology contacted us last night and said... said that the operation contract is going to be cancelled.

I heard... I heard that they plan to change the doctor for the operation next time."

Phips raised his eyelids and said in slight shock:

"What?! They want to change the doctor??"

Because he was too excited and pulled the bullet wound, Phipps gritted his teeth in pain.

"Professor, don't be angry, because... the doctor they seem to be changing... is really great!"

Zhang Yi!

This doctor is really great!

Ryan only found out about this after seeing the video circulating on the Internet.

It turned out that this was the doctor who treated Phipps when he entered the emergency room.

The doctor named Zhang Yi took over the operation.

And what makes people feel scalp numb is...

This doctor looks so young! !

He can complete the operation with such a small surgical field just like Professor Phipps! !

And! !

It was a blind operation! !

Blind operation! !

It's amazing! !

Ryan couldn't believe it when he saw it for the first time!

In order to verify the authenticity of the video, he even asked someone to inquire and verify everywhere.

Unexpectedly, the conclusion he got in the end was...

The video is real, and Zhang Yi's blind operation is also real!

This fact shocked Ryan for a long time.

Even now when he was telling this story in front of Phipps, Ryan couldn't help but get excited when he thought of the operation scene.

Seeing Ryan's appearance, Phipps didn't have time to talk to his family properly, and immediately put his mind into work.

"You said that person is very powerful? Haha, I'm very curious, who is it? Who else in our country can replace me as a cranial surgeon?

Is it O'Leary? Or that guy Mays?"

Ryan opened his mouth, looked at the colleagues next to him, shook his head and said:

"Neither... He is not a doctor in our country, it seems to be from China, the doctor who took over the vertebral basilar artery aneurysm surgery after you were sent to the emergency room."


Phips' face was full of disbelief!

A doctor from China? ?

It turned out to be a doctor from China? !

For a moment, Phipps' heart seemed to be hit by a muffled hammer, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Damn, the wound seems to hurt again!

The reason why he was so uncomfortable was that looking at the entire United States, there were really few people who could replace him in cranial surgery.

Not to mention China, which has always been "backward" in their hearts.

Is there anyone in China who can replace Phipps? ?

It's really strange!

"Who? What's his name? How is he so powerful? Tell me everything that happened during my coma!"

Phips felt uncomfortable but also became interested.

The doctor who can replace him must be an expert professor in China, right?

If he is really powerful, then he is not a loser.


As Ryan explained the incident bit by bit, Phipps' expression changed from shock to confusion, and then to shock!


The sound of the heartbeat on the electrocardiogram seemed to be getting faster and faster!

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