The patient was in a state of panic.

Beep, beep.

The alarm on the monitor sounded again.

The patient started to have ventricular fibrillation just after the nurse collected blood and urine.

The nurse was also scared.

She thought she had done something wrong.

But everyone present understood that ventricular fibrillation had nothing to do with drawing blood.

If it was really a pheochromocytoma, ventricular fibrillation could only be caused by heart failure!

"First, give me a lidocaine IV! Give me the defibrillator!"

The few people didn't have time to think about it and quickly started to rescue.

"150 joules ready!"

"150 joules ready!"


A current passed through, and Zhao Xiaolong, who was lying on the bed, was shocked by the current again.

"Come again!"

"150 joules ready!"



After several consecutive defibrillations, the ventricular fibrillation finally disappeared.

But the heart rate also disappeared!

Zhang Yi hurriedly took down the instrument and started cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


The compressions made the bed make a regular sound.

But the sound made people inexplicably nervous.

The heart stopped beating after ventricular fibrillation, coupled with the symptoms of myocarditis and the cause of pheochromocytoma.


Several doctors shook their heads silently in their hearts.

At this time, the door of the emergency room was suddenly opened.

Xiao Li, who had just gone out to call his family, came back.

As soon as he came in, he saw that the patient had already started CPR. He immediately raised his phone and said in a hurry: "What's wrong? Is he dead? But I finally contacted his nephew, and his nephew is still in school. He has to ask for leave to come."

Zhang Yi said while doing CPR:

"Then you contact him again and explain the situation to the family members. Let him come as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, let him contact the patient's wife. Make sure to come as soon as possible, otherwise you won't be able to see him for the last time!"

"Okay, okay!"

After saying that, Xiao Li went to make another phone call.

The blood and urine drawn by the nurse just now have been sent to the laboratory by the nurse.

Because Zhang Yi ordered that it was an urgent check, the laboratory dared not be careless and immediately put the sample in line.

As long as the results come out and confirm that catecholamines are contained in the blood and urine.

Then it can be confirmed that it is pheochromocytoma.

As long as CPR can be successful now, the blood pressure can be stabilized, and the patient can be sent to the operating room, everything will turn around!

While doing compressions, Zhang Yi silently shouted in his heart:

"Hold on, brother! You are only 34 years old! You are still so young, don't die! Hold on!"

Unfortunately, the patient lying on the bed could not respond to Zhang Yi's voice at all.

Not only could he not respond, but his condition became worse.

Zhang Yi glanced at the values ​​on the monitor and couldn't help frowning.

Blood pressure: 64/38mmhg.

Heart rate: 62 beats/min (generated by compression)

Respiration: 16 beats/min (generated by artificial respiration)

As long as Zhang Yi stopped resuscitation, the heart rate and respiration would soon drop and return to zero.


Can't give up!

Zhang Yi didn't want to give up, and he also hoped that the patient lying on the bed would not give up.

It was obviously just a little bit away.

If the cause of the disease was known earlier, if it was pheochromocytoma that could be found out when he first entered the hospital, then maybe he could enter the operating room earlier.


This pheochromocytoma is too cunning!

The acting was so realistic!

Even Zhang Yi was fooled by him.

A full thirty minutes wasted!

With Zhang Yi's speed, let alone thirty minutes, even if he could enter the operating room fifteen minutes earlier, the consequences would be different.

What a pity...

This disease progresses too fast and too dangerously.

Even Zhang Yi can't stop it!

Unconsciously, a little bit of sweat had seeped out of Zhang Yi's forehead.

Li Mingliang gently pushed Li Pingping's elbow, indicating that she should pass a piece of paper to Zhang Yi.

Then he walked to Zhang Yi's position and said, "Master, let me take over from you."


Zhang Yi didn't refuse.

Cardiac compression is a physical job.

Artificial respiration can be performed by pressing the airbag, saving a lot of effort.

But cardiac compression doesn't work.

Although there are machines for cardiac compression now, Zhang Yi rarely uses them.

The machine is cold and has no temperature.

But the doctor can sense the patient's body temperature at any time and know the patient's current condition when he personally performs the rescue.

Li Mingliang took over Zhang Yi's cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

After Zhang Yi wiped the sweat off his face,

He took a look at Zhao Xiaolong's overall physical condition.

Heart failure, kidney failure, and the unknown tumor that was 1 cm in diameter just now has expanded again.

It's really weird!

This guy's development speed is too fast!

This is definitely a rare malignant pheochromocytoma!

Where are the family members? ?

Why haven't the family members come yet? !

If they don't come, they will really die!

Zhang Yi looked around and found Xiao Li's shadow at the door.

He was still trying to persuade the other end of the phone.

Zhang Yi looked angry and strode forward.

"Is it Zhao Xiaolong's family member?" Zhang Yi asked in a low voice.

Xiao Li nodded: "Yes, it's my nephew."

"Give it to me." Zhang Yi took the phone.

"...Please wait a moment. I'm going to ask for leave from the teacher. Wait a moment. I'll come as soon as possible. Please save him!"

After Zhang Yi slowly breathed a sigh of relief, he said in a deep voice:

"Maybe I can't wait."

"Ah?! What happened?!"

"Zhao Xiaolong's condition is very bad. It's not ordinary fulminant myocarditis. It's a tumor, a pheochromocytoma. The disease progresses very quickly. In just half an hour, he has had ventricular fibrillation twice. Now his heart is close to stopping.

At present, our doctors are still trying to rescue him. Although there is little hope, we will still try our best.

Please come quickly. In addition, can you contact Zhao Xiaolong's wife?"

The young boy on the other end of the phone choked a few times and responded:

"My aunt? Yes, I can contact her."

"That's good. Please notify her. I hope you can come to the hospital as soon as possible, so that you may be able to catch up with the last meeting."

After that, Zhang Yi hung up the phone.

Seeing that Zhang Yi was in a bad mood, Xiao Li didn't want to offend him.

He took his phone and quietly returned to the emergency room.

Zhang Yi stood alone outside the emergency room, quietly, and no one knew what he was thinking.

The security guard at the door of the emergency room usually liked to chat with Zhang Yi.

But today, he looked a little strange, and he pursed his lips and didn't dare to talk to him.


I guess the patient inside is more serious?

Who else can make Dr. Zhang feel this way?

After Kang Yanming finished his rounds, he also heard about the situation in the emergency room.

After hearing that Zhang Yi suspected it was pheochromocytoma, he rushed over without stopping.

As a result, he saw Zhang Yi standing silently at the door, looking at the door of the emergency room, and he didn't know who he was waiting for.

However, Kang Yanming was not a fool.

Before he approached, he felt that the air pressure around Zhang Yi was a little low.

He lowered his voice and asked carefully:

"Zhang Yi, what's wrong with you? Are you waiting for someone?"

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