After Kang Yanming looked around the office, he asked, "Are there a few new faces in the department today? I remember there were two apprentices of Zhang Yi and a few foreign doctors assigned to the emergency department? Where are they?"

Everyone looked up.

Actually, they didn't see those foreigners.

Strange, where did the foreigners go?

"Hmm? Where are the foreigners? Didn't we say that we had assigned two more to the emergency department?"

"Are they new here and not familiar with the place? Can't they find their way?"

Zhang Yi frowned and said, "No way? They live in the same apartment with me. They must have gotten familiar with the place in the past few days. How could they not find their way?"

Kang Yanming thought for a while and said, "How about this, Zhang Yi and Chen Fang, you two go to the door and see if they are lost. If so, bring them here quickly and we will hand over the shift first."


Zhang Yi and Chen Fang took the task and went out to look for them.

The work in the department cannot be delayed because of these foreigners.

Emergency hall.

After walking around, Zhang Yi did not see the faces of those foreigners.

Hey? Where else can they go?

Haven't they all been trained before?

Chinese doctors have to hold meetings every day before going to work.

Have they forgotten?

"Linlin, have you seen those foreign doctors come to the department?" Zhang Yi asked the nurse on a whim when he passed the information desk.

As it turned out, the nurse had seen them.

"Yes, I saw them just now, but they seemed to be surrounded by a young man. I was busy registering and just glanced at them and didn't pay attention anymore."

"Young man? Are they patients? Where are they now?"

"I don't know now, but they were there just now."

The nurse pointed to the door.

Zhang Yi looked around again and didn't see any foreigners.

But it is certain that they did come.

But why they didn't go to the office to work may be because of that young man.


These foreigners are really convinced!

It's so troublesome!

Don't you hand over the shift on the first day of work?

Don't you know the rules of Huaguo Hospital?

Suddenly, Chen Fang waved at Zhang Yi at the door of an observation room next to the clinic: "Come on, here!"

As a result, Zhang Yi went in and found that these foreigners had already seen the doctor first? ?

Is that possible!

They are seeing the doctor here without saying anything?

Can you speak Chinese? Can you understand? ?

But the nurse at the information desk was right, it was indeed because of this young man.

And this young man seemed to be a real patient.

When Zhang Yi walked to the bedside, he vaguely heard several people communicating in British.

"Does it hurt here? What about here?"

"It hurts... It hurts a lot, and I want to vomit..."

No wonder they can see the doctor, it turns out that the patient can speak a foreign language.

Zhang Yi glanced at a few people and interrupted quietly:

"Hey, Sari, are you seeing patients? You may not be familiar with it when you first come here. You should go to the meeting first. There is a doctor on duty here."

The foreigner from Farah was called Sari. When he turned around and found that it was Zhang Yi, he immediately smiled and greeted Zhang Yi.

"Doctor Zhang, good morning, it's not that we don't have a meeting, but when we came, we found this painful patient in the hall, but there was no doctor around, so we came to help ourselves."

The remaining three people said slowly: "We think that the meeting is not as important as seeing a doctor, and this patient is very serious. The upper abdominal pain has lasted for more than 3 hours, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and chest tightness. He should be given antibiotics quickly and then complete the examination."

Zhang Yi glanced at the patient.

He was about 30 years old, lying on the bed holding his stomach, his whole face was pale, and he was sweating profusely and breathing slightly short.

It looked really serious.

"Let me do it."

It's not that Zhang Yi doesn't believe in the medical skills of these foreigners, but it is definitely more effective to communicate in his native language.

"Where does the abdomen hurt? In the upper abdomen?"

Zhang Yi pressed with his hands while observing.

Sure enough, he found the pain point in the upper abdomen.

"Hiss...! It hurts... It hurts so much!"

The patient also immediately showed a painful expression.

Abdominal pain.

Abdominal pain again.

Zhang Yi knew that the abdominal pain in the emergency room could be serious or minor.

He quickly asked Chen Fang to call the nurse over and bring the necessary examination instruments.

After a while, Chen Fang came back with the nurse.

Blood pressure, heart rate,

Body temperature, these are the most basic physical examinations that patients need to do when they are admitted to the hospital.

During this period, Zhang Yi has been silently observing the patient.

First of all, the most important thing is abdominal pain, and the pain point is the entire upper abdomen.

There are quite a lot of organs in the entire upper abdomen.

The left upper abdomen has the stomach, spleen, left lobe of the liver, pancreas, splenic flexure of the colon, etc.

If there is pain in this area, it may be caused by chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer or gastric cancer.

There are also parts of the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, and part of the liver and spleen in the middle and upper abdomen.

If there is pain in the middle and upper abdomen, it may be intestinal obstruction or duodenal ulcer, or pancreatic tumor.

Finally, the right upper abdomen, the right upper abdomen has the liver, gallbladder, hepatic flexure of the colon and variant appendix, duodenum, etc.

The pain in this place is most likely caused by hepatitis, liver tumor or cholecystitis.

And the patient in front of him has pain in the entire upper abdomen.

If Zhang Yi didn't have a plug-in, it would be difficult to figure out the specific cause of the patient's illness for a while.

But now the problem comes.

Zhang Yi looked around the entire upper abdomen and found no organs with obvious inflammation.

Instead, the heart was affected, and there were even signs of failure!

What's wrong with this person? !

How can abdominal pain cause heart failure? ?

Or is it abdominal pain caused by heart failure?

Just at this time, the blood pressure results came out.



The blood pressure is so low, it's a bit shock!

"Oxygen saturation 94%!"

The normal arterial oxygen saturation should be above 95%.

This person now has signs of heart failure, and the oxygen saturation will naturally decrease.

Without waiting for Zhang Yi to say anything, Chen Fang has already taken the lead in giving oxygen to the patient.

Zhang Yi quickly ordered: "Check blood! Check blood routine, CPR, biochemistry, liver and kidney function, coagulation, troponin, amylase, and do a blood gas analysis. And Chen Fang, call the ultrasound department immediately and ask them to send someone to do a bedside echocardiogram!"

Seeing Zhang Yi's serious expression, the doctors and nurses felt that this patient did not seem to have ordinary abdominal pain.


Why contact for echocardiogram?

Isn't he having abdominal pain? Shouldn't an abdominal ultrasound be done first?

Although everyone was puzzled, this was Zhang Yi's order after all.

Just do it!

I believe Zhang Yi is definitely right!

"Okay!" Chen Fang nodded and went out to make a phone call immediately.

Then Zhang Yi turned around and looked at the foreigners: "Come and help, push the person to the emergency room!"


Sari is already a little fan of Zhang Yi.

He was the first to actively step forward to help push the bed.

The others followed silently.

In the emergency room, the nurse on duty saw Zhang Yi pushing a patient over and asked hurriedly: "Is it an ambulance? Or an emergency outpatient? Why didn't you notify him?"

"The situation is urgent and there is no time to notify. Bring the bedside electrocardiogram and rescue drugs first! This person needs to be rescued quickly!"

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