The patient looked to be in his thirties and came to the hospital alone.

When he came, the nurse saw that he seemed to be in a serious condition and pushed him to see Chen Fang.

At this time, seeing that it was not convenient for him to be examined alone, Chen Fang found a nurse and asked her to help.

"Thank you... Thank you, doctor..."

"You're welcome. Let's go draw blood first. Do you have enough money? If you have enough, you can add an abdominal CT scan."


"That's good. Go first."

After that, the nurse pushed the patient to get examined.

But the strange thing is that the patient's test results have not come out for almost an hour.

It's understandable that the CT scan is slow, after all, there are many people in line.

But the blood test can't be so slow?

Under normal circumstances, the results of the blood test can be obtained in more than ten minutes if it is fast.

Even if the Union Hospital is so busy, as long as the emergency department is urgently checked, it can basically be obtained within half an hour.

But Chen Fang has been waiting for an hour, why is there no news at all?

At this moment, the patient with abdominal pain is also very uncomfortable, not only sweating but also breathing heavily.

But the results are not out, so Chen Fang naturally can't give medicine randomly.

Just looking at the patient's increasingly painful expression at this moment, Chen Fang is also anxious.

Without the results, he really can't even use painkillers casually.

Fortunately, the results finally came out at this time.

White blood cell count: 15.68 (3.5-9.5) 10^9/L

Neutrophil count: 14.11 (1.8-6.3) 10^9/L

Neutrophil percentage: 80.10 (40-75)%

Hemoglobin: 185 (130-175) g/L

Average RBC hemoglobin content: 38.70 (27-34) pg

Average RBC hemoglobin concentration: 447.00 (316-354) g/L

C-reactive protein: 30.72 (0-6) mg/L

And the last one is amylase, which is checked separately.

"The high blood count indicates inflammation, but his amylase is not high, only 148??"

The normal amylase index is in the range of 35-135.

If it is pancreatitis, how could it be only 148? It would have soared to hundreds or thousands long ago.

Chen Fang frowned. Could it be cholecystitis or cholangitis?

Just at this time, the patient's family came over.

It was a woman in her thirties, and she was obviously the patient's wife.

She walked into the office with a dusty face: "Hello, hello, I am Wang Wei's wife. What's his condition? Pancreatitis, cholecystitis or appendicitis?"

Hearing that the family member spoke as if they were colleagues, Chen Fang asked back: "Are you also a doctor?"

The family member nodded implicitly: "I am a B-ultrasound doctor in the Sixth Hospital."

"Oh~ Really colleagues, then why don't you see it directly in the Sixth Hospital?"

My wife works in the hospital, why did this person come all the way to Union Hospital?

"His workplace is close to Union Hospital. He was at work and suddenly called me and said he had a stomachache, so I asked him to go directly to the hospital."

I see.

Chen Fang nodded. Since they were colleagues, communication would be much more convenient.

"This is his blood routine, CPR and amylase." Chen Fang showed her the list and explained the condition: "He has a slight fever of 37.7, and he feels like vomiting in his stomach, but he didn't vomit. He has obvious tenderness in the upper abdomen. I suspected pancreatitis at first, but the results show that it's not."

The family member listened to Chen Fang's explanation while looking down at the examination list. After a while, she raised her head and said with a relaxed expression: "Fortunately, fortunately, it's not pancreatitis. However, the blood count is high, the inflammatory index is also high, and the hemoglobin concentration is also a bit high. He feels a little dehydrated. Maybe it's not pancreatitis but other inflammations? Otherwise, let's give him some antibiotics."

After hearing this, Chen Fang did not agree to her directly, but just said that the CT results had not come out yet, so why not wait and see.

"Then... OK."

Originally, the family member wanted to give him some fluid directly, but this is in Union Hospital after all, and he has to listen to the doctors at Union Hospital.

Not long after the two of them went out.

Zhang Yi came back.

Chen Fang was surprised!

"Damn? How did you come out so quickly??"


How could Zhang Yi come out so quickly? ? !

But after he reacted, he

He immediately regained his composure.

Zhang Yi, a man who is fast and strong.

What's a mere liver lobectomy?

What a fuss~

Zhang Yi glanced at Chen Fang without saying anything, but his eyes did see the checklist in his hand.

After just a glance, Zhang Yi said: "Although the amylase is not high, this person is likely to have pancreatitis, so pay attention to it."

Chen Fang was stunned: "Ah? But... how did you see that?"

Zhang Yi didn't say anything, but lowered his head and looked at the checklist carefully.

Then he frowned: "The time of submission was 2:32 in the afternoon, but the result came out at 3:45? Why does a blood routine test take so long?"

"Ah? This... I don't know, maybe there are too many tests?" Chen Fang was a little confused.

There are so many patients who come to Union Hospital for treatment, and sometimes doctors don't find it strange that some test results take a long time to wait.

Zhang Yi shook his head and said, "No matter how long you have to wait for a routine blood test, it will not take more than an hour to get the results, and we are doing an emergency test. The machine can put more than a hundred blood samples in at a time, and it can produce a batch in fifteen minutes. The Union Hospital is so rich that it is impossible to have only one machine, so the results of the routine blood test cannot be released so late."

After Zhang Yi said this, Chen Fang was shocked!

It seems to be true!

He also felt that the results of the routine blood test were a bit too slow.

No matter how busy he is, as long as it is an emergency test, the results can basically be obtained in half an hour.

Why did it take so long today?

After thinking about it, Chen Fang quickly called the laboratory department.

"Hello? This is Chen Fang from the emergency department."

"Just now our emergency department sent a man named Wang Wei for a routine blood test and CPR. I want to ask why the results came out so late?"

"Wang Wei? Which Wang Wei?"

"It was our emergency test. He was sent there at about 2:30."

The laboratory doctor on the other end of the phone suddenly remembered and quickly complained: "Oh, that 32-year-old Wang Wei, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's him."

"Hi! That person has severe lipemia. I diluted it several times before I could do it."

"Ah? Lipidemia?!"

"Yes, when it was sent to the emergency department, the color of the blood was not right. It couldn't be done without dilution, so it was delayed."

"Oh... OK, OK, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fang was numb!

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