The old man was very happy, and the doctor was very happy.

Ryan's side.

Seeing Jin Zhenglun laughing so happily, he thought that the time was extended, and their Chinese doctors could study in Britain for a longer period of time.

Look, this can make them so happy? ?


Ryan's contempt and ridicule in his heart became even worse.

These people are exactly the same as before!

But now their British policies are different, and they will no longer have any exchanges with Chinese medical care in the future.

This kind of poverty alleviation project is probably the last this year.

Ryan sneered in his heart and cooperated with Jin Zhenglun to chat politely for a few more words.

Because the two people communicated in British, all the young foreign doctors present could understand.

At this time, a doctor with an Asian face suddenly raised his hand and asked: "Excuse me, Dean Jin... Is the Zhang Yi you just mentioned the young doctor who is very popular in your country recently?"

Jin Zhenglun was chatting with Ryan, and he was still thinking about it in his heart.

Suddenly he heard someone ask this question, so he looked up.

Only then did he realize that the doctor who asked the question was an Asian face.

Jin Zhenglun nodded: "Haha, yes, it's him, what? Do you know him?"

If someone knows Zhang Yi, it would be easier.

So that Jin Zhenglun would not have to introduce Zhang Yi to them again from beginning to end.

The doctor smiled and said, "No, but a few days ago, a classmate of mine told me something. He said that this doctor named Zhang Yi only took about 25 minutes to finish the medical exam questions of our country this year, and he got full marks, so I really want to meet him."

After he said this, all the foreign doctors in the conference room looked at him in disbelief.

"What?! Are you kidding, Chen?"

"25 minutes to get full marks? Chen, are you sure your classmate is telling the truth?"

"Hey Chen! Don't joke in this kind of occasion!"

Even Jin Zhenglun himself thought he had heard it wrong.

Full marks?

What full marks?

Why didn't he hear Zhang Yi say this? ?

And it was full marks for the British medical exam questions? !


It should be a demonstration of full marks for his apprentices, right?


It would be too face-saving to say this out!

Thinking of this, Jin Zhenglun's face lit up, and he said with a bit of pride: "Oh, I haven't heard Zhang Yi talk about this yet? But he has been recruiting apprentices all over the country recently. He should have demonstrated it himself when he was invigilating for his apprentices a few days ago. Haha, it's nothing, these are the basic exercises of our Chinese doctors, you don't have to be too surprised. Especially this Zhang Yi, it's not surprising that he can get full marks~"

Look at this pride.

The leaders of the Union Medical College next to him can't stand it anymore.

Jin Zhenglun!

You should restrain yourself~!

On the side, how could Ryan not hear the pride in Jin Zhenglun's tone?

But where did this Chinese doctor get their British medical examination questions?

And he got full marks? ?

He has also heard about this year's questions, which are indeed difficult.

The reason why the pass rate in Britain this year is low is because the questions are too difficult, resulting in only 43% of people passing the line.

I didn't expect it.

There are people in China who can get full marks? ?

And they finished it in 25 minutes?


Don't brag, right?

Suspicious, Ryan asked with a smile: "Zhang Yi... is he a doctor in your Union Hospital?"

Jin Zhenglun nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, he is a genius doctor in our Union Hospital. You haven't heard of Zhang Yi yet? It just so happens that he will supervise the operation exams of his apprentices the day after tomorrow, and will also give them a demonstration of the operation. Then I will take you to see this genius who is currently in the limelight in our China!"

Ryan's smile faded a little, but there was still a trace of disdain in his heart.


There are still geniuses in China?

There are also many geniuses among the young doctors next to him.

Haha, then we will see who is the real genius!

In the conference room, some doctors were already looking forward to what Jin Zhenglun said.

Hearing the word genius from the head of the best hospital in China, this doctor named Zhang Yi must be very good, right?

However, the other part is a typical Western ideology of looking down on others.

They look down on yellow skin in their hearts.

All the people with black hair.

So, even though they heard the words "full score in 25 minutes" and "genius", they still looked at it with an unbelieving attitude.

In the corner, someone patted Chen's shoulder and showed him the information he searched on his phone: "Chen, look and see if this person is Zhang Yi?"

The phone showed a British web search page.

There were many web pages introducing Zhang Yi on it.

Including actors, singers, and even some ordinary people.

Chen smiled helplessly and shook his head and said, "No, none of them are here. There are too many people named Zhang Yi in China."

"Then how can you be sure that this person named Zhang Yi can get full marks in 25 minutes?"

Chen took out his mobile phone and showed him the chat record with Hou Yong: "This is the picture my classmate sent me, take a look for yourself."

After a while, the man moved his eyes away from the mobile phone screen.

By the way, he uttered a British-style swear word: Wade Fa? !

Chen explained to him: "My classmate is here to participate in the selection of Zhang Yi's apprentice. A few days ago, they looked at the answers written by Zhang Yi together. It can't be fake.

I searched for Zhang Yi's information on Chinese websites. Did you know that a very authoritative neurosurgery professor in the United States was shot not long ago?"

The doctor sitting next to Chen thought for a while before remembering it, and nodded quickly: "Yes! I know! It is said that he was shot during the operation!"

"That's right, but that operation was remotely operated. The latest technology of Beifa Technology allows doctors far away in the United States to perform surgery on patients in China. So when Professor Phipps fell down that time The operation was interrupted, but in China, Zhang Yi took over the rest of the operation. "

"What? He took over Professor Phipps's operation? ? Oh my God! He is an authority in brain surgery! Zhang Yi actually... But after hearing what you said, I became more and more curious about this Zhang Yi! But how come I had never heard of this at the beginning?"

"The news between countries must be different. It was a sensation in the United States and China at the time, but it was not spread much in our Britain."

"So that's the case, God, I can't wait to meet this Zhang Yi now! Where is he? Where is your classmate? Let your classmate take us to see him!"

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