The exam was a big success, but the exam was a big success.

"Li Mingliang? How do you feel about your performance in the exam?"

A person who knew Li Mingliang in the crowd asked.

He didn't show much panic or regret on his face: "Not bad."

Compared to the more or less nervousness of others, he seemed particularly calm.

This inevitably made others look at him more.

The questions were about general medicine. Doctors who were promoted to attending physicians basically had to choose a specialization. After specializing in a subject, how could they have time to review the knowledge of other subjects?

Just rely on the half month before coming to Union Hospital? That's not enough.

So this set of questions still put a lot of pressure on them.

"Hey! I feel like I didn't do so well on the test. I don't need to wait for tomorrow's results to know that I probably have no chance."

Someone sighed and walked out of the classroom slowly.

The beautiful dream was shattered before it even started. Oh!

They thought today's interview would be a big deal.

They didn't expect it to end with just one test paper.

Many of them prepared a long self-introduction for the interview.

From their own ideals to their ambitions for their country.

In the end, they didn't show anything and were discouraged by a test paper.


What a sin!

In the classroom, everyone packed up their things and left with their own thoughts.

Zhang Yi's side.

Jin Zhenglun came three times but still didn't wait for Zhang Yi to finish the operation.

It was almost time to get off work when Zhang Yi rushed back.

"Sorry for the long wait, Dean. How was it? Did the exam go well?"

Jin Zhenglun waited for so long without getting impatient. He said in a gentle voice: "It went very smoothly. When I glanced at them, they dared not move. But..."

"Huh? But what?"

"But I took a general look at these test questions and felt that the requirement of full marks was a bit too high. Almost none of the ones I looked at got full marks."

Jin Zhenglun was a little worried, afraid that all the people who were carefully selected would fail in the end. Wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi shook his head very firmly: "No, we must get full marks. We gave them time half a month ago. If they can't get full marks after reviewing for half a month, it means that they have no talent and no hard work.

They are all attending doctors or even deputy directors. If they can't get full marks on these questions, then it's better not to accept them as apprentices."

Without a suitable candidate, Zhang Yi would rather take the lead himself.

Jin Zhenglun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after looking at Zhang Yi's expression, he swallowed his words.

Forget it, just listen to Zhang Yi.

Who made him the boss of Union Hospital now~

"Okay, I'll do as you say. You can check it yourself after you're done. Go to the classroom to inform them around 10 o'clock tomorrow morning after the rounds."

"Well, okay." Zhang Yi nodded and said, "By the way, Dean, this is what I think about the operation test..."

Zhang Yi lowered his head and whispered to Jin Zhenglun for a long time.

I saw that Jin Zhenglun's wrinkled old face changed again and again!

Finally, he couldn't help but ask worriedly: "Zhang Yi, this... isn't it really too strict? Maybe in the end, you won't be able to accept any apprentices. How about we relax a little? As long as you think there is talent, we will accept them first, and then we can slowly teach them later."

Zhang Yi frowned, and his tone was more determined than before:

"No, it must be strict, not only for me and Union Hospital, but also for the future of the medical community."

"I..." Jin Zhenglun opened his mouth and compromised again: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Seeing Zhang Yi's insistence, Jin Zhenglun didn't say anything else.

Just added one sentence before leaving: "By the way, the doctor from Britain will arrive next Wednesday. When the time comes, you can arrange it for those who come to the emergency room. Don't let them think that we have no one in Union Hospital."

"Okay, I understand."

After Jin Zhenglun left, Zhang Yi started to look at the test papers.

Behind him, the scoundrels in the emergency department immediately surrounded him like bees when they saw Jin Zhenglun leave.

"Damn, is this your apprentice's written test paper? Come on, let me help you correct it!" Mao Xiaoyuan was the first to stretch out his pig's claws.

Zhang Yi quickly patted the back of his hand with the pen tip: "Go away, I'll do it myself."

"Oh, Zhang Yi, you're working so hard, let us help you!"

Zhang Yi glanced at him and said: "Haha, I think you want to try what it's like to correct the deputy director's test paper?


Oops, I've been exposed~!

Mao Xiaoyuan and the people behind him denied shamelessly: "No way! I just want to help you share the burden, I swear~!"

Zhang Yi was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Men's mouths are deceitful.

"Go away, go away, don't delay my work. "Zhang Yi waved his hand and ordered them to leave.

Then several people walked away with pouty mouths and chattering.

Another hour passed after the test paper was corrected.

During this period, the wrinkles between Zhang Yi's eyebrows almost never relaxed.

It can be seen that Zhang Yi was not very satisfied with the results of the test paper.

Raising his hand and pinching the center of his eyebrows, Zhang Yi finally had time to check the time after calming down his mood.

It turned out to be 6:30 in the afternoon.

Looking at the office again, there were not many people who got off work on time.

But they were used to it.

Zhang Yi simply tidied up the desk and was about to get up and leave work.

I saw an ambulance just coming back at the door of the emergency room.

Today is Chen Fang's night shift.

As soon as I went out, I saw Chen Fang had gone out of the emergency room to pick up the patient.

The person who got off the car was an old man, followed by two of his family members.

Look at the old man holding his stomach with a painful face. It seems that he has abdominal pain again?

This time Chen Fang is still the patient .

If the skills are not in place, abdominal pain is the nightmare of emergency doctors.

Although I don’t know who said this.

But at this moment, Chen Fang felt that this was simply a wise saying!

Abdominal pain...

Abdominal pain again...

Chen Fang looked at Zhang Yi’s direction with a guilty conscience.

For some reason, he was afraid that he would make a wrong diagnosis again.

This is not a matter of fines and salary deductions.

It’s embarrassing for Zhang Yi.

He came to Union Hospital with Zhang Yi, but he misdiagnosed again and again.

If this is not embarrassing for Zhang Yi, what is it?

If he makes a mistake again, he really feels embarrassed to stay in Union Hospital.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Fang concentrated.

The old man is 72 years old and has terrible abdominal pain. After enduring for two days, he couldn’t bear it anymore and told his family.

Then he quickly called 120 emergency number.

At this moment, the old man frowned and looked like he was about to faint from the pain.

"Vomiting? Diarrhea? Fever? "Chen Fang asked.

The old man and his family members shook their heads: "No, no diarrhea or vomiting, I used a thermometer at home and I didn't have a fever, just a stomachache."

Chen Fang also took out a thermometer to measure the old man's temperature.

36.8℃, no fever indeed.

"Come, lie down, I'll check your body first."

The family members did as they were told and helped the old man lie on the stretcher in the clinic.

When Zhang Yi came over, he happened to see Chen Fang pressing the old man's abdomen for examination.

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