The man's wife fell on the side of the road and cried.

Wang Yufei saw that he couldn't communicate with her, so he asked the driver standing next to him: "Did this person have other symptoms before he fainted?"

The driver shook his head to indicate that he didn't see clearly, and only heard that his chest hurt like a knife.

However, he also told the story of what happened after Zhang Yi left, when the couple got on the car, and then what happened just now.

Wang Yufei frowned: "Chest pain? Pain like a knife cutting?"

"Yes, there is nothing special about it. He has been saying that he has stones since he got on the bus, and then said that Dr. Zhang insisted that he go for a heart check.

He also said that Dr. Zhang wanted to blackmail him, but..." The driver shrugged helplessly.

As a result, the man fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

After listening, Wang Yufei thought while helping to lift the man into the car.

Stones? Heart pain? Or pain like a knife cutting?

Could this man really have a heart disease? ? Myocardial infarction?

He remembered that Zhang Yi said that when he auscultated the man, he found that he had a systolic and diastolic murmur, and suspected that it was a heart disease, so they asked them to do a heart CT and color Doppler ultrasound.


Just thinking about this, Wang Yufei got goose bumps all over his body.

Zhang Yi!

You are so amazing!

You can find out what the disease is with just a stethoscope? !

Wang Yufei immediately suspected that this person had myocardial infarction!

First, it was because of Zhang Yi's initial inference that it was a heart disease. Anyway, it was right to listen to Zhang Yi.

Second, it was based on the actual situation at the scene.

The pain in the chest was like a knife cutting and sweating profusely when the disease occurred. This is indeed the clinical manifestation of myocardial infarction.

At this time, a doctor who was rescuing the patient suddenly said with difficulty: "Doctor Wang, there is no heartbeat or breathing, and the pupil has no light reflex."

Before Wang Yufei could speak, the woman who fell to the side immediately burst into tears again: "Doctor, please save him! Please save him again! He can't die, our child is only seven years old! Doctor, please save him!"

The crying attracted many onlookers.

Passersby couldn't help but feel pity when they saw her like this.

But Wang Yufei felt that there must be something hateful about pitiful people.

Just now in the hospital, Zhang Yi tried to keep people like that, but you didn't keep them.

What's the point of crying here now?


Suddenly, the woman seemed to remember something and hurriedly grabbed the corner of Wang Yufei's clothes: "Yes, yes, and that Zhang Yi! Your ambulance is also from Union Hospital, right? Quick, let's go to Union Hospital, Doctor Zhang is a famous doctor! I saw that he even rescued people who had died after falling into the water, so can my husband do it?!"

Wang Yufei glanced at the woman, then took a deep breath and said: "Get in the car, try to rescue again, build two intravenous channels, intravenous injection of 2 mg of norepinephrine and 50 mg of sodium nitroprusside, and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately."


Several people got in the car quickly.

The patient's wife wiped her tears and followed immediately.

Soon, the originally noisy intersection gradually returned to normal as the ambulance left.

In the ambulance.

The doctor was doing rescue work.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation plus several rescue drugs still did not make the patient lying on the stretcher get any better.

The woman sitting next to him cried even more miserably.

Wang Yufei glanced at her and wanted to comfort her, but...

When he thought of what they did in Union Hospital an hour ago, he felt that they deserved it.

Zhang Yi persuaded them again and again.

They refused to listen.


"Doctor Wang, there is still no response."

The doctor who was doing CPR looked up and said.

Wang Yufei pursed his lips: "I'll do it."

He was doing CPR while looking at the indicators on the ECG monitor.


It's still a straight line.

If no one presses the heart, the heart wave will always be a straight line.

After thinking about it, Wang Yufei looked at the doctor next to him:

"Call the department and ask if Zhang Yi has had surgery."

If Zhang Yi had had surgery, then when their ambulance arrived at the hospital, they could let Zhang Yi take over.

Although the couple deserved it.

But the patient has now died in front of the Union Hospital, so we still have to take care of him.

Let Zhang Yi come and take a look, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope?


The doctor nodded and immediately took out his cell phone to make a call.

On the side, the patient's wife said nothing.

I can't do anything, I can only cry.

Zhang Yi.

That's the doctor Zhang.

If only they had listened to what Doctor Zhang said just now.

Looking at her husband's lifeless face, she gradually felt a sense of despair in her heart.

The man who was still talking to her in the taxi just now was...

Oh my God!

You can't let him die like this!

What will happen to me and the child if he dies! !

Soon, the doctor who called the department said, "The operation hasn't started yet, but I asked the nurse to go in and ask about the progress. She will reply to me later."

Less than two minutes after he finished speaking, a message came from his mobile phone.

"It is said that the operation will start soon."

Upon hearing this, everyone in the car felt relieved.

That's good, that's good. Let Zhang Yi come and see him later. Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope for this man.

If he needs to have an operation, a mere myocardial infarction is no problem for Zhang Yi.

In this way, the ambulance returned to Union Hospital in silence.

After receiving the notification from the nurse, Zhang Yi finished the operation as quickly as possible.

"Myocardial infarction? What age is the patient?" Zhang Yi asked the nurse while washing his hands.

"Looks to be in his thirties, very young." As he was speaking, the sound of the ambulance came from far away.

Zhang Yi quickly put on a new pair of gloves and went to the door to pick up the patient.

However, just before Wang Yufei lifted the patient down and explained, Zhang Yi had already recognized the patient and the woman next to him.

Hmm? ?

Aren't these the two people who insisted on going to the men's hospital for painkillers just now?

Myocardial infarction?

Zhang Yi realized that something was wrong when he thought of this!

How could this be a myocardial infarction!

He had a dissection!

It must be the knife-like pain caused by the rupture and bleeding of the dissection halfway through!

Wait for Zhang Yi to look at the patient's heart.

Sure enough!

A flash of horror flashed across Zhang Yi's eyes.

Good guy!

He does have a lot of surgical experience, but in reality this is the first time he has seen a rupture from the aorta to the abdominal aorta!

It is really rare!

Of course, the look in his eyes flashed quickly.

Zhang Yi pushed the patient into the emergency room with a heavy face.

This person is already dead.

And he died of a ruptured aorta and heavy bleeding.

Even if he is a great surgeon, he can't save a dead person.

That's not science.

It's metaphysics, oh no, it's fantasy!

Seeing that Zhang Yi's face was not good, Wang Yufei told Zhang Yi about the patient's condition in detail, but Zhang Yi didn't react. He couldn't help asking:

"Zhang Yi? We... don't want to rescue him?"

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