The girl was so angry that she was not happy.

"Second, do your parents... like your brother?"

When Zhang Yi entered the room just now, he found that the people crying in the ward were indeed family members, but only the girl's mother.

Her father and brother just sat on the chairs and watched.

When Zhang Yi asked the question, her father also had a gloomy face, and his expression was not very good.

Can you even see a little disgust in his eyes?

Is this the expression a father should have?

At that moment, Zhang Yi actually felt something was wrong.

Coupled with the sudden slap later, Zhang Yi was more certain that the girl's current symptoms were caused by her family.

The father's dominance and violence, the mother's weakness and cowardice.

There is also a brother who has nothing to do with it.


The ‘disease’ brought by the original family…

But it is not easy to cure.

There was another silence.

After Zhang Yi finished explaining the two reasons, the whole room was quiet for several minutes.

When Zhang Yi looked down at her face, he found that the girl had shed tears at some point.

Zhang Yi did not speak, but silently took out a pack of spare tissues from his bag and handed it to her.

But the girl did not want it.

She raised her head and wiped her tears with her sleeves in a slightly stubborn manner.

Zhang Yi then comforted her: “I know that the pain in your heart is far greater than the pain in your body. I am an emergency doctor, not a psychologist, so I can’t help you too much. But… I also hope to help a little bit.”

Then, Zhang Yi took out a business card of ‘Chengai Orphanage’ from his bag.

“Orphanage?” Looking at the words on the business card, the girl whispered softly.

"Yes, there are many people with unfortunate families. If you go to this orphanage, you will see that there are many children younger than you. Their lives are more difficult and bitter than yours, and some of them have never even seen what their parents look like.

Of course, I am not singing praises to you about suffering, or persuading you to forgive your father.

I just want to tell you that since life is already like this, try to make yourself happier.

You have to understand that not all parents in this world are reasonable and love their children.

Accepting that your parents don't love you that much is also one of the lessons you must go through in your life.

Think about it, after you cut your wrists and commit suicide, will your father really feel distressed and regret it?"

Zhang Yi's words made the girl more silent.

But in silence, tears fell even more.

After a while, the girl said, "No... They only know how to love their younger brother, and they won't care about me no matter what happens to me."


Although Zhang Yi didn't know everything.

But seeing that his daughter had cut her wrists and committed suicide, and even lying on the hospital bed with an IV, he could come over and give her a big slap?

This kind of father who doesn't care about his daughter's physical and mental trauma.

Zhang Yi knew that this man was not worthy of being a father!

"So why do you have to dwell on this? Why do you want to commit suicide?

It's totally unnecessary, right? Why do you have to get stuck in this dead end?

If you don't love me, you don't love me. I can love myself, right?

If you feel that the atmosphere at home is too uncomfortable, just move out.

It's not good to live by yourself without having to look at their faces anymore, isn't it?

I see that you are also 21 years old. Have you graduated from college?

If you want to work or live in a different environment, then I recommend you to go to this "Chengai Orphanage".

I know the director there and can help you arrange a volunteer job.

Accompanying the children there every day, maybe you will be happier and think more clearly."

While Zhang Yi was speaking, the girl slowly raised her head and looked at Zhang Yi with a pair of tearful eyes.

"You... why are you helping me so much?"

Even his own parents didn't do this. An outsider actually... made her feel warmer than her family.

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Because being a doctor is a job that requires kindness. You are already like this, and as a doctor, I can't just stand by and watch you die."

After a few seconds of silence, the girl suddenly burst into tears.

"Wuwuwu...ah! Wuwuwu..."

Zhang Yi was slightly surprised.

No...why are you crying even louder?

So he quickly reached out and patted the girl's shoulder to comfort her, saying, "Don't cry, don't cry. Everyone has their own troubles. If you can't change them, just accept them calmly and live in a different way, so that you can..."

Good guy!

Zhang Yi hasn't finished speaking yet!

The girl actually pounced on Zhang Yi in an instant

Come to her arms!!

Just at this time, a large group of doctors who were on duty in the morning also came here for rounds!


Kang Yanming and a group of doctors pushed the door open!

The first thing that caught my eye was this scene!

The female patient leaned on Zhang Yi and cried loudly? !

Several female colleagues saw this scene and their eyes were blazing with fire~~!!

What the hell? !

She was actually hugging Zhang Yi and crying? ?

Oh my God~~

We want it too!!

One day we will have a chance to express our sadness in front of Zhang Yi, and then take the opportunity to throw ourselves into his arms~!


Kang Yanming coughed lightly.

Zhang Yi looked back and saw that it was the doctor who was making rounds.

But Zhang Yi was also helpless.

He also wanted to let go of the girl's hand, but she was holding it very tightly.

He couldn't pull it open even if he pulled it!

At this time, the three family members behind the doctor also came in.

Seeing the girl hugging Zhang Yi tightly and crying, her father couldn't help but scolded:

"What are you doing? How can a girl behave like this?! It's so cheap! Aren't you ashamed?!"

Zhang Yi saw that something was wrong and quickly stopped the family members who wanted to come forward: "Wait, if you have anything to say, talk it over nicely, don't scold or hit people!"

Her father glared at the girl fiercely.

At this time, her mother came forward and pulled the girl off Zhang Yi.

But she still cried miserably, and her tears couldn't stop falling.

Chen Fang, with dark circles under his eyes, walked up silently and asked:

"Zhang Yi, what did you do?? You actually made this difficult female demon cry?? Awesome!"

While speaking, Chen Fang also gave Zhang Yi a thumbs up.


You are worthy of it, Zhang Yi~!

Zhang Yi said unhappily: "She is not a female demon. You should know from her father's attitude and behavior that the girl is in such a state because of family problems."

After saying this, Chen Fang also recalled what happened last night.

It seems to be true.

The girl's father seems to have a bad temper.

Last night, I either heard the girl yelling or her father cursing.


What kind of parents bring out what kind of children.

"What do you think now? Do you want to call a psychiatrist to come down for consultation?"

Zhang Yi nodded: "Well, let's call one, after all, they are more professional."

During the whole rounds, the girl kept crying.

She was very emotional, and even the psychiatrist came over but couldn't get any information.

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