Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Yi smiled.

But there was a hint of anger in this smile.

Then he said coldly: "You, haven't you heard a saying?"

Zhang Yi's voice was cold and questioning.

The other 25 doctors were almost older than Zhang Yi, and they had seen many big leaders.

But it was strange. When Zhang Yi's face sank, it was like an invisible pressure on them, as if the whole space was frozen, which was even more frightening than those big leaders getting angry!

They were all like being cast under a spell, and even a simple action like shaking their heads became difficult!

I stood there, not knowing whether to answer whether I had heard it before or not...

When the atmosphere was depressing, Zhang Yi sighed helplessly and said:

"Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Union Hospital has notified you half a month in advance, which means that you can strive to have more time to practice or review. What is the result? What are your requirements for yourself? Are you satisfied with a written test score of more than 90 points? Or do you think you are excellent with a score of 95? Before coming here, did you think you were very powerful and amazing? Do you think you have a good chance to become my apprentice?"

These words hit the inner thoughts of these people.

That's right!

Each of them is indeed a high-end talent in their original hospital.

Not only have they returned from studying abroad, but there are also many who can perform difficult operations in their thirties, and even worse, they have become deputy directors before they are forty.

Isn't it that they came here with full confidence?

Everyone was touched by the heart, and they all lowered their heads a little embarrassed.

But Zhang Yi only felt more angry.

"You all, each of you is a talent in each hospital! Look at the time you have spent on studying since college, and then look at the clinical experience you have accumulated, which one is not a lot? Some of you have even become deputy chief physicians! Logically speaking, with your qualifications, it should be easy to get a full score in the written test, right? But what happened? 90 or 95 points are a lot! Tell me, what kind of excellence is this?!"

"I said something the other day, I said that academic qualifications do not represent everything, but I didn't say the second half of the sentence."

"Academic qualifications cannot completely determine "You can't even meet such basic requirements, what is your upper limit? I can't see it at all!" "You, Jia Lin! You are a top student of the Imperial Capital Medical College. After graduation, you went to the United States to study for a master's and doctoral degree at the Saint Shield Medical College. Such a dazzling resume is enough to make people look at you with admiration no matter where you are! I thought that talents like you would definitely make me shine. But what happened? You only scored 90 points? ! You didn't make me shine, you made me shine You were so embarrassed before! You are so ashamed to come to me and ask for a second chance now? Don't you feel ashamed? "

"If you didn't work hard before, what's the point of working hard now? Is it fair to the seven doctors who got full marks in the first test before? !"

"Compared with me, you are not even half as hard-working or excellent as me!

When you can't see me, I have never stopped working hard!

If I am not proficient in the operation, I will practice the operation repeatedly. If I am not familiar with the surgical process, I will review every detail carefully. If I encounter blind spots in theoretical knowledge, I will look through books and papers to find them. to the answer.

Do you really think that I can achieve my current success only by relying on so-called talent? Wrong! I have talent, but it is more because of the hard work and efforts I put in behind the scenes, but you can't see it! "

"You guys... don't think about being my apprentice. Wait until you really set high standards for yourself and really want to be an excellent doctor, then come back!"

"I am not a heartless person. I will still give opportunities to those who really understand this truth."

Zhang Yi stood in front of the operating table and spoke such a heartfelt words in front of the entire classroom and the doctors outside the door.

The doctors from other departments who came to watch the operation were stunned!

Oh my God, Zhang Yi has been working hard in a place they can't see.

No wonder Zhang Yi is so outstanding.

This is what they deserve!

The twenty-five apprentices were so ashamed that they couldn't even raise their heads after hearing this...


I thought Zhang Yi would be willing to give them a second chance.

Unexpectedly... they brought shame upon themselves.

This is indeed unfair to those who had already passed the written test that day.

The group of foreigners were still chattering in the corner.

Only Doctor Chen was talking so much that sparks were about to fly.

The classroom fell into silence.

At this time, Jin Zhenglun felt that he should stand up, so he put his hands behind his back and said in a deep voice:

"Enough! Stop talking! I also understand your desire for a second chance, because after all, this is to be Zhang Yi's apprentice, and many doctors across the country have this wish. But since you have already failed, don't think too much, go back and work hard, and try to be selected next time."

Hearing this, Hou Yong was the most excited. He stood on tiptoe from behind the crowd and asked:

"Really? We have another chance? When is it?"

Jin Zhenglun looked back at Zhang Yi: "There is definitely a chance... but it depends on when Zhang Yi decides."

Although this is as good as saying nothing, it is at least a hope.

Hou Yong looked at Zhang Yi with a burning gaze, and after a while, he nodded firmly and shouted to Zhang Yi:

"Zhang Yi! Wait! When I come next time, I will definitely make you look at me with new eyes!"

After that, Hou Yong left without looking back.

On the operating table, Zhang Yi, who had been frowning, finally relaxed his expression when he heard this.

Even a trace of relief appeared in the corner of his eyes.


Not bad, this is still quite good!

As soon as Hou Yong left, the other people followed suit after seeing that they had no second chance.

The entire operating room door was now empty.

Of course, it was immediately crowded with doctors who rushed in after hearing the news.

Soon, there were waves of discussions inside and outside the operating room.

Especially those foreigners.

At this time, Chen finally finished translating after rushing.

Chen was tired of talking, but he didn't expect that those people didn't comfort him, but praised Zhang Yi with shocked faces!

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