The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Ah? Why...why didn't he let us go?"

"That's right, I want to go!"

"It's so annoying, I want to go too..."

It wasn't until Wen Kang completely disappeared at the door that someone in the office dared to talk in a low voice.

"Shh~ Keep your voice down, don't you know Dean Wen's temper? He must be still angry now?"

"Angry? What is he angry about? We didn't provoke him..."

"Stupid! It wasn't us who provoke him, it was Zhang Yi. Didn't Wang Ziwei lose to Zhang Yi before? Our neurosurgery department lost face, and then he went to Zhang Yi in person to talk about recruiting Zhang Yi to our department, but Zhang Yi rejected him. He must be unhappy because he lost face again and again."

"Our Dean Wen is absolutely excellent in the field of neurosurgery, but his only shortcoming is that he is stubborn and holds grudges. Zhang Yi is selecting apprentices so loudly this time. Do you think Dean Wen will let people from our department sign up? Definitely not! Wouldn't that be another slap in the face?"

Xu Jian's analysis made everyone nod silently.

"You're right. I was wondering why he didn't let us go for such a good event. It turns out he still remembers that Zhang Yi had offended him?"

"Well, let me tell you about this matter. I really can't blame Zhang Yi. If you want to blame someone, blame Wang Ziwei. Who told him to compete with Zhang Yi? This is bad. We can't even register now."

Wang Ziwei raised his head and said angrily: "It's not me. I didn't really want to compete at the beginning. It was Dean Wen who said... that I should compete..."

"Isn't it because you started this matter first?"

"What's wrong with starting it? I didn't want to compete at the beginning."


"Oh, okay, okay, let's stop talking. We are all in the same department. Don't quarrel over the registration quota later. That would be a joke."

Everyone was not only disappointed but also angry because they couldn't register.

But they couldn't say it in front of Wen Kang, so they could only find the culprit Wang Ziwei at the beginning.

But now that they have calmed down, there seems to be nothing they can do.

If the quarrel really breaks out and gets out, the neurosurgery department will surely make a fool of itself.

Wen Kang will definitely get angry again.


Everyone could only sigh silently, hurriedly end the topic, and go about their business.


There are still some brave people who turn a deaf ear to Wen Kang's words.

For example, this Xu Jian.

While others were not paying attention, he quietly edited an extremely perfect resume and sent it to the hospital mailbox.


You don't let me submit, but I will~

What if there is a chance to be selected?

This is better than just hanging around in neurosurgery~!

Zhang Yi is an all-round doctor, and neurosurgery can only specialize in one area. Following Zhang Yi, maybe he can become an all-round doctor in the future~!

With infinite beautiful fantasies, Xu Jian got off work in a good mood.


That night, many people in the hospital sent resumes to the mailbox.

And the notice that was first posted in the hospital group was posted on the medical forum website by someone unknown.

The post was quickly pushed to the front by doctors across the country.

Many colleagues left comments below:

“No... Why can't doctors from other hospitals sign up? Does Peking Union Medical College look down on us Tongji?!?”

“Zhang Yi wants to take in an apprentice? Oh my God, I want to join too! I was just promoted to deputy director this year, but I always feel that my skills are still not good enough. If Dr. Zhang can teach me, I will definitely learn with the same energy as I did when I fought for the college entrance examination!”

“Is this news true or false? Zhang Yi really wants to take in an apprentice? How will he take him in? Will he follow Zhang Yi directly? Or will he be an assistant in the surgical team?”

“Huh? Isn't this internal information of Peking Union Medical College? No, I am also from Peking Union Medical College, Although it is a branch hospital, how come our branch hospital didn't receive any news about Zhang Yi's apprenticeship? ? "

"Damn it!! The branch hospital is an unfavored bastard, right? ! Why didn't they notify our branch hospital? ! "

"I don't care, I love medicine, I just sent a resume!"

"Fuck! You sent it? Then I sent it too!"

"The fourth and fifth floors sent it? Then I'll send it too!"

"All sent it? Okay, I'm from Yun Province Hospital, I'll send it too."

"Okay! Since you guys on the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh floors have all sent it, then I'll send it too!"

For a while, the news of Zhang Yi's apprenticeship spread throughout the medical community.


In one day, Union Hospital received nearly 10,000 resumes in its mailbox!

Jin Zhenglun's assistant was stunned!

Union Hospital in the capital has less than 1,000 employees in total!

Excluding doctors below attending physicians, medical technicians, logistics department, nurses and security guards, and even office workers, how many doctors are there at the attending physician level and above? ? !

Only more than 200!

But how come so many resumes were received? ? !

Could it be that people from the branch hospital also submitted resumes?

But the branch hospital was not notified of this.

The assistant felt a little strange. He felt that the situation was developing in a wrong direction, and he quickly reported the news to Jin Zhenglun.

"Ah? What did you say? Nearly 10,000 resumes? Who notified the branch hospital?"

Jin Zhenglun's first reaction was that someone from the branch hospital knew about it and submitted a resume.

Union Hospital has a total of four hospitals including the branch hospital.

The total number of employees may be close to 4,000.

But the 4,000 plus people also have to exclude the doctors below the chief physician level.

If we only count the chief physicians and above, there should be about 1,500, right?

There are only 1,500 chief physicians and above in the entire Union Hospital!

But the resumes are nearly 8 times more! !

And now the resumes in the background are constantly refreshing!

There are still people submitting!

Jin Zhenglun frowned in surprise.

When did so many people come to Union Hospital? ?

Didn’t it say that only chief physicians and above can submit resumes?

With curiosity, Jin Zhenglun clicked on the resumes one by one and began to check.

Then he found out! !

It turned out that Zhang Yi wanted to recruit apprentices.

Originally, it was only the internal recruitment of apprentices in Union Hospital, but now most doctors in the country know about it.

This mailbox is almost full of resumes submitted by attending doctors from other hospitals and even deputy chief doctors from many small hospitals.

This made Jin Zhenglun laugh and cry.

Originally, the workload was limited to the small area of ​​​​the Union Hospital.

Now it's good.

Doctors all over the country know about it.

Will you accept him or not?

If he accepts him, Jin Zhenglun is a little bit disgusted with the level of doctors in other hospitals.

You know, the attending physicians who can enter the Union Hospital are much stronger than those in other small hospitals.

But if he doesn't accept him, it will arouse public anger.

After all, Zhang Yi's presence here makes many people jealous.


After thinking about it, Jin Zhenglun decided to ask Zhang Yi's opinion.

Soon, Zhang Yi received a call.

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