The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

Oh my god~

When Zhang Yi is angry, he is completely different from his usual good-tempered appearance...

What a serious and powerful aura!

Everyone lowered their heads and didn't dare to look at Zhang Yi at all.

They were afraid that they would be used as cannon fodder by Zhang Yi with just a glance.

And today's incident was indeed their negligence in the emergency department.

Hyperlipidemia pancreatitis is a serious disease and should be sent to the gastroenterology department as soon as possible.

But it took so long.

But when I think about it again, I really blame the nurse who drew the blood.

The patient's high fat level is enough to cause pancreatitis, so the patient's blood must be very thick and the color is definitely not the normal bright red.

There must be something wrong with the blood when it is drawn.

But the nurse did not inform the doctor.

This is why Chen Fang suspected that it was pancreatitis but had no definite evidence.

Clinically, abdominal pain has a wide range.

But to diagnose a disease, more than one test result is required.

If Zhang Yi were to come to see the patient, he would definitely find the problem at the first time.

But there is only one Zhang Yi.

Most other doctors are ordinary people.

Especially young and inexperienced doctors, they need to use sophisticated instruments to distinguish and confirm diseases.

There was silence in the office.

In the end, Chen Fang felt that he had a great responsibility. After thinking about it, he stood up to take this responsibility: "This matter... is my negligence. He is my patient. If there is any punishment, I will accept it."

Everyone looked at Chen Fang in unison, with a little sympathy in their eyes.

Then they looked back at Zhang Yi's face. At this moment, Zhang Yi pursed his lips tightly and seemed to have no intention of speaking.

The office fell into silence again.

The young nurse seemed to be a little overwhelmed, after all, this matter was caused by the intern she led.

If the intern had told the doctor about the patient's blood condition in time, this matter would not have happened today.

After struggling for a while, she said angrily: "This... This matter is actually my biggest fault. I didn't lead the intern well. I should have told her to report this situation to the doctor as soon as possible... If there is any punishment, I will accept it."

The two people who were most responsible for the cause and effect of the matter spoke up.

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

Someone took the responsibility, and Zhang Yi should not make fun of others anymore.

Sure enough, Zhang Yi glanced at the two and was about to speak out.

At this time...

What a coincidence...

Kang Yanming came back.

He was smiling when he entered the door, as if something good had happened.

As a result, when he came in, he saw that everyone in the office was dejected as if they were attending a funeral, which was very similar to the usual appearance of waiting for punishment after making a mistake.

Looking at Zhang Yi again, the boy was still so calm~

But why was there some anger in this calmness?

"What's wrong? What are you doing?" Kang Yanming walked in and asked suspiciously.

Zhang Yi knew that he could not hide it anymore, so he had to tell the truth.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the absence of the two directors to use this incident as a warning to tell everyone to be more rigorous in the future.

They are doctors and nurses, their work is related to human lives, and they must not be careless.

He thought that a severe warning or writing a self-criticism would be enough.

But now Kang Yanming is here.

I guess there is no need to warn him.

With Kang Yanming's temper, he will never end with a warning.

Sure enough, after listening to Zhang Yi's simple explanation, Kang Yanming's eyes almost sparked!

Everyone could only bury their heads lower, for fear of being burned to slag by accident.

If Zhang Yi is a tiger showing off his power in front of them when he is angry, then Kang Yanming is a nuclear bomb about to explode.

No one within a hundred miles will be spared.

Oh my God!

Why did Kang Yanming come back at this time! !

Zhang Yi is a very friendly person and knows how to do things.

He can control the intensity of punishment and will not offend colleagues because of punishment.

But Kang Yanming is not like that!

This guy is straightforward!

He is also the director of the department, why would he worry about offending his colleagues...

"Haha, you are really good, I was away for an afternoon and you almost caused such a big thing for me??!"

Kang Yanming sneered twice, but it was better not to laugh.

It scared people.

"I think you have been too lax recently! Do you think you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor with Zhang Yi in the department? You can just follow

Just mess around with him? ! ? Dream on!

It's a pity that our emergency department was rated as an excellent department at the meeting this afternoon! I think you don't need to take the incentive money, just confiscate it all!


All the doctors who handled this matter should write me a 2,000-word self-review report and submit a PPT of abdominal pain to be investigated! In addition, all performance bonuses for this month will be deducted!"

Kang Yanming's deep voice resounded throughout the office.

Everyone was stunned after hearing it.

After reacting, they secretly groaned!

Oh my god??

Excellent department??!

Our department is the excellent department of this quarter?

The incentive money must be several thousand, right?


It hurts!

Several thousand are gone just like that!

Before everyone could feel sorry, Kang Yanming looked at the head nurse who was silent:

"Head nurse, where is the intern nurse who draws blood? Call her over! "

The head nurse sighed and brought the person in.

The nurse looked to be in her early twenties, and she seemed to have never seen such a big scene.

She kept her head down as soon as she came in, not daring to breathe.

Kang Yanming lived up to everyone's expectations and scolded the intern nurse loudly.

He successfully scolded the nurse to tears.

Finally, he gave the head nurse an ultimatum: "Although you nurses are not under my charge, I hope you will teach these nurses well when you go down! If you can't even do your job well, then don't work in our Union Hospital!"

Several nurses shuddered at these words.

The head nurse knew she was in the wrong, so she quickly agreed and said with a red face:

"Yes, there are indeed big problems with our nurses this time. Lu Min, you and the intern you are leading must each write me a 2,000-word self-criticism. In addition, your performance this month will be deducted by 50% as a punishment. I hope all our nurses will learn from this and report any situation to the doctor in a timely manner! Did you hear me? "

"I heard it..."

The nurses all nodded.

After a lot of trouble, the matter was finally settled.

Everyone slid out of the office like a bereaved family.

And they slid so fast that they were afraid that they would be left behind by Kang Yanming if they were a step slower.

After everyone left, Kang Yanming let out a deep breath of anger.

"These brats are all troublesome!"

After saying that, he immediately changed his eyes to look at Zhang Yi softly: "Hey, only Zhang Yi can make me feel at ease."

Seeing that he seemed to have something to do, Zhang Yi changed the subject: "What's the matter, Director? Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Hehe! You are really smart, I really have something to say!"

Kang Yanming swept away the previous gloom and sat down next to Zhang Yi with a smile.

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