The doctor who was waiting for the patient to recover was very worried.

At that time, most of the doctors around the bed gave up.

Even the doctor with the "director" badge on his chest didn't think he could save Zhao Xiaolong.

It was Zhang Yi!

Only Zhang Yi!

It was his persistence that made Zhao Xiaolong still alive!

"Thank you!"

Zhao Xiaolong's wife lowered her head, and her nephew beside her also bowed to Zhang Yi.

Although he didn't know what happened in the emergency room just now.

But he knew Zhang Yi.

The celebrity doctor is very popular now!

He is handsome and has superb medical skills. Many female classmates in their school like Zhang Yi.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhang!"

Zhang Yi glanced at the two and gently stretched out his hand to pull them up:

"You're welcome. The patient has recovered his heartbeat, but the ultrasound results are still not optimistic. The ultrasound half an hour ago showed that the diameter of the tumor was only 1 cm, and half an hour later it was 1.3.

This situation is too rare. Although we have tried our best to stabilize the heart rate and blood pressure, it is still difficult to say what the treatment will be in the future.

In short, the doctor will definitely continue to help you, but as I said, you as family members must be prepared for the worst."

"Okay, I understand, thank you, Doctor Zhang, thank you! I apologize to you again. I thought you were scammers on the phone before, so I..."

"It's okay, I understand. There are indeed many scam calls now. If you suddenly tell you that your husband is dying in the hospital, anyone will think about whether it is a scam. It doesn't matter."

"That's good, thank you!"

Zhao Xiaolong's wife changed her previous attitude and was respectful and polite to Zhang Yi.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi was stopped by Zhao Xiaolong's nephew before he left.

"Doctor Zhang, wait! Can I... can I ask you a question?"

Several people around him looked at him in confusion.

Zhang Yi thought he was going to ask about Zhao Xiaolong's condition, so he said, "Just ask directly, just tell me what you have to say."

Zhao Xiaolong's nephew didn't expect Zhang Yi to be so easy to talk to.

He immediately smiled and asked, "Um... can I have a few of your autographs? Many of my classmates in our school are your fans!"

"Ah?" Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head and immediately rejected the young man: "Sorry, this is my working time, and I'm not a star, my autograph is useless, if you don't have any questions related to Zhao Xiaolong's condition, I'll go and get busy first."

After that, Zhang Yi turned around and left.

The two apprentices also hurried to follow.

At the door of the emergency room, Zhao Xiaolong's wife stretched out her hand and slapped her nephew on the back of the head.

After knocking, he cursed: "Are you looking for death?! Doctor Zhang is so busy and it's working hours, who would sign with you here! Don't you think about whether you should ask before asking questions!"

"Ouch... It hurts, aunt!" The nephew rubbed his head in pain and said aggrievedly: "It's because the girl I like is Zhang Yi's idol. I just want an autograph to take back, so that the girl can look at me more."

"Get lost!" Zhao Xiaolong's wife rolled her eyes and flew over: "Don't delay Doctor Zhang's work here. I tell you, your uncle has finally come back from the gates of hell. Don't make the doctor unhappy when he is on the verge of life and death!"


"Wait here, I'll go in to see your uncle."


In the emergency room.

According to Zhang Yi's instructions just now, the two drugs were used alternately at a certain interval and the effect was indeed good.

The heart rate has returned to about 80 beats/minute.

The blood pressure finally reached 90/54mmhg.

Although it is still a little short of the surgical index, as long as it is stable, it can be sent to the operating room as soon as possible.

This pheochromocytoma is like an unstable bomb. It is hard to say when it will start to cause trouble again.

So only by cutting it off quickly can the danger be eliminated.

After treating another patient, Zhang Shengwei went to Zhao Xiaolong to check on him and found that Zhao Xiaolong's wife was talking to him by the bed.

It seemed that she wanted to wake Zhao Xiaolong up by voice.

Unfortunately, after talking for a long time, Zhao Xiaolong's consciousness was still in a fuzzy state.

He could open his eyes, but he might not know that he opened his eyes.

The couple was here, and Zhang Shengwei only looked at them and did not disturb them.

He only occasionally reported Zhao Xiaolong's situation to Zhang Yi.

At this time, Zhang Yi was seeing patients with two apprentices in the clinic.

There was another small operation in the afternoon.

In short, Zhang Yi

Every day, except for eating and going to the toilet, he was almost completely devoted to work.

Even after get off work at night, he had to be busy writing the suture paper.


With this schedule, it’s no wonder that Zhang Yi has never had a girlfriend.

It’s not that he can’t have a girlfriend, but he really doesn’t have time.

Just when Zhang Yi was writing his paper at home, his phone kept ringing.

He thought there was something important in the hospital.

Unexpectedly, when he opened it, he found that his colleagues in the hospital group were like crazy, constantly @ing him.

After looking through the chat records, he found out that it was Zhang Shengwei who shared Zhao Xiaolong’s case in the hospital group.

He also asked everyone to guess what disease Zhao Xiaolong had.

Without exception, the entire hospital, even the cardiologists, gave a diagnosis of fulminant myocarditis or myocardial infarction.

But it was obviously wrong.

Zhang Shengwei sent the results, it was pheochromocytoma.

The whole place went crazy, no one believed it.

The test results would take two or three days to come out, how could they be sure it was pheochromocytoma?

Then Zhang Shengwei brought up Zhang Yi.

"Don't look for me, it was Zhang Yi who made the diagnosis~!"

As expected!

These people are good at reading people's expressions.

He immediately flattered in the group:

"Oh~~Is it Zhang Yi's diagnosis? Why didn't you say so earlier~ Sorry, sorry, I thought it was Zhang Shengwei who said that."

"Oh~ So it was Zhang Yi's diagnosis? @Zhang Yi, can you tell us in detail how the diagnosis was made? We also want to learn~!"

"Hey! Zhang Shengwei, why didn't you say earlier that it was Zhang Yi's diagnosis! @Zhang Yi, your diagnosis must be correct!"

"Pheochromocytoma? Isn't this a disease in our endocrinology department? Why didn't you transfer it to our department?"

"Our nephrology department can also accept pheochromocytoma @Zhang Yi, when is the surgery, boss? I'll be your assistant."

Everyone was off work at this point.

Doctors like to share cases for discussion when they have nothing to do.

Seeing that the group was very lively, Zhang Yi didn't reject everyone's interest.

After thinking for a while, he replied:

"We have a meeting about pheochromocytoma in the emergency department on Friday. The main topic is how to distinguish pheochromocytoma from myocarditis, myocardial infarction, pericarditis and other diseases. If you want to know more, you can come and listen. I am the speaker."

"Wow! Boss, you finally stopped lurking!"

"Wow, Zhang Yi, you finally spoke in the group!"

"You are the speaker? Then we must go!"

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