The tumor was found to be a rare disease.

"Yes, the CT and MRI before the operation showed that the tumor was about 3 mm away from the pancreatic duct and only about 4 mm in size. Why does it look bigger now? Did the examination not check it clearly?"

Before the operation, several old guys in the pancreatic surgery department thought it was just a pancreatic tumor removal operation.

Only Zhang Yi knew it clearly.

This operation can only remove part of the pancreas.

Zhang Yi didn't say it because the examination instrument didn't find it.

The current medical equipment is indeed very advanced, but for rare and complex diseases, it still needs to rely on doctors to check with the naked eye to know the results.

For example, this little boy.

The shadow area of ​​the tumor shown by the instrument is only about 4 mm, because the part of the tumor with dense blood vessels is about 4 mm.

But there are 2-3 mm of tumors around it, which belong to the border area.

The imaging is not obvious, so the instrument can't see it.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi can see clearly, otherwise he would have opened the abdominal cavity and seen this scene, and Zhang Yi could only make the same surprised expression as the doctors next to him.

"Don't panic, bring the abdominal ultrasound."

The abdominal ultrasound is similar to a micro B-ultrasound, which is specially used in surgery.

It can more accurately detect the tumor boundary during surgery.

At this time, Zhang Yi took the ultrasound into the jack and probed back and forth in the head, middle and tail of the pancreas.

And on the display screen of the ultrasound, the boundary of the tumor has indeed expanded!

"This tumor is so cunning! It was only about 4 mm before, but how come it became 7 mm after entering the abdominal cavity!"

"Well, it means that the tumor boundary is too vague. CT scan can't see it. The boundary can only be determined by laparotomy."

After a moment of silence, Liang Changping, director of pancreatic surgery, frowned and said, "It seems that we can only change the surgical plan. Zhang Yi, what do you think?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi nodded:

"Well, it can only be changed to partial pancreatic resection. This tumor is too big to be removed. Xiao Li, go explain it to the family members outside and do psychological counseling for them.

If the operation is changed to partial resection, the risk of the operation will increase. Explain it to them clearly."

"Okay, I'll go now."

The operating room was quiet again.

Zhang Yi took out the ultrasound machine, replaced it with free forceps and continued to explore the surroundings.

The tail of the pancreas and the spleen are adjacent, and adhesions may occur if one of them has lesions.

Zhang Yi did this to save the spleen as much as possible when removing part of the pancreas.

But if the adhesion is serious, the spleen must be removed as well.

"Fortunately, the spleen adhesion area is not large." Looking at the adhesion area on the display, Liang Changping also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, continue to evaluate the area of ​​the pancreas that needs to be removed and mark the resection boundary.

Then continue to explore to see if there are any lesions and adhesions in the surrounding liver and gastric ligaments.

Fortunately, except for the spleen and pancreas and stomach, there are no problems elsewhere.

"Ultrasonic knife."

After the exploration, start freeing.

Use the ultrasonic knife to perform sharp separation first, then use the freeing forceps to perform blunt separation, and then free the pancreatic tail from the retroperitoneum.

Then insert the corresponding size Endo-GIA to cut off the pancreatic tissue at the predetermined cutting line.

"Protein glue!"

After the wound is freed, a layer of biological protein glue is quickly sprayed on the wound surface to reduce bleeding, and then the greater omentum is covered.

In less than ten minutes, the part of the pancreas wrapped with the tumor was taken out.

The pancreas that has been taken out cannot be placed casually. It must be placed in a waterproof specimen bag. After the tumor inside is taken out and sent for inspection, it can be processed.

Then the abdominal cavity is cleaned and a drainage tube is placed.

The whole process is not only fast, but the amount of bleeding is also controlled within 50 ml.

The people around are convinced by the operation.

Outside the operating room, seeing their son come out so quickly, the family members are a little bit unbelievable.

"It's healed so quickly?!" Liang Yu's grandmother asked excitedly.

Before Zhang Yi could say anything, his son, Liang Yu's father, hurriedly pulled his mother's sleeve and said, "Oh, Mom, I told you a long time ago that Doctor Zhang is very good, but you didn't believe it before. See? With him performing surgery on Xiao Yu, we can rest assured!"

At this time, the old lady turned around and smiled at Zhang Yi embarrassedly: "Hehe,

Doctor Zhang, thank you for your hard work. I am sorry for offending you before. Please don't mind it. "

Zhang Yi waved his hand and didn't say much.

The old lady looked down on him in the emergency room before.

But later she brought fruit to apologize, so Zhang Yi didn't care.

He just reminded them: "Now that almost half of his pancreas has been removed, there will definitely be some digestive problems in the future. You must pay attention to your diet. The pancreatic surgery doctor will explain it to you in detail."

"Oh, okay, okay, thank you, Doctor Zhang! Thank you!"

Amid the family members' thanks, a group of doctors slowly walked into the elevator.


In the afternoon, Zhang Yi was busy in the emergency room until more than three o'clock, when he was suddenly interrupted by a phone call.

"Hello, I am Zhang Yi from Union Hospital. ”

“Hello, we are SCI China Journal. We are now officially notifying you that your paper “Research Progress on Evaluation of Bispectral Index for Severity of Traumatic Brain Injury and Patient Prognosis: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Controlled Chinese Clinical Study” will be published in the first issue of the second quarter of this journal at the beginning of next month.”

“What?! Published next month?!”

After hearing the news, Zhang Yi, who had been busy for a long time, finally smiled a little more.

“Yes, you can also log in to the official website to view the specific details.”

“Okay, okay, thank you!”

Seeing Zhang Yi’s rare excitement, other people in the emergency department came over to listen attentively:

“What’s wrong, Zhang Yi, so happy? Are you in love?”

“Haha, Zhang Yi is in love? ? Forget it, I think he will be single for life~"

Mao Xiaoyuan also came over with a teacup, and when she heard this, she immediately gossiped: "That's not certain, maybe he picked up a foreign girl when he went to the United States this time."

"Go away, stop talking nonsense here, do I look like someone in love, I'm so busy. This is a call from the SCI Chinese journal, saying that the paper will be published next month."

"What? !"

"Fuck? !"

"Ah? ? ! Your paper is going to be published? ! So fast!"

"Oh my God, how can SCI rank your paper so quickly? My previous paper was not SCI, but a domestic ordinary medical journal, and it took me a year to rank it! Yours was published in less than two months! !"

For a moment, the doctors in the emergency doctor's office were like ants in a pot, howling.

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