The egg white liquid slowly overflowed along the incision.

Seeing that the shell membrane was about to be soaked by the liquid, Zhang Yi quickly picked up the previously prepared suture and started to suture!

The needle tip was inserted from one side of the shell membrane and then passed out from the opposite side and tightened.

Zhang Yi used the simplest suture method, but even the simplest suture method needs to be tied and fixed back and forth, especially when there is liquid inside.

But after Zhang Yi made an 8-shaped figure, he not only did not tie a knot, but also directly cut off the excess suture with scissors!

No way?

This guy didn't even tie a knot? ?

The doctors who were close were confused.

What's wrong with Zhang Yi?

How can you not tie a knot when suturing back and forth?

If you don't tie a knot, you can't fix the suture. If this happens in clinical practice, the patient will fall off if he moves the suture a few times, and the wound will split!

This operation is simply a model of failure!

A master of Zhang Yi's level cannot make such a low-level mistake.

So everyone couldn't understand what Zhang Yi was trying to do for a while.

Everyone had a big question mark in their hearts.

But seeing that Zhang Yi was operating so seriously, no one dared to ask a question.

On the operating table, Zhang Yi's actions continued.

Before the people around him could see clearly, Zhang Yi inserted the needle and thread again, then brought it out, tightened it, and finally cut it off with scissors.

After another round, he still didn't tie a knot!

The doctors watching around were all confused.

Even Jin Zhenglun didn't understand what Zhang Yi was doing.

He wanted to ask, but thought about it and gave up.

This is Zhang Yi!

He did this... there must be a reason~!

So, Jin Zhenglun just pretended to understand and continued to watch.

When the others saw that the dean didn't say anything about Zhang Yi's strange behavior, but looked like he was watching with great interest...

Then they had no choice but to agree with Jin Zhenglun.

He nodded while watching, pretending to be enlightened and enlightened~!

The foreigners next to him were even more confused when they saw this situation. They were completely out of their mind.

I'm really impressed!!

How come Zhang Yi didn't tie a knot after suturing? ?

If he touches it lightly like this, the egg liquid will leak out.

What kind of sewing is this!

Zhang Yi, who is so praised, is only at this level? ?

Are the Chinese people kidding? ?

After all this time, this is it? ?

Some of the foreigners couldn't hold back the mocking expressions on their faces.

Ryan glanced at them, and then whispered: "Zhang Yi's suture is not over yet, don't worry! What if there is a reversal later? Look at those Chinese doctors, they are all so calm, not as surprised as us. Maybe Zhang Yi did it on purpose? In short, there must be some secrets we don't know. So let's pretend to understand and wait patiently, and see what happens!"

After Ryan said this, the foreigners had to put away their surprised expressions and put on a calm look.

Even the doctors who wanted to mock shut up obediently.

However, they must not understand and sneer at this mysterious operation of suturing without knotting.

In the operating room, less than a minute.

The doctors who were shocked and puzzled at first all turned into a look of understanding.

At this time, Zhang Yi lowered his head and concentrated on the operation, unaware of the changes around him.

Swish swish swish~!

Zhang Yi's slender fingers shuttled back and forth above the small egg, light and flexible.

Soon, the shell membrane was sutured.

There was no knot tied in each round, but the extra suture was cut directly after threading and tightening.

Zhang Yi was also curious.

The operation he performed did not meet the standard of suture operation at all.

Why didn't anyone ask him questions?

As a result, when he looked up, he saw the funny expressions on the faces of everyone at the scene.

Zhang Yi smiled: "No... Why don't you ask me questions? Do you understand my suture?"

Everyone's eyes rolled around, looking at each other.

After waiting for a while, including Jin Zhenglun, everyone shook their heads honestly.

Jin Zhenglun smiled and said: "Hehe, if you don't ask, I can still pretend, but if you ask... Then I really don't understand it. Why don't you tie a knot?"

The only person who dared to question Zhang Yi at the scene was probably

There were only Jin Zhenglun and those leaders.

After hearing Jin Zhenglun's question, everyone around looked at Zhang Yi with a curious look.

Yes, yes!

Why don't you tie a knot? ?

The shell membrane suture you did this time is completely different from the one you did before at West China Hospital.

We definitely can't learn this novel and advanced technique of not tying knots...

Zhang Yi had a mysterious smile on his face, then he picked up the suture in his hand and said, "I told you before the start that there is a detail in this operation that you need to discover by yourself, and it seems that everyone has discovered it."

"Suture? You don't mean suture without knots, right?!"

"Yes! That is, no knots!"

"But... but if you don't tie a knot, won't the wound easily break?"

"Yes, if you don't tie a knot, your egg liquid will not drip after you stand upside down, and it will probably flow out if you tilt it a little."

Faced with everyone's questions, Zhang Yi curled his lips slightly: "Really? Then you watch carefully~"

As he said, Zhang Yi picked up the egg and held it high!

The next second, he turned the egg upside down in the surprised eyes of everyone!


"Ouch, slow down!"

"Be careful, it will fall out!"

Everyone's heart was in their throats!

Everyone thought that the egg liquid would fall to the ground with a smack.

As a result...

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds...

After waiting for a long time, I found that the egg liquid showed no signs of falling out!


"Damn... Zhang Yi is amazing!"

"What the hell? Where is Newton? Where is Newton?!? Come and tell me this is not true!"

"No... Without tying a knot, the shell membrane will definitely not be able to withstand the gravity of the egg liquid and fall out after turning it upside down? What's going on?!?"

"Did we miss something? Zhang Yi actually tied a knot??"

The whole operation room exploded again!

Everyone was discussing happily.

Zhang Yi was like a magician. Untied sutures could actually overcome gravity? ?

Is this guy a human? !

Even the foreigners were stunned!

It's so funny!

What the hell, what is the principle? ? ?

Can an untied incision withstand the gravity of the liquid? ?

Damn, did I learn physics or medicine in vain? ?

At this moment, Ryan was also very grateful that he had stopped those doctors who wanted to mock Zhang Yi.

Otherwise, they would be embarrassed now.

After thinking about it, Ryan squeezed to the front, looked at the egg in Zhang Yi's hand, and asked politely:

"Excuse me, Dr. Zhang, how did you do it? Why can you prevent the egg liquid from flowing out even without tying a knot when suturing?"

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