Seeing Chen Fang's panic, Zhang Yi frowned and said, "What's wrong? What's the emergency?" Chen Fang glanced at the patient and said quickly, "Let me do it. You go to the office first. The leader is here!" "Hmm? Leader? Which leader?" "I don't know him, but I heard he's from the municipal government office." "Oh..." Zhang Yi nodded and walked to the office. Zhang Yi was thinking all the way. Is he from the government office? Could it be Mayor Chen? Zhang Yi walked to the door and found that it was not Secretary Chen. In the doctor's office of the emergency department. Kang Yanming was standing next to Jin Zhenglun and talking about something. Behind Jin Zhenglun sat two middle-aged men whom Zhang Yi was unfamiliar with.

Who were these two?

Looking at their appearance, they gave people a sense of majesty even from a distance.

Especially the one wearing a navy blue tie.

Zhang Yi thought, this guy must be an official, right?

Sure enough.

After seeing Zhang Yi come in, Jin Zhenglun hurriedly greeted him:

"Come on, Zhang Yi, let me introduce you.

This is the director of our city's Land Development Bureau, Director Yan Weiyan."

Oh? ?

Land development? ? Isn't that related to real estate? ?

Well, that was indeed a guess.

He is really an official.

Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and greeted the director respectfully:

"Hello, Director Yan, I am Zhang Yi."

Director Yan's face, which was intimidating without anger, finally showed a smile.

However, the smile did not reach his eyes, and it looked like a polite expression.

"Hello, I have heard that you are very elegant, Dr. Zhang. Today I came to see you and realized that what you said on the Internet is true."

After a few polite words, Zhang Yi naturally asked about business.

In the broad daylight, such a big leader did not do his work and came to the hospital to find me?

There must be something wrong!

Kang Yanming glanced at a few people and said quickly:

"Let's put it this way. Director Yan did come to you for something. Our emergency department is busy outside. You should go to my office inside to talk first, so as not to disturb Director Yan."

"Okay, let's talk inside."

Although Director Yan is an official, this is someone else's hospital after all.

You can't delay other people's work because of a little personal matter.

After a few minutes, the director's office was quiet.

Only Director Yan, Zhang Yi, and Jin Zhenglun were left in the office.

Director Yan took a sip of tea and got straight to the point:

"It's like this, Doctor Zhang. I'm not the one who came to see you today. It's a distant relative of mine who's doing real estate development in the capital. I want to find you to learn about heart transplants. I wonder how much you know about this?"

Yan Wei got straight to the point.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard the word heart transplant.

Yo? ?

Is he looking for me to do the surgery? ?

Zhang Yi pretended to be calm, thought for a few seconds and said:

"Heart transplant? What's wrong, Director Yan? Just ask me if you have any questions.

If you want me to do the surgery, I can help take a look first.

As long as it's not a particularly rare and complex transplant, I can try it."

Good guy!

Yan Wei hadn't said this yet, but Zhang Yi had already guessed it? ?

Before coming, Yan Wei was a little unsure. Zhang Yi was a doctor in the emergency department. Just because he was good at neurosurgery didn't mean he could do heart transplants.

Heart transplant!

This is one of the most difficult surgeries!

That's why he planned to ask slowly and make sure there were no problems before introducing it to his relatives.

But he didn't expect that Zhang Yi actually guessed the purpose of Yan Wei's visit this time.

Yan Wei saw that Zhang Yi was so direct, so he naturally stopped beating around the bush.

"Okay, since Zhang Yi has guessed it, I'll tell you straight.

My relative is currently seeking medical treatment in the United States with his child, and he is seeking that Professor Phipps.

Including the round-trip air tickets, hospitalization fees, and the money to buy the heart, it has cost more than 6 million.

Although this money is not a lot of money for him, the child has not had the operation yet, and they are really anxious as elders.

The operation was originally scheduled for next Monday, and the heart of the donor also decided to give up treatment next Monday.

This way the time will be just right.

Unexpectedly, Phipps had an accident!

If the surgeon has an accident, then

The operation was naturally postponed.

But it is not easy to find a heart source, as you know as a doctor.

There may not be one person in ten thousand who can successfully match you, so they will not give up on this heart source no matter what.

So now, they just want to find a doctor to help with the operation.

It happened that they also saw your news in the United States a few days ago, so they called me to ask you for help.

Look at this heart transplant operation, can you... do it..."

After listening to Yan Wei's narration, Zhang Yi's mind has almost understood it clearly.

Seeing the news, I found that there are doctors in China with such good medical skills, so now I am considering bringing the child and the heart source back to China for surgery?

After thinking about it, Zhang Yi looked up and asked:

"Do you have the child's medical records? I can do a heart transplant, but I still have to see the condition first. "

Yan Wei was stunned!

You agreed so quickly??!

I didn't expect things to go so smoothly!

Yan Wei couldn't help but look at Zhang Yi twice more.

No wonder Secretary Chen said this kid has a bright future.

It seems so true!

He can even do such a difficult operation as heart transplant??

It's really rare among young doctors!

"Um... I don't have the medical record yet, and I didn't know you would agree so quickly."

At first, he thought Zhang Yi couldn't do the heart transplant.

So today he just planned to come and ask.

Who knew.

Zhang Yi is actually an all-rounder!

"But it doesn't matter, I'll call my relative and send the information over right away! "

Without waiting for Zhang Yi to speak, Director Yan went out to make a phone call.

At this time, only Zhang Yi and Jin Zhenglun were left in the director's office.

Zhang Yi was about to take a sip of water from the cup, but as soon as he looked up, he saw Jin Zhenglun looking at him with a shocked and complicated look.

Oh, right.

Heart transplant surgery can do this...

It seems that Dean Jin doesn't know yet.

When they were rotating in the cardiac surgery department before, they all regarded Zhang Yi as an ordinary genius doctor.

Maybe his operation is really awesome.

But he definitely can't do such a top-level difficult operation as heart transplantation??

So they never thought that Zhang Yi would do this kind of heart transplantation, which is the most important and difficult heart transplantation in cardiac surgery!

Jin Zhenglun was numb!

What's going on??!

Zhang Yi actually...

Even heart transplantation can be done?!


Is it so awesome??

Will Zhang Yi directly replace Jin Zhenglun's position as the director of the cardiac surgery department of Union Medical College soon??!!!!

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