The doctor said, "Report, my operation test is over."


Very quiet!

No one in the entire operation room even spoke.

Not only that, many people still felt a little unsatisfied?

Hey brother~

Do you want to make another cut? We still want to watch~

The foreigners next to him didn't have this idea, but their reaction was more intense than others.

After watching such a heavy and wonderful suture operation, you have to show your support, right?


The entire operation room was silent for a few seconds.

Clap, clap!

A warm applause followed, and the foreigners looked at Li Mingliang with encouraging and appreciative eyes.

At this moment.

Although there are racial differences between the two countries, and there may even be a certain degree of competition in some areas.

But these foreigners from Britain still expressed their respect to Li Mingliang without hesitation.

Medicine is a science that transcends national boundaries and does not distinguish between races.

It is pure.

And Li Mingliang's serious and almost crazy attitude towards medicine really made them admire him.

At this time, facing the praise and applause that came like a tide around him, Li Mingliang was surprisingly calm.

He was not pretending~

It's just that what he was thinking about was not these superficial glories, but a more critical question: Can his operation just now pass Zhang Yi's level?

For Li Mingliang, the recognition of others is important, but it is far less critical than Zhang Yi's evaluation.

It doesn't mean that he must make Zhang Yi feel how great he is, as long as he can make Zhang Yi feel that he did a good job.

In front of the operating room, the leaders showed a hint of appreciation in their eyes after watching Li Mingliang's operation.

Not bad, not bad~

Although this person is a bit ruthless, he has indeed practiced it.

The few sutures just now seemed to be deliberately done to show off himself, but no one said that a ten-centimeter incision cannot be sutured ten times back and forth?

For this kind of operation without a rigid standard, no matter how many times you do it, it will not affect the final score.

Only poor operation will affect it.

Jin Zhenglun looked at Zhang Yi, and saw Zhang Yi raised a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth, and then heard Zhang Yi ask:

"Li Mingliang, has the effect of your anesthetic worn off now?"

Li Mingliang didn't expect that Zhang Yi's first question would be this?

He felt it carefully.

It seems... OK, not very painful.

"Not yet? OK, I don't feel anything now." Li Mingliang answered truthfully.

Zhang Yi couldn't help it. He walked over from the front and stood in front of Li Mingliang. After looking at his legs, he asked, "Tell us why you have to practice on yourself. You have so many wounds on your body. People who don't know would think you have depression and want to commit suicide."

Li Mingliang pursed his lips implicitly, thought for a few seconds, and then spoke a little awkwardly:

"Actually... I just think that as a doctor, especially a surgeon, suturing is our specialty.

If you don't practice suturing well, you can't be called a surgeon at all.

You can't really understand the patient's feelings.

Doctors should treat diseases, people, and hearts.

Some doctors may not agree with what I said, thinking that it's just suturing, and an old lady who can use a needle and thread can sew it with her eyes closed.

But... until I met a female patient who injured her calf in a car accident. I don't know what happened on her calf. What sharp weapon cut a nearly 15-centimeter-long wound, which was not only deep but also bleeding.

The doctor who received the patient at that time happened to be the deputy director. In order to let an intern under his command practice, he asked the intern to sew it.

At that time, the wound was not visible, but when the female patient came for a follow-up visit later, I took a look at the wound. The suture was very bad, the tension between each round was different, and the skin on both sides was tight and loose.

Sure enough, even if the patient's wound had healed, the skin at the sutured part still had some uneven depths, which was really not beautiful at all. I couldn't bear to look at it.

The female patient was also very unhappy, but perhaps she was a person with a softer personality, and she didn't dare to go to the deputy director to argue. She only complained to me, who was still a resident at the time, quietly, "I know you doctors are busy, but I am also a patient. I came to the hospital for treatment and I was not treated well. Who should I talk to?"

What's the use of my leg healing? You doctors really don't treat it well unless it's your own wound. You don't sew it well if it's not your own wound. What's the use of it? It's so ugly. How can I wear a skirt in the future? "

The operating room was very quiet, and everyone was listening to Li Mingliang's story quietly.

It's just pitiful for Chen. She has never closed her mouth since she entered this room.

"When I heard her say this, I really wanted to tell her that it was not true. There are many doctors who have good suturing skills and will not even leave scars.

But after thinking about it, I still swallowed the words. Why? Because no matter how much I said, there was no doctor who was good at suturing to help her do this suturing.

Just say that their skills are good, but they are not good for her.

Including myself at that time, although the suturing was not that bad, it was not good either.

Since then, I have been thinking that practicing on patients is still too cruel, especially female patients.

Although they are also dedicated to medicine, if I encounter such a person who needs beauty, I can't sew it so ugly.

So I decided to practice on myself! Only by seeing the wound on my body can I concentrate on suturing and try not to leave scars in the end.

Over time, the skills will naturally improve.

This is why I experiment on myself! "

Li Mingliang said a lot.

But to sum it up, it can be summarized in one sentence: Dedicating oneself to medicine!

Zhang Yi's eyes showed a rare look of shock.

There are really few doctors with such ideas in today's era.

Many of them are looking for this relatively stable iron rice bowl, the white coat that is still respected, and the relatively good salary in the later period.

Li Mingliang really goes against everyone.

Just like Zhang Yi.

And the most important thing is that his marks are really not left in vain.

Zhang Yi can see at a glance that Li Mingliang really worked hard in the operation just now.

He is only in his thirties, but when it comes to suturing, he is already on par with many directors and deputy directors.

Not bad~

This person is qualified~

"Okay, well said, then leaders, let's give him a score first."

Zhang Yi nodded with satisfaction and walked back to the operating table in front to write the score.

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