After waiting for a while, several doctors found that the patient had no brain or abdominal injuries after receiving the examination report.

Chunchun was in a deep coma due to drinking.

The reason for hypoxemia was that the tongue fell back, blocking the respiratory tract, and hypoxia occurred over time.

Fortunately, the family knew to send the patient to the hospital. If they just waited at home to sober up, I am afraid that the person would die in the middle of the night.

The cause was drinking, but the secondary cause was hypoxia.

Hypoxia caused the body's organs to strike due to lack of oxygen, and the metabolic rate also slowed down.

Not only was there no oxygen in the body, but carbon dioxide was also stored.

In addition, this person's long-term alcoholism has caused poor liver metabolism, and the metabolites produced after drinking should rely on the liver to metabolize.

Under the dual blessing of hypoxia and poor metabolism, this person's current situation is actually very grim.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time and an artificial trachea was established.

Not long after, the patient's blood oxygen had risen to 95%.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, the oxygen saturation was only 79%, and now it is 95%.

Zhang Yi said in a deep voice: "Give me another blood gas analysis."

After a while, a new blood gas analysis appeared in Zhang Yi's hand again.

PH value: 7.29 (7.35-7.45)

Oxygen partial pressure: 128mmhg (83-108mmhg)

Carbon dioxide partial pressure: 50.2mmhg (32-48mmhg)

Oxygen saturation: 95% (94-98%)

Lactic acid: 4.5moml/L (1-1.8moml/L)

Total oxygen concentration in blood: 18.23vol% (16-21.5vol%)

"The situation is much better than before. You don't have to worry too much. Once he metabolizes the alcohol and sobers up, we can take him home."

After looking at the blood gas report, Zhang Yi comforted the family.

"Okay, thank you, doctor. I'm sorry to bother you late at night."

Although the fat man was very fat, his wife had a well-proportioned figure.

I don't know why he fell in love with such a fat person.

Being too fat is harmful to the body.

"After returning, you must make him stop drinking. His liver function shows that several indicators are in a declining state. If he doesn't stop drinking, his liver will have serious problems. Also, being too fat will lead to fat tongue coating. He was unconscious and lacked oxygen this time and almost had an accident because of tongue prolapse. Watch him carefully when he sleeps in the future to prevent him from suffocating again."

Zhang Yi took another notice of precautions and placed it in front of the family members to explain.

The family members listened carefully, nodded and signed on it.

"Actually... he didn't drink before, but he drank because his business failed and he couldn't stand the blow. In the past two years, he has gained more than 200 pounds..."

The family member seemed very sad when he said this.

Zhang Yi listened to a few sentences and didn't reply.

After all, this is his family's own family matter.

He is just a doctor, he just needs to treat the disease and save people.


Two hours later, Zhang Yi asked someone to do a blood gas analysis again.

This time the fat man woke up completely, but he was still drunk.

As soon as he woke up, he was restless and kept asking for the tube to be removed and wanted to go home to continue drinking.

It was really helpless. After obtaining the consent of his family, several doctors and nurses tied him up and tied him to the bed.

Fortunately, the results of the blood gas analysis were optimistic.

Except for the continuous increase in lactic acid, other indicators were approaching normal values.

After alcohol is taken into the body, it will stimulate the muscles and cause the increase of lactic acid.

The more alcohol you drink, the higher the lactic acid.

But in general, patients who are not particularly poor in liver function can completely metabolize it.

It's just a matter of time.

Back and forth, when Zhang Yi finished his work and sat down to rest, he looked at the time.

It was already past six o'clock.

The emergency room was really not quiet at all this night.

A small operation, a drunk, a stomachache, a headache...

But fortunately, Zhang Yi is a systematic person.

Years of practicing surgery in the system have made his physical fitness much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Otherwise, how could he hold on to such a high-intensity and difficult operation?

Until 8:30 in the morning, when the emergency department was changing shifts in the morning.

Several doctors and nurses on duty all stood beside Zhang Yi with slightly messy hair and a listless look on their faces.

Look at Zhang Yi again.

Wearing a white coat, he leaned his upper body lightly on the table because he was a little tired.

On the side.

But his hairstyle was still neat and tidy, with only a few red bloodshot around his eyes, and even the dark circles under his eyelids were not very visible.

Those who didn't know would think that Zhang Yi didn't stay up late last night!

Several staff members on duty looked at each other, and finally all their eyes fell on Zhang Yi.

Good guy!

It's really annoying to compare yourself with others!

Zhang Yi also stayed up all night, but why did he look lazy and handsome!

And they...

They looked like they had just climbed out of the doghouse!

Just at this time, Director Kang came.

"Zhang Yi, you worked hard on duty last night."

As soon as he came in, Kang Yanming gave Zhang Yi a considerate smile.

Zhang Yi nodded: "It's okay, it was okay last night, there were no serious patients, just some minor problems."

"Did you have breakfast? I asked them to buy you some?"

"No, no, I've eaten."

Looking at this scene, everyone was envious.

Oh my, Director Kang, when have you ever cared so much about us! !


You are too biased!

Are you going to hand over the shift or not! !

Kang Yanming glared back at those people and warned them: Zhang Yi is the treasure of our department, what do you know~!

The handover process was quite long and lasted until ten o'clock in the morning.

At this time.

In a fireworks wholesale factory in the suburbs of the imperial city.

Several little boys were sneaking in while the staff on duty were not paying attention.

The leading boy was the oldest, but he looked only about ten years old.

The others were seven or eight years old, and there was a younger one who was only five years old.

"Big brother, can we really play with firecrackers here for free?"

The leading boy nodded affirmatively: "Of course, I came here once before and took a lot! You can definitely follow me!"

So, several little ones followed him through the window with anticipation.

It was not the end of the year, so the demand for fireworks and firecrackers was not so great, and there was a backlog of unsold fireworks and firecrackers in the warehouse.

The boy sneaked in with the little ones, and found a few boxes of firecrackers and crackers in the same place as last time.

"Here, you little ones play with this, don't play inside, we'll play after we go out and walk far away."

The little ones' eyes widened when they saw the firecrackers, and they nodded happily.

The big boy went straight to steal the more expensive firecrackers.

Not only can he play with them himself, but he can also secretly sell them to his classmates.

Just when he was thinking happily, suddenly, a loud explosion sounded.

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