The two intravenous channels are injecting liquid into the patient at a uniform speed.

Perhaps, this is not liquid.

It is the hope of life.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation still did not stop. Zhang Yi did not say to stop, and others did not dare to stop.

Everyone is waiting to see if this medicine will work.

Although propranolol hydrochloride is a beta receptor inhibitor, it is also a type of antihypertensive drug.

Otherwise, Zhang Yi is gambling.

The risk of choosing this medicine is too great!

The patient's blood pressure is originally low. Once the dosage of this medicine is not controlled or the subsequent isoproterenol does not work, it is not just a matter of cooking without rice, but it may be a matter of stealing chickens and losing rice!

Kang Yanming had to admire Zhang Yi's mentality.

If the person standing in front of him was an experienced director-level doctor, he might not be so surprised.

But the one in front of him was just a young man in his twenties.

It was only a few months since he actually got his medical qualification certificate.

He was able to handle such a dangerous and critical disease so calmly.

This kind of execution and judgment is really not something that doctors of the same age can have.

If it weren't for the fact that Zhang Yi was a living person, Kang Yanming almost suspected that he was possessed by the soul of some medical god!

This level of genius!

This kind of mind that is beyond his peers!

It's really shocking!

Just when the atmosphere was tense, the patient's blood pressure suddenly moved!

Miraculously, it rose from 60/34mmhg to 64/38mmhg!

Although the increase was very small!

But for everyone present, it undoubtedly rekindled hope!

"Damn! It's rising!"

"That's awesome! Zhang Yi made the right bet!"

"If propranolol hydrochloride is really useful, it means that this person really has pheochromocytoma, and the receptors secreted are beta receptors!"

Thinking of this, everyone got goose bumps!

Oh my god!

Zhang Yi made the right bet on such a difficult question!

Tsk tsk tsk!

This guy's life is simply amazing!

On the monitor, the blood pressure is still rising!

It became 75/46mmhg in a few minutes!

Seeing this scene, all the doctors present, including those foreigners, couldn't help but applaud!

"OMG! Doctor Zhang, you really made me re-examine you!"

"Oh my god, pheochromocytoma?! Does that mean that the medicine Zhang Yi used is correct?? I can't believe it. How did he determine that he should use propranolol hydrochloride? Is there any secret?"

"I admire you so much. No wonder this guy can accept disciples at such a young age!"

Amid the generous praise from those foreigners, Zhang Yi gradually stopped cardiac compression.

Because under the effect of the drug, the rising blood pressure means that the autonomous heartbeat is also gradually recovering.

Originally, Zhao Xiaolong's heartbeat was 70 beats per minute through manual compression.

Now after Zhang Yi let go, the heart rate dropped to about 50 and stopped moving.

This means that the patient's autonomous heartbeat is hovering around 50 beats per minute.

Although it has not reached the standard of 60 beats per minute, it is much better than almost disappearing just now.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yi silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Why don't you dare to breathe a sigh of relief?

Because this person will definitely have side effects if he uses propranolol hydrochloride.

Isoproterenol has been prepared and is ready for another rescue at any time.

As long as he survives this last time, there is hope that he can go to the operating room.

Hold on!

Hold on, Zhao Xiaolong!

I have done everything I should and shouldn't do.

I used a beta inhibitor on you under the pressure of a life, which completely blocked my own future reputation.

So, you'd better not let me down.

You must hold on!

Just when everyone was ready to wave the flag and shout that Zhang Yi had created another miracle.

Sure enough!

What Zhang Yi expected still happened!

The heart rate that was rising just now suddenly began to drop again!

52 beats/minute!

48 beats/minute!

43 beats/minute!

"It's down again! What's going on??!"

"It's like a roller coaster, endless!"

Zhang Yi looked solemn, but fortunately he was prepared.

The isoproterenol that had been prepared earlier was immediately injected through the infusion tube.

If the bet is really right.

Then isoproterenol will also be effective!

Everyone can't help, they can only watch from the side.

At this time, the doctor from the endocrinology department and the ultrasound doctor who had just left also rushed over.

Pheochromocytoma belongs to patients in the nephrology or endocrinology department.

Kang Yanming thought that if they had suspected this disease in the emergency department, it would be better to ask the doctor upstairs to come down for consultation.

Discuss together, maybe they can confirm the diagnosis as soon as possible.

It happened that the doctor on duty in the endocrinology department was free at this time, so he rushed over without stopping.

The ultrasound doctor came back because of Zhang Yi's instructions.

He said that he wanted to do another ultrasound to see the location and size of the tumor.

The ultrasound doctor was puzzled.

Wasn't it just a short time ago?

Why do you want to do it again?

Could it be that in these twenty minutes, the tumor can quickly grow and shrink? ?

The ultrasound doctor didn't understand, but this was Zhang Yi's invitation, and even if he didn't understand, he would do it.

There were several more doctors waiting in front of Zhao Xiaolong's bed.

It suddenly became more lively.

The patients in the beds next to him were also very curious about Zhao Xiaolong.

What's the problem? ?

Why hasn't he recovered after such a long time of rescue?

Who can make Dr. Zhang spend so much time? ?


After much anticipation!

Isoproterenol took effect!

It took only a minute to take effect!

Zhang Yi finally couldn't help but roared excitedly:

"I bet right! Isoproterenol is more effective than norepinephrine! This person has pheochromocytoma!"

Before using isoproterenol, Zhang Yi also used norepinephrine.

But it is obvious that norepinephrine is not very effective.

Otherwise, the rescue would not have been ineffective for such a long time.

So Zhang Yi wanted to take a gamble and bet on the beta receptor.

Now it seems that he really bet right!

Zhang Yi rarely shows such an expression of emotion on his face.

It is enough to show that he is really excited this time!

It was also because he really withstood a lot of pressure to rescue the patient!

"Hey... it's good if it works, it's good if it works!" Kang Yanming's voice was also trembling.

It's not easy!

It's really not easy!

Seeing that the patient's rescue was ineffective, he was almost sentenced to death.

If it weren't for Zhang Yi's insistence and withstanding the pressure to switch to beta inhibitors.

Then he really missed a living life!

"Blood pressure and heart rate have risen again!"

"From 35 beats per minute to 58 beats per minute! Isoproterenol is useful!"

"As long as these two drugs are used alternately, the patient's heart rate will probably be stabilized by tonight."

"Maybe we can try to do the operation tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!"

"Oh my God, in just one hour, my heart rate is the same as his, going up and down suddenly, like riding a roller coaster!"

"Master... you are so amazing!"

The two apprentices looked at Zhang Yi with stars in their eyes, and their faces were full of the two words of admiration.

The same goes for the others around him.

They almost kneel down to be conquered by Zhang Yichang~!

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