After all, the money was not enough.

As he spoke, the virtual currency trading software on his mobile phone appeared in front of Wang Qing.

Immediately, a look of surprise flashed across Wang Qing's face.

Wow? ? ?

I can't tell! !

Zhang Yi actually likes to play this? ?

Virtual currency does make money quickly, but this thing also loses money quickly!

How can he make so much money? ? !

Wang Qing immediately put away his doubts, raised his eyebrows and said politely:

"Doctor Zhang, you misunderstood, haha, I didn't think too much.

You are now a household name in the whole of China, and your glorious deeds can't be written on a whole page of newspapers. How could I doubt you?

But... I have to say, Doctor Zhang, you can earn so much just by investing in this virtual currency...

Your vision is really unique, I wonder... Haha, do you have any secrets to provide??"

Good guy!

Who wouldn't be jealous of making so much money? ?

Wang Qing also wanted to ask a few questions, so that he could make a little fortune~!

Zhang Yi laughed and took back his phone.

"It's the same as the stock market, looking at the long-term and short-term. Of course, my luck factor accounts for a large proportion, and I can't teach you anything. Let's continue to discuss the contract."

Are you kidding, and I'm still teaching you secrets? ?

My secret is that I have my own precious system~~

I can't teach you this~

Wang Qing grinned awkwardly: "Haha, that's right~"

He immediately put away his smile and continued to talk to Zhang Yi about business.

The two of them chatted speculatively and signed the contract soon.

Seeing Zhang Yi signed, Wang Qing's heart was finally relieved.

This is stable!

There is hope for the movie!

Not only is the money in place, but the focus of the later promotion of the movie is also in place!

Thinking of this, Wang Qing is sure that their movie will be a big hit!


A week later, Yi Mingsheng's daughter finally left the ICU. Although she still had to be isolated in a separate isolation ward, she was out of danger at present.

This made the mood of the entire cardiac surgery medical staff become relaxed.

However, the mood of Dr. Jian, the director of cardiac surgery, was a bit complicated.

He was really happy. Such a difficult operation was successful. As a doctor, he was relieved for the patient and his family.


The surgeon was from another hospital, which made him, as the director of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Massi General Hospital, a little embarrassed.

It was really strange. Why didn't Zhang Yi stay at their Massi General Hospital?

I heard that Professor Phipps personally invited him but he didn't want to come?

What a pity!

In the past few days, the news that Phipps wanted to keep Zhang Yi working at the Massi General Hospital had basically spread.

Zhang Yi didn't want to stay despite the sky-high salary, which inevitably made many doctors difficult to understand.

Especially the single beauties in the hospital!

I had originally fantasized about having the opportunity to work with Zhang Yi in the same hospital.

But Zhang Yi didn't come!


It's a great regret in life that I can't work with such a handsome and capable doctor~!

One month after the heart transplant surgery must be spent in the isolation ward to fully ensure the sterile environment of the patient.

Because at this time, the patient has to undergo a series of treatments for rejection reactions. If he encounters an infection again, the person will die.

Even Zhang Yi couldn't save the patient under such circumstances.

Moreover, he couldn't wash his hair or take a bath outside for half a year after being discharged from the hospital, and couldn't participate in any activities that might cause infection. He also had to focus on healthy diet.

This is the only way to ensure that the patient can completely pass the observation period.

Now that Yi Mingsheng's daughter is out of danger, Zhang Yi also feels that it's time to say goodbye.

He has been in the United States for more than ten days. These ten days are like vacation and work.

In any case, it's a relaxation.

Before leaving, Phipps also asked for Zhang Yi's contact information, saying that when Befa Technology decides to operate the experiment remotely next time, Phipps will fly to China to watch Zhang Yi's surgery in person.

After all, the other party is a big shot in the medical field. After exchanging contact information with others, Zhang Yi said goodbye to everyone and boarded the plane to leave the United States.

"Oh! I'm finally going back to China! You know what, after eating foreign food for more than ten days, I really want to eat a bowl of authentic sweet and sour pork!"

On the plane, Kang Yanming complained to Zhang Yi and Jin Zhenglun.

They basically ate foreign food for more than ten days, and even if they ordered Chinese takeout, the taste was not particularly authentic.

Jin Zhenglun smiled and nodded:

"Indeed, I want to drink a bowl of bean juice right now, plus the Laodidu fried noodles made by my wife!"

On the plane, several people chatted endlessly about the food addiction they would have after returning home.

Suddenly, a WeChat notification sounded on Zhang Yi's phone.

When he opened it, he found that it was several pictures sent by Chen Fang, which seemed to be the medical records and examination results of a patient.

"Zhang Yi, are you busy now? Please help me take a look at this little boy. He fell to the ground and convulsed. His mother has epilepsy in his family history, which may be hereditary epilepsy."

"But the effect of the sedatives I used was not obvious. He had another seizure on the night of admission, and the interval was less than four hours."

"This is the patient's MRI and EEG results. Can you help take a look? Is it hereditary epilepsy?"

After the picture, Chen Fang sent several paragraphs in succession.


Epilepsy should be easy to control. It can be completely relieved by intravenous injections of phenobarbital or diazepam.

But this patient had another seizure less than four hours after admission?

How strange!

Sedatives have a very obvious effect on epilepsy nerve suppression, so how could he have another seizure in less than four hours?

"Is it a major seizure or a minor seizure?" Zhang Yi asked after thinking for a while.

"Minor seizure, I used diazepam." Chen Fang replied immediately.

"Does the boy have other symptoms of epilepsy? Is he mentally retarded? Is this the first time or has he had convulsions before?"

"There is a little mental retardation, but I don't feel it is obvious.

The child started to have convulsions two years ago, but they were not serious.

Considering that it would cost money to go to the hospital, the family directly gave the child the anti-epileptic drugs that his mother took.

When he was admitted to the hospital, they said that he had just had a convulsion and it was the most serious one in two years. There was no other way, so the family had to send him to the hospital.

When he came, the boy was not very conscious and could only respond to his name in a daze.

But after taking the medicine, he recovered in about half an hour. He could answer his name, age, etc.

Mao Xiaoyuan and I thought it was epilepsy, and the diagnosis and treatment drugs were also given in this way.

But when the results of the MRI and EEG came out, I couldn't understand it instantly.

This result doesn't seem to be epilepsy, can you help me take a look??"

After reading Chen Fang's explanation, Zhang Yi quickly clicked on the picture he sent.

If it is hereditary epilepsy, the MRI may not show very obvious results, and an EEG can be done immediately to confirm whether it is a positive reaction to epilepsy.

However, when Zhang Yi saw the picture, he frowned in confusion.

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