The students were all waiting for the interview.

In the classroom, all the candidates for the interview had arrived.

The only difference between today and yesterday was that yesterday Zhang Yi could hear a lot of noise inside before he even approached.

Today it was as quiet as a chicken.


Do you all feel that you didn't do well in the exam?

Zhang Yi walked into the classroom with a meaningful smile.

When everyone saw Zhang Yi coming in with a smile, they all looked ashen and had no confidence, but suddenly they rekindled their hope!

Zhang Yi was smiling? ? !

Could it be that they did well in the exam?

Otherwise why was he smiling!


It must be that many of them scored full marks!

Everyone looked at Zhang Yi and the test paper in his hand eagerly.

Looking forward to Zhang Yi's "verdict".

Zhang Yi silently put the test paper on the table, then glanced at everyone in the classroom: "Huh? Why aren't you noisy today? I saw you were quite noisy yesterday, right? Why are you so quiet today?"

After that, Zhang Yi lowered his head and began to sort out the test papers.

Some of the brave ones also joked: "Haha, Doctor Zhang, I see you are in a good mood, how did we do on the test?"

It would have been better if he hadn't asked. Once he asked, the smile on Zhang Yi's face disappeared.

The next second, Zhang Yi pursed his lips, looked at everyone very seriously and said:

"First of all, no matter what your final score is, I want to thank you first, thank you for choosing to come to Union Hospital and for trusting me.

I also hope you don't think my full score requirement is too strict.

I do this not only for myself, but also for you, and for the future of the entire Chinese medical community.

If I am stricter with my future apprentices, there will be a better chance for another me to appear in China.

I hope that the doctors who got full marks this time can remember what I said now. Getting full marks is not necessarily It proves how good you are.

Because this is just a small written test.

There are not many questions in total. If you want to be all-round, you can't finish it with one test paper.

This requires you to accumulate little by little in clinical practice, and spend your spare time on specialized books such as internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and pediatrics.

Only by being strict with yourself can you make continuous progress.

Of course, I also admire everyone.

It is actually very difficult for us to be doctors. The four words "walking on thin ice" are the best adjectives for this industry.

The speed of renewal in this industry is too fast. If you don't learn If you don't study, you will soon be eliminated by the industry.

Basically every year... no, not every year, if it's fast, it will change every half a year or even every few months.

Sometimes it's a surgical plan, and every doctor is constantly looking for better operation methods to reduce trauma to patients and complete the operation better.

The new plan replaces the old plan, so you have to learn it, right?

Sometimes it's the inspection equipment. The equipment factory is also very competitive now. It can be upgraded every few months, and it will sell you that this one can see more clearly, and that one can produce more precise results.

A lot of messes are meaningful to clinical practice anyway, so you have to learn it.

Or there are newly developed drugs. What are the side effects of the new drugs? What are the results of drug trials? What are its advantages and disadvantages compared with the old version of the drug?

These still need to be learned!

So, in such a relatively stressful medical environment, you can still come to Union Hospital with the mentality of continuing to learn. I really admire you.

Whether you can stay or not, you are all great and excellent doctors.

In the future, you will definitely become the shining star in this industry that illuminates others. "

In the classroom.

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, there was complete silence.

But one could vaguely hear a lot of excited gasps.

Yes, no one expected Zhang Yi to suddenly say such a long and heartfelt speech.

He was so right!

The entire medical environment is full of pressure!

I went here to study today, and I have to make a case report PPT tomorrow, and I have to explain the surgical plan to the leader the day after tomorrow, and I have to make a ward round record the day after tomorrow...

Then I looked at it again, and I didn’t even finish writing the admission record for the patients in my hands.

Finally, I looked again...


I haven’t had a vacation for almost a month...

There is no end to the clinical work, and there is no end to the learning.

As long as you don’t die, you will die.

Woo woo woo...

It’s really hard for us!

Before this, they thought Zhang Yi was a very cold person who disdained to tell them these inner thoughts.

Even today

I thought so before.

After reporting to Union Hospital these two days, I only met Zhang Yi yesterday.

At other times, they didn't even see the shadow of Zhang Yi.

Naturally, they thought Zhang Yi was so aloof. He was so well-known and had such great skills. He must look down on doctors like them who came to be his apprentices.


Zhang Yi didn't think so!

He even had high hopes for them!

He also said that they were great and excellent doctors, and that they would be the shining stars in this industry that illuminate others in the future!

Even... he put the future of China's medical industry on them~!

Woo woo woo...

So touching~~

How can they be responsible for such a heavy responsibility!

For a moment, everyone was excited and moved, and their eyes were wet.

They almost came forward to give Zhang Yi a hug!

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with a touching face.

Zhang Yi curled his lips and showed that standard gentle and approachable smile.


Good, PUA is successful.

Say something nice first, so that you won't offend people when you start scolding later.

Then Zhang Yi spoke again:

"Okay, then I will prepare to announce the results of this written test.

Remember, no matter what the scores are, you are all great and excellent doctors."

Everyone nodded like pounding garlic~!


Zhang Yi, you are right~!

"Let me tell you the number of people first. There are 32 people in total. There are 15 people with scores below 90, and 10 people with scores between 99 and 91."

The rest are full marks.

Zhang Yi didn't say it, but everyone figured it out.

Only 7 of the 32 people got full marks? ?

There were gasps in the whole classroom.


There were only five apprentices in total, but only seven of them got full marks in the written test?

What if one of these seven is not good at operation?

Maybe he won't even get five disciples in the end?

In the anxious and puzzled eyes of the crowd, Zhang Yi's expression finally changed.

The gentle smile just now suddenly disappeared.

He turned into a frosty look.

The next second, he said coldly:

"7, I didn't expect that only 7 people got full marks??

You should have specially reviewed in the first half month after coming to Union Hospital, right?

I heard that many hospitals gave you a special holiday to prepare for this interview.

What are you reviewing for??

Reviewing for ghosts?!"

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