The doctor said, "Sign? Sign what?" As he spoke, the man cast his eyes on Zhang Yi's hand. It was filled with notifications. After a few seconds, he realized that he was being asked to sign a waiver of liability. He wanted to sign and leave, but his wife secretly pulled the corner of his clothes and whispered in his ear: "You can't sign it. The doctor wants to get rid of the responsibility if something happens to you! It's already been a long time since he didn't give you the painkiller. If something really hurts, we can still go back to him." The man thought about it and it seemed to be the case. Then he pushed Zhang Yi's hand away and said:

"No, what are you? I won't sign if it's not clear! Go away, we have to go to the men's hospital for injections, don't delay me!"

Zhang Yi was speechless.

What a weird couple.

People from the same family stick together, right?

Forget it!

Zhang Yi didn't want to bother with himself.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't sign, anyway, he has just pressed the recording button on his phone.

"I'll give you one last suggestion. Your situation may not be as simple as stones. You really can go for a check-up."

"Go away! Go away! Want to cheat me of my money? No way!"

Just at this time, the driver in the front seat of the taxi also urged:

"Excuse me, are you leaving or not? If you don't leave, there will be a traffic jam."

Zhang Yi then stepped back and watched the couple get into the car while cursing.

"Forget it, I've tried my best, let's do what we have to do."

After saying that, Zhang Yi took the notice and returned to the department.

Wang Yufei saw that no name was signed on the list in Zhang Yi's hand, and couldn't help asking: "Why? That person doesn't want to sign?"


"Hey! These people are really weird? But don't think too much, it shouldn't be a big deal. He doesn't want to believe in our Union Hospital, it has nothing to do with us."

Just after he finished speaking, an old man with abdominal pain came to the emergency department.

At this time, the day shift workers were almost ready to get off work.

Naturally, the doctors on night shift would take the patients.

Zhang Yi asked Wang Yufei to go up to the second floor, and he would be responsible for the night emergency.

At the door of the clinic, Zhang Yi heard several concerned voices from men and women before he even approached.

"Dad, bear with it for a while. I heard that Zhang Yi is on night duty at the Union Hospital emergency department tonight. Bear with it for a while. I'll ask the nurse to call him to see you."

"Dad, does your stomach still hurt? Do you want to drink some more water? I'll pour it for you."

The family member was about to step out of the door when he saw Zhang Yi appear at the door of the clinic.

"Hello, hello, are you Doctor Zhang Yi?" the family member asked hurriedly.

Zhang Yi nodded: "Yes, you sit down first. Is this old man having a stomachache? Can you point to the location?"

The old man sitting in the wheelchair looked to be in his seventies. Because of the abdominal pain, he looked very weak.

"Here... here."

But he still stretched out his slightly thin finger and pointed to his left lower abdomen.

Another lower abdominal pain.

Could it be another stone?

Zhang Yi scanned it silently with his eyes while checking.

Cunning pain in the right lower abdomen?

Intestinal torsion? ?

Intestinal perforation?

No, none of them.

Zhang Yi looked around and found no stones.

Suddenly, he frowned.

He looked towards the heart with curiosity.

Immediately, Zhang Yi slightly widened his eyes.

But the action was very quick, and the family members next to him did not notice the flash of surprise in Zhang Yi's eyes.

"How long has the pain lasted? Have you eaten any special food?" Zhang Yi asked without changing his expression.

The family member replied with a worried look:

"The pain started after lunch at noon, but he didn't tell us at that time, fearing that we would worry. It was only when I came back from get off work and found that he was a little bit abnormal that I asked him, and he told me."

From noon to now, the abdominal pain has lasted for more than 6 hours.

"Is your intestine bloating? Did you fart this afternoon?"

The old man thought about it and nodded slowly: "I think so."

"Are there any medical history? History of hypertension, diabetes or abdominal pain."

"Yes, yes, he has had high blood pressure for decades. This morning I measured it at home and it was 154/98."

"Do you take antihypertensive drugs? Have you gone to the hospital for any examinations before today?"

The family members shook their heads in unison, their eyes widening.

There was a trace of guilt in his voice: "No... We are usually a bit busy, and my dad is in good health, so I didn't think about it."

"Is the only history of hypertension? Is there any other... history of heart disease?"

"Heart?" The family member was stunned and then said in horror: "No way?!? My dad has heart disease?"

Zhang Yi waved his hands quickly: "No, no, no, I'm not saying he has heart disease, I mean that the body functions of the elderly are deteriorating, and abdominal pain caused by heart disease cannot be ruled out."

"Ah? Heart disease can also cause abdominal pain?"

The family member was shocked but still answered seriously: "No, my dad doesn't have heart disease."


When the family member answered, Zhang Yi had already opened several examination forms.

"This is a color Doppler ultrasound of the abdomen and heart, and this is a blood test. These are the basics. You can go and do it first, and come to me after getting the results."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Doctor Zhang!" The family member nodded repeatedly.

After leaving the clinic, one of the female family members wearing red glasses said with relief: "Oh, this doctor Zhang is not bad. He only prescribed three tests for us. Other hospitals need five or six."

"I've said that he is a famous doctor. His status and prestige are here. How could he cheat us ordinary people?"

As they said this, they pushed people to do the examination.

In the clinic, Zhang Yi put away his serious expression and said suspiciously:

"Damn?! The same situation happened twice today?? And it was lower abdominal pain caused by arterial dissection? It's amazing!"

After cleaning up the table, Zhang Yi went to the emergency room.

There are not as many people at night as during the day.

About an hour later, the family members came back with the old man.

But the expressions on their faces were not very good.

Although they couldn't understand the pictures on the list, they could recognize the words!

As soon as the results came out, they searched with their mobile phones.

Coronary artery sclerosis?

Ascending aortic dissection? ?

The mortality rate of untreated aortic dissection is 50%? ? !

Damn? ?

50% mortality rate? ! ?

You don’t know until you search, and you’ll be shocked when you search!

The family members quickly found Zhang Yi with the list.

“Doctor Zhang, please take a look at my dad. What does his cardiac ultrasound mean? Coronary artery sclerosis? And what is that dissection?”

Zhang Yi looked at the results, and because he knew it in advance, he didn’t look too surprised.

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