The old man was very angry, but the old man was very angry.

Those who can work in Union Medical College are not stupid.

After such a demonstration, many people already know the principle.

Then, Zhang Yi took out a black plastic bag from his backpack.

When he opened it, there was a fish inside!

And it was a dead carp without even the scales scraped off.

When everyone was confused, Zhang Yi explained again:

"I don't know if anyone here has seen a magnified version of hair in the laboratory.

Let me briefly explain that under a magnifying glass, you can clearly see that the hair has scales covering it, which looks like barbs.

Just like the scales of this fish.

As you can see, if I stroke from the head of the fish to the tail, it will feel very smooth.

But if I stroke from the tail of the fish in the opposite direction, will I be pricked by the raised scales?

So there is this kind of obstacle similar to fish scales on this suture line.

It is very small and not easy to see with the naked eye, but it can be felt by hand.

It is definitely fine to use it for suturing, but if it is used in the opposite direction, the "barbs" on the suture line will be raised The resistance will prevent the doctor from even getting through the outermost layer of skin.

Of course, its main function is to prevent the suture from falling off.

So you just saw that I didn't tie any knots from beginning to end. Not only that, the feel when suturing is no different from other sutures.

You all know the final result. The shell membrane sutured in this way is the same as before, and no egg liquid flows out at all.

This shows that as long as the operation technique is correct, this suture will be more convenient and faster than ordinary sutures, and can better help us complete our clinical work.

Ladies and gentlemen, is my explanation more understandable? "

Everyone nodded in unison, slightly opened their mouths in surprise, and looked at Zhang Yi with admiration!

"I understand, I understand! Doctor Zhang, you are really amazing. Did you come up with this idea yourself?"

"Oh my god, Doctor Zhang is so awesome~!"

"Damn, Zhang Yi, this thing has never been seen in the clinic now!"

"Wow~ Doctor Zhang, you are so handsome~!"

"I want to see it again, Doctor Zhang, can you show us this suture again? I want to see it again!"

Everyone was very excited.

No one thought that someone could come up with such a way to solve the problem of knotting!

In fact, up to now, there are still many doctors in the clinic who have been working for several years but still can't tie knots or can't tie them properly.

There are even many people who can't even practice sutures.

This is the case in the clinic, let alone those medical students who have just entered school and interns who have just started their internship.

Many doctors are really amazing if you ask them to study or memorize, but it's difficult if you ask them to do it by hand.

Therefore, it is necessary to balance this phenomenon, not only to improve the doctor's operation level, but also for the better recovery of patients.


If the suture that Zhang Yi figured out is really circulated in clinical practice, I can't imagine how convenient the future surgical operation will be!

Not only surgery, but also various places that need sutures, such as general surgery, emergency, trauma, and even dentistry!

That's a great convenience!

Thinking of this, Jin Zhenglun's eyes are shining! !

This is another SCI paper that is about to be published!

Not only can the paper be published, but also contact the medical device factory to mass produce this thing!

Then when...

Tsk tsk tsk~!

Thinking of the following things, Jin Zhenglun got goose bumps all over his body.

This guy, not only can make money, but also gain fame!

Too awesome!

Zhang Yi is so awesome!

For a while, Jin Zhenglun, a little old man over 50, was so envious that he almost shed tears~!

Woo woo woo~

God bless my Union Hospital... Oh no, God bless my China!!

On the operating table, Zhang Yi responded to everyone's request and planned to show everyone the hardness of the suture.

"I took this piece of pork specifically to show you the hardness, but this suture is the initial version I figured out by myself. I must improve it later, and then the toughness of this suture will definitely be greatly improved."

After listening to Zhang Yi's explanation, everyone nodded.

It felt like Zhang Yi was talking about what he meant.

At this time, the foreigner.

Chen finally translated all the conversations between Zhang Yi and the doctors around him without missing a word.

When watching just now, these foreigners were already shocked enough.


After listening to Chen's translation, they realized that the secret of the knot-free sutures was here!

And this was invented by Zhang Yi himself? ?


While the group of foreigners were shocked and admired, an invisible pressure also came over them!

My God!

If Zhang Yi is really so amazing... then is there anyone in Britain who can stand up and compete with him? ?

He can actually develop sutures by himself! !

And it's such a convenient knot-free suture!

If this is put in their clinical practice, it can facilitate tens of thousands of medical workers!

The foreigners shook their heads in amazement, and each of them was speechless with surprise.

But the subtext in their hearts was: Damn, how can such an awesome person be compared? ?

I can't beat him~ I can't beat him at all~

Whoever can do it, I can't do it anyway!

Ryan looked at the expressions on the faces of the doctors around him, and for a moment he was filled with emotion.

Has the times...really changed? ?

Are they so afraid of Zhang Yi alone?

To be honest, he also thinks that this suture is very suitable and suitable for clinical use.

Zhang Yi, who can research this suture, is indeed not an ordinary person.

Before, he had underestimated this young man in his heart, but now he thinks that he is too arrogant.

I haven't been to China for a few years, and China has really changed a lot.

Not only the urban construction facilities I saw after leaving the airport, but also what I saw and heard during the past few days in the imperial capital.

From top to bottom, everything has changed a lot!

Ryan also felt a big gap in his heart.

Before...there was obviously no such a great doctor...

Now there is such a genius doctor.

If only this person could come to their British country...

Thinking of this, Ryan's heartbeat speeded up a little.

Once an idea comes up, it is hard to forget it.

So at this moment, Ryan decided to find an opportunity to talk to Zhang Yi later~!

Around the operating table, the doctors watching Zhang Yi's demonstration kept exclaiming in admiration.

They even wanted to operate it themselves.

But Zhang Yi didn't have much suture thread, and he almost used it up after a few operations.

So someone urged: "Zhang Yi, such a good thing should be mass-produced quickly, we are also anxious to use it!"

Zhang Yi smiled again: "Don't worry, am I such a clumsy person? Wait, it will be soon!"

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