After being yelled at by the deputy director.

The assistants beside him didn't dare to ask questions.

They were afraid that they would be scolded again if they asked some questions that the director thought were basic.

On the operating table, looking at the calcified aortic valve, Zhang Yi couldn't help but frowned.

Seeing this, the deputy director asked:

"What's wrong, Zhang Yi? Is it difficult?"

"No, it's just that the valve ring is completely calcified. It seems that this old man's problem is not just arterial dissection."

As he said, Zhang Yi spread his hands: "Free knife."

First remove the valve ring, especially the calcified tissue to clean it up.

Then reserve a distance of 2 mm on the basis of cleaning it up.

Next, it's time to measure the diameter of the artificial valve.

The assistant just handed Zhang Yi a ruler, and Zhang Yi said the diameter of the valve ring:

"2.5 cm diameter biological valve."

Different materials of artificial valves have different effects.

The valve material can be selected according to the patient's own situation.

Soon, a 2.5 cm diameter biological valve appeared in Zhang Yi's hand.

The next step is suturing.

First, quickly suture the valve ring, confirm that the biological valve is functional, and then cut the ascending aorta above the valve sinus.

Place a small piece of polyester gasket inside and outside the aortic wall at the junction of the aortic valve, pass through the aortic wall with a mattress suture, and suture the junction.

Then place a ring-shaped narrow strip of fabric inside and outside the aortic wall at the proximal and distal cut ends of the ascending aorta, suture to reinforce the aortic wall, and then suture the proximal and distal cut ends of the ascending aorta continuously, and then perform end-to-end anastomosis of the ascending aorta or implant a section of artificial blood vessel between the two cut ends.

Zhang Yi chose the interrupted mattress suture to connect the artificial blood vessel with the ascending aorta.

Watching Zhang Yi's smooth operation, the whole operating room was filled with exclamations.

Even the doctors watching the operation outside had to admire him.

Zhang Yi~~

It has to be Zhang Yi!

After the artificial blood vessel and valve replacement are successful, the operation is half successful.

Then it is time to turn off the extracorporeal circulation machine and open the autonomous blood flow.

See how the patient's blood vessels adapt and withstand after the autonomous blood flow is opened.

Draw out the cardioplegia solution, restore the body temperature, and inject adrenaline and other cardiotonic drugs.

Turn off the catheters on the extracorporeal circulation machine and the convulsion circulation machine and suture them.

Soon, the patient's own blood began to circulate.

After everyone waited for about five seconds, the heart successfully resumed its autonomous beating!

And there was no swelling or congestion around the sutured artificial valve and blood vessels!

"Success! The operation was successful!"

"Congratulations! Doctor Zhang, you are really amazing!"

Everyone burst into warm applause.

Zhang Yi also slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Not bad, not bad~

Generally, it's amazing~

Then, Zhang Yi gave up the position of the main surgeon and looked at the young doctors who were assistants and asked:

"Who of you wants to close the chest?"

Everyone was surprised!

"Ah? Doctor Zhang...Doctor Zhang, are you asking us to close the chest?"

"Yes, we have to give young people a chance to practice."

Several young doctors were ashamed.

Zhang Yi~~

Although we are just poor residents!

But in fact, we are older than you!

Of course.

Not everyone can take over Zhang Yi's operation and show off their suturing skills in front of Zhang Yi.

So, the next second.

All the young doctors watching in the entire operating room.

Including residents and attending physicians, they all raised their hands enthusiastically:

"Me, me, me! Can I do it?"

"Doctor Zhang, I am a cardiac surgeon, let me try!"

"I am a hepatobiliary surgeon, let me do it, Doctor Zhang!"

On the side, the deputy director of cardiac surgery also slowly raised his hand and said:

"Actually~ I can do it, Zhang Yi."

The young doctors immediately looked resentful!

Are you kidding me, Director!

When we young people are learning about this, why are you here to join in the fun? ?

Seeing that the situation was difficult to control, Zhang Yi raised his hand and randomly pointed to a doctor and said:

"Let's pick you, which department are you from?"

"Zhang... Doctor Zhang! I am a cardiac surgeon! Thank you!"

The doctor was very excited!

He actually got the opportunity to show off his skills in front of Zhang Yi!

Woo woo woo~!

I hope Zhang Yi can give me some guidance later!

The doctors who can perform this operation are almost all carefully selected and have some strength.

Although they were not as strong as Zhang Yi, they had already practiced the chest closure operation.


The lucky man named by Zhang Yi began his chest closure operation in full view of the public.

He first explored the entire chest cavity to see if there were any missing tools or gauze.

Then he rinsed it with a bottle of dexamethasone, and then began to suture one by one.

Maybe because several leaders and 20 to 30 people in and outside the operating room were watching him operate, the young doctor was still a little nervous.

Zhang Yi comforted him:

"It's okay, just relax and operate it."

Every doctor goes from not knowing to knowing, from unfamiliar to proficient.

If possible, Zhang Yi also hopes to teach his current skills to other doctors.

In this way, China's medical industry will get better and better.

Encouraged by Zhang Yi, the doctor seemed to have more confidence.

Puncture, hook, and knotting are done in one go!

Although not as smooth as Zhang Yi.

But for young doctors, as long as they are willing to learn, they will not be afraid of not succeeding one day.

"Okay, the operation is over successfully. After the drainage tube is placed, go out and tell the family members."

The operation went so smoothly that everyone in the operating room had a relieved expression on their faces.

Outside the operating room.

Several family members were still waiting outside anxiously.

Suddenly, the lights in the operating room went out.

With a sizzle, the airtight door opened, and a group of doctors in surgical gowns walked out.

Although they all wore masks and hats, the family members still recognized Zhang Yi at a glance.

"Doctor Zhang, how is it? How is my father?"

Zhang Yi comforted:

"Don't worry, the operation has been successfully completed, and he will be sent to the ICU in a while.

Subsequent treatment will continue to insist on using vasodilators and diuretics.

You don't have to worry too much. As long as you can get through the most important few days of danger, there will be no big problem."

Family members cried with joy!

"Thank you! Thank you, Dr. Zhang!"

"It's okay, you're welcome."

After the family members thanked him, Zhang Yi went to the locker room to change his clothes.

After such a big operation, it was only noon.

The doctors who followed the operation couldn't help but secretly rejoice in their hearts.


Following Dr. Zhang Yi, you really never have to work overtime~

You can even get off work early~!

After changing his clothes, Zhang Yi was preparing to go to the cafeteria to have lunch.

He had to go to the emergency clinic in the afternoon.

After staying in the United States for so many days, many patients who had registered with Zhang Yi had already lined up.

If I don't see the patients anymore, they will complain.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw Bai Yufan and his father coming out of the elevator opposite hand in hand.

Bai Yufan's eyes are good.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Zhang Yi standing opposite.

He quickly opened his soft hands and shouted:

"Wow~ It's Uncle Zhang Yi! Uncle Zhang Yi, long time no see~"

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