After hearing the word "full marks", the people around had different opinions. Some thought that Li Pingping would fail, while others thought that Li Pingping was no worse than Li Mingliang. Everyone was talking about it. Only Li Pingping was stunned on the spot, and she didn't know how to react for a while! Zhang Yi smiled and looked at her: "What's wrong, Li Pingping? Didn't you hear me? Or do you not want this score?" Li Mingliang, who was standing next to her, quickly pushed her, and Li Pingping came back to her senses from the shock. "Ah? I...I...No no no! I didn't...I I I...I passed...Thank...I thank you! Thank you, Dr. Zhang! Woohoo...Thank you, Dr. Zhang, for giving me a chance! Thank you!"

So excited!!

As she spoke, Li Pingping was so excited that she shed tears!

Oh my God!

She actually passed!

Before the assessment began, she did have a glimmer of hope that she should be able to pass.

But after watching Li Mingliang's operation, she instantly felt that she had lost her strength.

He directly cut himself with a knife!

And he sewed it so well!

Under such a shocking operation, the grape she sewed was simply incomparable.

She thought she had no chance...


Zhang Yi still saw her!

He saw her hard work day and night!

Although she was not as crazy as Li Mingliang, she also believed that she definitely did not rely on time to gild as Zhang Yi said.

She really practiced hard!

Li Pingping was a little excited, and her speech was incoherent.

From then on, she could not only work in Union Hospital, but more importantly, she became Zhang Yi's apprentice.

The future is limitless!


It's all worth it!

All the hardships I had to endure for learning and the fatigue I had to endure for operation... It was all worth it!

"Thank you, Dr. Zhang... Thank you!"

Li Pingping bowed to Zhang Yi and the leaders while crying.

Seeing Li Pingping crying so sadly, Zhang Yi smiled and shook his head to comfort her: "Ah, don't thank me, you should thank yourself the most. It is you who walked in front of me step by step through your efforts, so I can see you, right? Don't cry."

"I... Yeah! I won't cry, I won't cry! Dr. Zhang, don't worry, I will never let you down!"

"Okay, then I will continue to announce the results."

The surroundings immediately became quiet, and everyone turned their eyes to Zhang Yi again.

Those who hadn't announced their rankings were even more nervous now.

It is said that there are only five spots for apprentices.

Three have been announced and two have been selected.

In other words, only three of the remaining four can enter.


In the corner, Ryan turned around and secretly communicated with a doctor beside him.

"Bruce, what do you think of the second-to-last person who sewed the pork just now?"

The doctor named Bruce glanced at the seven doctors, shook his head slightly and said, "Average."

Ryan also agreed with him.

It is indeed average.

And this person is relatively good among the remaining four.


Will Zhang Yi still choose an apprentice from the remaining four?

Does he like the rest?

"Bruce, if it were you, do you think you would have a chance to be selected by Zhang Yi?"

Bruce raised his chin, and it was not difficult to see that there was some confidence in his eyes.

"Me? Haha, even if I have this opportunity, I won't choose it. I have a teacher, and my teacher, Professor Kyle, is better than Zhang Yi!"

Lian had a smile on his face. He looked at Bruce's face full of pride and didn't say anything else.

Kyle is indeed amazing.

He is one of the absolute authoritative experts in cardiothoracic surgery in their country of Britain.

Many wealthy politicians will almost think of Kyle when they need cardiothoracic surgery.

But no matter what, Kyle is already an old senior.

How long can he fight in the field of cardiothoracic surgery?

After watching the operation assessment of Union Hospital today, Ryan was full of thoughts.

Doctors with these operation levels can only be apprentices to Zhang Yi...

It is conceivable that Zhang Yi's operation is definitely more shocking than that of Li Mingliang.

Otherwise, why would so many people come to watch?


Zhang Yi is still so young.

Think about it, in Britain, there is really no doctor so young and so charismatic...

For a moment, Ryan's

The worry only increased.

On the operating table, Zhang Yi naturally didn't know that in just a few minutes, the foreigner's thoughts had drifted to the point of worrying about the future of their country's medical community.

"Next, I will announce Zhou Zhiming's results. There are five judges in total. Three of them gave you a full score of 100 points, one gave you 99 points, and the other gave you 95 points. According to the total score of 500 points, I'm sorry, you failed this assessment."

As soon as Zhang Yi said this, the crowd who had just been quiet for a while started to chatter again.

Even Zhang Xin raised his head again with a look of surprise.

Damn? ?

Exactly the same? ?

How could Zhou Zhiming have the same score as Zhang Xin?

Zhou Zhiming also boldly asked: "Doctor Zhang, why... my score is the same as Zhang Xin's? Both have three 100s, one 99 and then one 95? Could it be... I read it wrong?"

Zhang Yi looked at Zhou Zhiming without blinking and said: "No, you two have the same score. Your suture is OK, but for me, it's the same as Zhang Xin's. You didn't work as hard as Li Mingliang, nor as steady as Li Pingping, so I only gave you 95 points. I hope you continue to work hard and strive to see you again next time."

Zhou Zhiming's shoulders drooped instantly.

The light in his eyes dimmed.



Before he started, he was worried that he would not be able to pass the operation.

Because his strength is rote memorization, he is willing to take the written test.

But his hands-on ability... Alas!

Unexpectedly, it was just as he expected.

Next, Zhang Yi announced the results of the remaining few people while everyone was anxiously waiting.

Surprisingly, I thought the last three people would be the remaining three places.

But what I didn't expect was!

None of the last three people passed!

"Huh? Didn't the announcement say that five people would be recruited? Now there are only two?"

"Maybe Zhang Yi doesn't like it!"

"Not only Zhang Yi doesn't like it, I also look down on it a little~"

"Don't be arrogant, you are not Zhang Yi, what do you look down on?"

"It's mainly because Li Mingliang is too arrogant. Once he finished, the entire assessment standard was raised. Except for Li Pingping, who was steady, the others were really not as good as Li Mingliang. If I were Zhang Yi, I would not choose it again. It's better to have nothing than to have something bad, understand?"

"So that's it!"

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