The two of them were very happy.

Looking at Zhang Yi's gentle smile, which was as gentle as the breeze and the moon, Wang Bingbing's heart almost skipped a beat!


Zhang Yi looks so handsome and gentle when he smiles!

Before, she thought Zhang Yi didn't like to smile, because outsiders saw Zhang Yi either with a blank expression or frowning and looking like he didn't want anyone to get close to him.


He actually smiled!

And he was so close to her!

But fortunately, she is a professional host!

No matter how excited she is, she must calm down~!

She stood up calmly and stretched out her hand to Zhang Yi, saying, "Okay, today's interview ends here. Thank you, Dr. Zhang, for your cooperation. You've worked hard!"

Zhang Yi shook her hand back out of politeness.

The interview ended here.

While the photographer was packing up his equipment, Wang Bingbing looked up at Zhang Yi.

Just when she was about to muster up the courage to make an appointment with him for dinner, there was a knock at the door.

"Dr. Zhang?"

"Come in."

Then she saw a nurse open the door and stand at the door with a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong? Is there a difficult patient?" Zhang Yi asked.

"No... there was a family member of a patient in the infusion room who insisted that Dr. Li prescribe human albumin and fat emulsion for the patient. Dr. Li said there was no need to infuse this kind of nutrient solution, but the family member refused to listen and said that the doctors in our hospital were irresponsible or something. Dr. Li was so angry that he said something to the person and then... they started arguing. How about you go and have a look?"

Now, as long as Kang Yanming doesn't show up, basically everyone has trouble finding Zhang Yi.

One is because Zhang Yi is awesome, and the other is because Zhang Yi is indeed the assistant director.

Except for the two directors, Zhang Yi is the most senior official.

Zhang Yi pinched his eyebrows, sighed, and stood up to walk out.

At the end, he looked back at Wang Bingbing and the photographer: "I'm busy first, you guys go slowly."

"I... hehe, okay, Dr. Zhang, you go first."

Wang Bingbing had to swallow the words that were on the tip of her tongue.


It's really hard to invite Dr. Zhang to dinner!

Next time, she will definitely try to treat Zhang Yi to a meal next time!

Emergency infusion room.

As soon as Zhang Yi entered, the quarrel inside stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked at Zhang Yi standing at the door.

Doctor Li on duty was a doctor who had just transferred to the emergency department and was about the same age as Zhang Yi.

But when he saw Zhang Yi at this moment, he lowered his head in fear.

"What's going on? Why are you arguing? If you have anything to say, talk it over." Zhang Yi walked in and said in a calm tone.

Just as Dr. Li was about to explain what happened, the family member recognized Zhang Yi and spoke first:

"Oh, it's Dr. Zhang? I'm so glad you're here!" He pointed at Dr. Li and said, "Where did this person come from? Where did you recruit such an irresponsible doctor from Union Hospital??

My dad is over 70 years old and has such a serious cold. He didn't let me be hospitalized. I asked him to prescribe some nutrient solution for us to infuse in the outpatient clinic, which is human albumin or fat emulsion. I heard that this kind of nutrient solution can improve immunity after infusion. The strength can be healed faster, but this guy won't give us an infusion!

It's so funny, I didn't say anything when I spent my own money, but you stopped me from spending money? ?

When we were seeing a doctor in the clinic before, those doctors also gave me this kind of nutrient solution.

And the nutrient solution is not a medicine, it's nothing to give it an infusion.

This kid refused to listen and said we were doing it in vain! It's so funny, you don't have a father? Your father is sick, you are not anxious? ? ! "

As he spoke, the family member's tone became excited again.

Doctor Li is also a young man with a bad temper. He wanted to refute that you don't have a father, but Zhang Yi stopped him in time.

"What's the situation of this patient?" Zhang Yi asked after observing for a while.

Doctor Li suppressed his anger and answered honestly: "He came to the hospital with a low fever for 5 days and worsening cough and asthma for 1 day. His temperature was 37.5℃ when he was admitted to the hospital. His throat was red and swollen, and there were sputum sounds and some dry rales. It was suspected to be influenza and upper respiratory tract infection."

Zhang Yi nodded. The diagnosis was correct.

This old man did have an upper respiratory tract infection.

Dry rales generally represent upper respiratory tract stenosis, and the additional sound of the vortex generated by the airflow passing through the narrow section when breathing.

It is different from wet rales, which represent the presence of fluid in the patient's respiratory tract. The airflow passes through the narrow section.

When the lungs breathe, a sound similar to water or bubbles will be emitted.

Dry rales and wet rales are only one word apart, but the corresponding diseases are completely different.

Dry rales belong to upper respiratory tract infection, or the sound heard when there is a foreign body in the upper respiratory tract.

Wet rales belong to lower respiratory tract infection, that is, they are heard when there is a problem in the lungs. Generally, this sound can also be used to diagnose heart disease.

The respiratory tract is the channel through which the air flows when the lungs breathe.

It is divided into upper and lower parts.

The nose, pharynx, and larynx are collectively called the upper respiratory tract.

The trachea, bronchi, and lungs are collectively called the lower respiratory tract.

To put it bluntly, the upper part of the clavicle is the upper respiratory tract, and the lower part to the lungs is the lower respiratory tract.

The old man in his seventies in front of me is indeed mainly caused by upper respiratory tract infection.

However, there is also sputum sound, which means that the inflammation has now developed to the position of the bronchi.

It may be combined with bronchitis.

But generally speaking, it is not serious, mainly tonsillitis caused by a cold.

It is really an exaggeration to be hospitalized in this case, and the beds in Union Hospital are also very tight.

For the time being, we cannot free up a bed just because of a cold.

Zhang Yi thought for a few seconds and then looked at the family member and said:

"From our medical point of view, your father's condition is an upper respiratory tract infection combined with bronchitis. This disease does not require hospitalization, and does not require transfusion of nutrient solutions such as human albumin and fat emulsion.

These two nutrient solutions are basically only needed by patients in the intensive care unit. Your father looks so strong, so we really don't recommend you to use them.

Of course, we also understand your filial piety. If you must use it, it is equivalent to giving money to our hospital to help us improve our performance."

"Ah?" The family member was stunned and hesitated: "But when I gave my father an infusion in the clinic before, the doctor said that this kind of infusion can make him heal faster."

Zhang Yi curled his lips and smiled and said: "It depends on whether you believe me or him. If you believe me, you can rest assured to receive the infusion here. If you believe the doctor in that clinic, you can go to that clinic for treatment now, and we won't stop you."

Dr. Li raised his head in surprise.

He thought that the first sentence Zhang Yi said when he came to deal with this matter was to blame himself for arguing with the family members.

I didn’t expect…

After analyzing the condition, he would actually stand on my side and confront the family members…


The family members rolled their eyes, looking left and right, feeling quite confused.

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