The more you look at the picture, the more you feel.

"Ah? Are you interested in me?"

Zhang Yi was so amused that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Director Kang, are you thinking too much? Isn't this how foreigners are when they get enthusiastic?

Don't the heroines in those foreign TV dramas say hello and darling right at the beginning, and then French kiss for several minutes?

Tina is considered good, let's be modest, I'm not a handsome guy who is loved by everyone and gets a flat tire when driving. Keep a low profile~ Keep a low profile~."

Kang Yanming laughed twice and shook his head, and didn't continue to tease Zhang Yi.

This guy is so handsome and has such a high salary, and his future is limitless.

There will definitely be no shortage of women in the future~

As long as Zhang Yi wants, he can have one at any time.

But now he is focusing on his career, so it is estimated that this Tina has no hope.

After an afternoon of repeated discussions and confirmations between the cardiothoracic surgery doctors and Zhang Yi and others.

The donor's heart is completely fine at present and meets the conditions for heart transplantation.

And Yi Mingsheng's daughter can't delay any longer. The operation will start on time at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning!

Early the next morning.

Boston, Mass General Hospital.

In the operating room dedicated to cardiothoracic surgery.

At this time, Zhang Yi, as the chief surgeon, has changed his clothes and is waiting inside.

At this time, Yi Mingsheng's daughter has been sent to the operating room next to her, waiting for the heart of the donor boy.

Zhang Yi plans to do it all by himself.

That is, he will take the donor heart and he will be fully responsible for the transplant.

This made the original cardiothoracic surgery doctors grit their teeth.

This Zhang Yi didn't give them any chances at all?

They wanted to at least do a heart removal operation, right?

But this guy took care of it all!

It's really too much~!

Suddenly, there were bursts of crying coming closer and closer from the quiet operating room.

Looking out through the transparent glass door, I found that it was the little boy's mother.

At this moment, the mother was walking over with the bed and the doctor with tears on her face.

Several family members next to her seemed to be persuading her, but she still held the handle of the bed tightly with both hands.

Zhang Yi was a little confused when he saw this scene.

Can't bear to part with the child?

How could he let the child burn coal to commit suicide if he couldn't bear to part with the child?

Doesn't the reason for the child's suicide have anything to do with them as parents?


Forget it.

It has nothing to do with me.

Outside the ward, the boy's mother cried for a long time.

As if she knew that she would be separated from him forever, she grabbed the handle tightly and cried in a tone that was almost broken:

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry my child... It's my mother who is sorry for you..."

"Oh my child... It's my mother who is sorry for you... Ah... Can you open your eyes and look at me again?? Child?!"

Seeing this, Yi Mingsheng, who was waiting outside the door, was worried that her crying would delay the operation and hurried forward to say:

"Don't waste time, ma'am! You have already received the money and signed the contract. You can't go back on your word!

It's better to send the child in for surgery as soon as possible. Brain death has been confirmed and there is no possibility of cure...

Please accept my condolences, ma'am! If you want to go back on your word... It's clearly written in the contract that you need to pay me ten times the penalty for breach of contract!"

Fearing that the boy's mother would go back on her word, Yi Mingsheng had to use money as pressure.

He had inquired about the family's situation and the family conditions were indeed not good.

Otherwise, she would not agree to sell the child's heart.

When the mother heard about the money and liquidated damages, she cried even more miserably, but her hands that were tightly holding the bed rails gradually loosened.

Seeing this, the doctors rushed the boy into the operating room.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yi's eyebrows wrinkled suddenly, and then he lowered his head to prepare for the operation.

At this moment, the second floor of the operating room, which is the best place for teaching and watching, is already full of people.

Fortunately, there is a glass plate, otherwise Zhang Yi would definitely hear the chattering upstairs, all discussing himself.

"Come in, come in! The operation is about to begin!"

"Oh my God, why does Dr. Zhang look more handsome from this angle? Looking from top to bottom, Dr. Zhang's head is simply perfect!"

"Damn it! If this kind of man can go to the Champs Elysees Hotel with me to rest for a night, I will be the happiest woman in the world!"

"Oh stinky shit! Charlie, can't you leave me some space? Do you know yesterday

I also brought you some Italian sausage made by my mother!"

"Hey, sorry Hank, there are too many people. This position is right above Zhang Yi's surgery. I really can't give up this prime position!"

"Humph! Break up!"

A group of people were talking, and suddenly, the door to the second floor opened.

It was someone else who came!

It was Phipps, the big boss of this hospital, and several of his assistants.

By the way, there was also a very hot and bright beauty Tina next to him.

When they saw Phipps coming, everyone's faces drooped instantly.

Especially Charlie, who just said that he had taken a prime position.

Phips glanced at the crowd and frowned slightly. Without him saying anything, his assistant Daven quickly made room for them.

"Make way, Professor Phipps is here, all of you move aside. "

Although Daven was not very polite, he was Phipps's apprentice. Could he compete with Phipps for the position?

Soon, a gray-haired old man reappeared in the perfect position just now.

Looking down from above, you can not only see the patient's condition but also see every step of the operation of the chief surgeon and the first and second assistants, clearly and clearly.

It is indeed a good perspective to learn from experience, and it is more convenient for young doctors to observe and learn.

After Zhang Yi looked up at so many people, he thought that he could consider rebuilding some such operating rooms when he returned to Union Hospital.

Of course, the operation is the most important thing at the moment.

Heart removal sounds simple, but strictly speaking, it is also a very technical operation.

It's just that the doctor's burden will be much smaller, because the patient will die in the end.

On the operating table, the little boy closed his eyes, and his pale face was a little sallow due to malnutrition.

The heartbeat frequency on the ECG monitor appeared and disappeared from time to time.

"Sorry to bother you, little friend. I hope you can be a happy and healthy person in your next life. "

Before cutting, Zhang Yi silently chanted in his heart...

As the scalpel cut through the chest skin, blood beads instantly appeared.

Pull open the chest skin, separate the ribs, suspend the superior and inferior vena cava and the aorta and pulmonary arteries.

Measure the length of the blood vessels and reserve enough length for the transplanted blood vessels later.

At this time, Bob and several other foreign doctors thought that Zhang Yi would measure the length first and then cut the blood vessels.


Zhang Yi cut the blood vessels with a click after blocking them directly!!!

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