The situation this year is rather strange.

The number of doctors from various departments who signed up to exchange with Britain is not as many as those who signed up to be Zhang Yi's apprentices some time ago!

Although the requirements for exchange doctors are also attending physicians or above...

But this is too strange!

What's wrong? ?

No one wants to go to Britain for further studies? ?

Don't want to go out for gilding?

There are still many doctors in the Union Hospital who graduated with a doctorate in China.

Such a good opportunity not to go out for a walk? ? ?

It made several department heads confused.

What's wrong with you?

Britain, one of the birthplaces of surgical operations!

Not going? ?

Even the director found his favorite student to do ideological work.

Try to fill the quota so that he can complete his work.


No one agreed!

"No, I won't go. It's better for me to be Zhang Yi's apprentice than to go to Britain."

"Hey, I'm...!"

The director was speechless.


There is no way. The people below don't want to go, but the upper level requires to complete the quota.

Several department directors jointly came up with a solution, coaxing and deceiving them to treat this study as a trip to Britain.

It doesn't matter whether you study or not, and there is no further study quota.

Just go to see other people's hospitals, take a stroll after get off work, and come back after a month.

Now someone agreed to go!

It's a public travel, and there is no learning task. Don't you have to rush to go?

Including Kang Yanming, who has been thinking about who to send during this time!

Emergency Department Office

Kang Yanming was preparing to call out the troops and send whoever he called to go.

As soon as Zhang Yi came back, he saw that everyone in the office was in danger.

What happened?

I was exhausted after sending those foreigners away just now.

Why did the department still look like the sky was falling when I came back?

Seeing Zhang Yi coming back, Kang Yanming's troubled expression was slightly relieved.

He walked up and asked with a smile: "Zhang Yi? Have you sent those foreigners away?"

Zhang Yi nodded while drinking water: "Yeah, I just sent them away, and my mouth is almost dry."

Switching between various languages ​​along the way was not difficult, but these foreigners were really talkative.

They kept talking for hours, so he had to talk with them.

"Well... then..." Kang Yanming stared at Zhang Yi and smiled a little awkwardly.

"What's wrong, Director? Is there anything?"

"Hehe, nothing, I'm considering which of them to send to Britain for further studies."

Before Kang Yanming's last words faded away.

Mao Xiaoyuan and Zhang Shengwei shook their heads and said:

"No, no, no, Director, we won't go, even if we die!"

What a look of fearlessness!

Kang Yanming was furious!

"What are you talking about? Is going to Britain going to harm you? I asked you to go for further studies and gild your reputation, but you still act like you're dying!"

Mao Xiaoyuan pursed her lips: "Hey, Director, what's the good of going to Britain? It's better to build relationships and become Zhang Yi's apprentice. Besides, didn't Cai Yuanpei express his opinion? Let him go!"

"He's been there!"

"Well... I won't go anyway, and maybe Zhang Yi will start remote surgery with the United States next month. I must be there to witness Zhang Yi's success!"

As soon as Mao Xiaoyuan said this, the people next to him nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, if we go to Britain for further studies, then we won't be able to see Zhang Yi's remote surgery, right? No, no, no, I won't go either!"

"You guys...!" Kang Yanming pointed at these bastards.

He wanted to curse but couldn't!


If it were him, he would also want to see Zhang Yi's remote surgery.

But the hospital's target number this time is 30 people, and the emergency department is assigned two people.

It's impossible that there are not enough people, right?

In the past, everyone was desperate to go abroad to get a gold medal.

This year, it's different.

No one wants to go.


Anyway, doesn't this just show that their medical level in China has improved?

Kang Yanming sighed silently as he looked at the people in the office.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Chen Fang who had been shrinking in the corner.

In theory, Chen Fang is not qualified to participate in this exchange activity, because Chen Fang is only an intern doctor now.

It's equivalent to a doctor from a lower-level hospital coming to Union Hospital for further study.

Those without employment contracts are not allowed to participate.

It counts.

But it seems that there is no one available now!

Maybe Chen Fang is willing?

"Well, Chen Fang, how about you..."

Before Kang Yanming finished speaking, Chen Fang immediately took a step forward to Zhang Yi, and then snuggled up to Zhang Yi's shoulder with a little bird-like gesture, and said in an extremely sissy voice:

"I won't go~ I am Zhang Yi's person in life~ I will be Zhang Yi's ghost in death~"


"Ugh~ Bah!"

"I knew you two were having an affair~!"

"Chen Fang, you want to die!"

Even Zhang Yi couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Brother, don't ruin my innocence!

Kang Yanming closed his eyes with a look of disgust.

These bastards, they are so annoying all day long.

"Get out! Go do what you need to do!" Kang Yanming waved his hand and drove everyone away.

Everyone felt relieved, shrugged their shoulders and quickly disappeared.

Kang Yanming was really at his wit's end. He looked up at Zhang Yi, the only one who was still there.

"Zhang Yi, who do you think should be chosen? Our emergency department's quota is two people, so we have to find someone in a group."

Zhang Yi was stunned.

Good guy!

Why do you throw the problem to me...

What does this matter of selecting people have to do with me? ?

At this time, Wang Yufei appeared!

He was busy receiving patients just now, so Kang Yanming didn't find him.

Now he appeared by himself!

Wang Yufei walked back to his position with the case in his arms.

"Huh? Where are the people? What are they doing?"

Wang Yufei said in a good mood.

Zhang Yi's eyes flashed with cunning, and he deliberately asked:

"Director Kang, I heard that Group 2 will send Charlie Yeung to study in Britain this year? Is it true?"

How could Kang Yanming, a veteran, not understand!

He immediately nodded in cooperation: "Yes! Old Tian said Charlie Yeung wanted to go out for a walk, and it was just like a trip, so I agreed. Alas, it's a pity that no one in our group has signed up yet, and I don't know who to choose."

Sure enough!

Zhang Yi's ears perked up when he saw Wang Yufei from the corner of his eye.


Isn't the candidate here?

The next second, Wang Yufei turned his head away and asked unnaturally: "Director, is it really Charlie Yeung in Group 2?"

Kang Yanming pretended to be angry and said: "Why would I lie to you? Believe it or not, you're not going anyway."

"No, no, no, I didn't say I wouldn't go."

"Why? You want to go with Charlie Yeung?"

Wang Yufei hesitated for a while: "Well... That's not what I meant. Anyway, I just thought it was only about a month, so I'd just go for fun. It's okay to go~"

Zhang Yi couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

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