In less than ten minutes, Kang Yanming saw Zhang Yi rushing to the hospital.

Just looking at his eyes full of red bloodshot, Kang Yanming still felt a little bit reluctant.

"Zhang Yi, you've worked hard. I'll give you two days off after the operation. Have a good rest."

Zhang Yi waved his hand: "It's okay. Saving lives is important. Which operating room is it?"

"Laminar flow No. 3."


After that, Zhang Yi turned and entered the elevator.

And in the operating room at this time.

The coronary atherectomy machine has been brought in.

The guidewire may not be able to handle the calcified part of the blood vessel, but the diamond particles embedded in the atherectomy probe can instantly grind the calcified section into slag.

However, rewards and risks coexist.

High rewards inevitably come with high risks.

For example, the most common and most dangerous vasospasm.

Vasospasm means that ventricular fibrillation will occur again.

At that time, whether this person is dead or alive, even Hua Tuo can't be sure.

Wang Xueqin inserted the laparoscopic probe into the sheath with a serious face.

On the display screen, the probe moved forward little by little and stopped in front of the blocked calcified section.

Everyone was very nervous at this moment.

Antispasmodics have been injected in advance, and rescue drugs are also prepared on the side.

Wang Xueqin took a deep breath and moved the probe closer with a determined will!

He was actually nervous inside, but he suppressed this nervousness.

To outsiders, he still looked as steady as a mountain.

Sure enough, the tiny diamond probe lived up to expectations and worked on the calcified section.

The probe moved forward little by little, and the blocked section was being opened.

You are so cool, right?

You won't give way, right?

I'll drill you to death~!

As a result...

Just when everyone thought everything would be fine, misfortune happened.

'Beep, beep, beep'!

The alarm sounded again!

"Spasm! It's ventricular fibrillation! Rescue first!"

The little bit of sweat on Wang Xueqin's forehead still betrayed his current mood.

He was under a lot of pressure and he was nervous.

After hastily withdrawing the drill, everyone started to rescue again.

And again, someone went outside to report the critical condition to the family members, so that the family members could be mentally prepared.

At the door of the operating room, Zhang Yigang saw a doctor in the cardiovascular department surrounded by several family members as soon as he came.

When he got closer, he found that the family members were complaining.

"What's going on inside? Why do they need to rescue him again and again? Are the doctors at Union Hospital really capable?"

"Is my father's condition really complicated? Please make sure you succeed! Money is definitely not a problem. As long as we can save him, no matter how much money we have, it's fine!"

"Rescue him again? God, please be kind and let my father live!"

Zhang Yi walked up to the cardiologist.

The doctor also happened to see Zhang Yi and was overjoyed!

Oh my god!

The great god is here!

The great god is here to help him out!

"Doctor Zhang! Why are you here?"

Zhang Yi frowned: "Didn't your cardiovascular department ask me to come over? They said there was a patient with a huge right dominant acute occlusion who was in danger?"

The doctor grabbed Zhang Yi's wrist and said, "Yes, yes, yes! It is indeed! Come with me quickly, the patient has vascular spasm and ventricular fibrillation! Our Director Wang used a rotary grinding machine, but he didn't expect that he would have spasm as soon as he used it!"

As if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, he quickly took Zhang Yi into the operating room.

The family members behind him were stunned, and only reacted after everyone left!

"Damn? The doctor just now was Zhang Yi?!?"

"Zhang Yi? Who is he?"

"He is a famous doctor, very famous in Union Hospital, I hope... he can cure Dad!"


In the operating room.

The doctor who was sent out to do ideological work for the family members came back.

There was another doctor behind him.

At this time, Zhang Yi had already put on surgical gowns, masks and hats.

For a moment, no one recognized him.

Besides, they were busy with the rescue, so Wang Xueqin didn't even look up.

But, just when he was at a loss, a gentle and magnetic voice suddenly came from above his head.

This voice seemed to have magic. It was still a bit lazy and hoarse, but it made people feel inexplicably relieved!

"Tell me the patient's specific situation."

Who is this?

Everyone looked back and noticed Zhang Yi.

The doctor who brought him in said quickly: "I just saw Dr. Zhang outside. He happened to come to help us."

Liang Ming's heart finally settled down at this moment. He said, "Yes, I called to inform you. Thank you, Zhang Yi."

As he spoke, he also glanced at Wang Xueqin silently.

Wang Xueqin's face was expressionless, and he explained calmly:

"The huge right dominant acute occlusion is also combined with vascular malformation and aortic valve calcification. The operation is very complicated and difficult. Do you have any solution?"

Even if his self-esteem was at work, Wang Xueqin was not stupid enough to joke with the patient's life.

Since Zhang Yi is here, it's always right to ask him.

But the next second Zhang Yi answered calmly, "No."

Ah? ? ! solution? ?

Even Zhang Yi has no solution? ?

Everyone felt disappointed and disappointed.


It turns out that Zhang Yi is not omnipotent.


Geniuses also have shortcomings.

It seems that even Zhang Yi cannot conquer the giant right coronary artery, one of the ceilings of intracardiac interventional surgery.

But, the next second.

Zhang Yi's words gave everyone a glimmer of hope.

"Although there is no solution, I have the ability. The success of this kind of surgery depends on hard power."

Wang Xueqin: ...

Liang Ming: ...

Everyone: ...

Can you finish your words at once!

It makes us feel like a roller coaster, up and down, and up again!

After a moment of silence, Wang Xueqin took the initiative to say: "Then Zhang Yi, you come and try."

As he said, he stepped back from the position of the main surgeon and made way for Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi did not hesitate and took the atherectomy probe in his hand.

At this time, the ventricular fibrillation had been calmed down again.

Zhang Yi took the probe and inserted it from the sheath.

But his movements were much faster than Wang Xueqin's.

On the display screen, the tiny probe was like a flexible tadpole, swimming in the blood vessels with ease.

Zhang Yi didn't even stop for the curved section, and he went through it in a second following the heartbeat!

The doctors in the cardiovascular and interventional departments were all stunned!

What the hell!

Is this a human? ?

Soon, the probe came to the blocked calcified section.

"Inject 50 mg of sodium nitroprusside."

Zhang Yi stopped in front of the calcified section. It is a common method of interventional treatment to first inject dilation and antithrombotic drugs into the blocked area.

It takes time for the drugs to take effect. During this period, Zhang Yi carefully looked at the man's condition.

It is indeed a very rare huge right dominant acute occlusion.

And it also combines several blocked sections and deformed bends.

In medical terms, this is a rare disease.

But to put it bluntly, this special code is the King of Hell coming to claim his life.

If this man hadn't come to Union Hospital today, or if he hadn't met Zhang Yi.

I'm afraid he would have to give his life here.

After a few minutes, the drug took effect. Zhang Yi looked at the passage that had only expanded a little bit, and he made up his mind and quickly inserted the probe.

That's enough.

Even if it only opened 1mm, it was enough!

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