The answer is B.

"Choose B?"

In fact, Zhang Yi did consider the answer B, but the turning point of using anesthetics in surgery did start after the success of William Morton's experiment, especially in modern medicine.

But judging by the time, it seems that Hua Tuo invented Ma Fei San earlier.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yi changed the option to B.

There is another multiple-choice question with a big red cross.

"For patients with acute septic shock, what is the first choice of rescue drug? What is the second choice of rescue drug?"

A. Epinephrine hydrochloride, hydrocortisone.

B. Epinephrine hydrochloride, dexamethasone.

C. Norepinephrine, methylprednisolone.

D. Norepinephrine and dexamethasone.

Zhang Yi actually thought about this question for a long time. Both A and B are acceptable, but he finally chose B.

Regarding the rescue of septic shock, it is actually a matter of opinion. In clinical practice, the use of many rescue drugs still depends on the specific situation of the patient.

However, the most common combination is adrenaline plus dexamethasone.

[Distinguish between hydrocortisone and dexamethasone to find the correct answer to this question! ]

[Host, please pay attention to the question! ]

While Zhang Yi was thinking, the system gave another prompt.

"Distinguish between hydrocortisone and dexamethasone?"

[Yes! ]

"But...both are glucocorticoids, which have the effects of immune mechanism response, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic, and anti-shock, and can also dilate the bronchi. I chose B mainly because those teachers in clinical practice often use it."

[Host, please pay attention to the question! 】

Zhang Yi frowned and read the question again carefully...

"The first choice of rescue drug for patients with acute septic shock... Wait? Acute?!"

[Yes! Acute! ]

"I understand! Although dexamethasone is also a glucocorticoid, it is an exogenous hormone and needs to be converted by the liver. For patients with acute septic shock, hydrocortisone should be the first choice!"

"Because hydrocortisone is an endogenous hormone, it does not need to be converted by the liver in the body, and can be more directly and quickly anti-inflammatory and anti-toxic!"

[The host is really smart, and can choose the correct answer with a little hint! ]

Hearing the praise from the system, Zhang Yi showed a little relaxation.

Then he checked the test questions again and found that there were no mistakes in the case analysis at the end, so Zhang Yi prepared to hand in the test questions.

I have to say that the questions of this test are really tricky.

Just for this septic shock question alone, most people would probably choose the wrong one.

"Teacher, I'm done." Zhang Yi stood up and walked to the director of the human resources department.

Liu Weiguang took the paper Zhang Yi handed over, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

This seems to be an intern?

How did he finish it so quickly?

Less than half an hour? !

The doctors who were interviewing next to him haven't finished yet, but he finished first?

Isn't this guy just writing nonsense? !

Not only Liu Weiguang was surprised, everyone in the conference room was surprised.

Especially those doctors who came to interview for positions.

Good guy, I have been working for several years and I am not as good as an intern? !

"Okay, you can go eat and rest first."

"Okay." Zhang Yi nodded and turned to leave the conference room.

Before leaving, Zhang Yi also glanced at Wang Chenjun, and it happened that this kid was also staring at him with a face full of resentment.

That expression seemed to say: How the hell did you write so fast? !

After a while, a doctor who was interviewed also handed in his paper.

Liu Weiguang knew this person. He had worked in Changchuan Women and Children's Hospital for five years. He had a certificate and had worked as an assistant director.

He was considered a doctor with relatively good conditions among the interviewees.

After taking the paper, Liu Weiguang couldn't help but become curious.

He compared the test papers of Zhang Yi and this doctor.


Liu Weiguang's pupils couldn't help but shrink!

"Wow? The two are exactly the same?! No... There are still a few multiple-choice questions that are different."

Then, Liu Weiguang picked up the correct answer next to him and started to check.

On the side, He Ming and the assistant dean saw Liu Weiguang's strange expression and surrounded him.

The three began to check the correct answers together...

After a while, the expressions on the faces of the three began to become surprisingly consistent!

That was shock!

"Is this Zhang Yi's test paper?" He Ming pointed to the paper with Zhang Yi's name on it.

asked, looking at a page of papers with words on it.

"Yes, it's that intern's, he actually got all the answers right!" Liu Weiguang had an incredible expression on his face.

"Really? An intern got all the answers right?!" The assistant to the dean also moved closer.

Almost all the questions were set by Dean Qian himself, so it was impossible for the intern to know the answers in advance.

And some of the questions were very tricky. Without long-term clinical experience and careful reading and analysis, it would be difficult to answer them correctly.


"Really all the answers?!" The assistant to the dean was surprised and happy.

Is this an intern?

Looking at another test paper, it was answered by a doctor who had been working for five years, but he got two multiple-choice questions wrong!

In comparison, Zhang Yi is really amazing!

"This student is good. Not only did he get all the answers right, but he was also the one who finished the fastest." Liu Weiguang, director of the Human Resources Department, nodded with satisfaction.

He Ming didn't know what to say. Zhang Yi was really too good...

On Zhang Yi's side, Wang Chenjun ran to the cafeteria with a nervous look on his face while he was eating.

"Zhang Yi! After you left just now, I saw those leaders looking at your paper again and again, and they were still laughing! What's going on? Did you do too badly on the test?"

After hearing this, Zhang Yi almost choked on a mouthful of rice.

"Don't be ridiculous, how could I do badly?" Zhang Yi looked up and rolled his eyes at Wang Chenjun before continuing to eat.

"That's right, but the questions this time still feel a bit difficult... Hey! I guess I have no chance!"

"Don't panic, don't we have operations in the afternoon?" Zhang Yi comforted him.

But Wang Chenjun felt that he didn't seem to have any chance of operating...

At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone gathered downstairs in the Science and Education Building.

Because next to the Science and Education Building is the practice room specially prepared by the hospital for young doctors, interns often practice operations here.

On the steps, the director of the human resources department looked at the interns and the fifteen interviewees while holding the list in his hand.

"Before we start the operation test, I will announce the results of the written test."

"First, the top three interviewees are Li Hua, Huang Zhong, and Wang Youxue, ranking third, second, and first respectively."

"Then the top five interns are Zhao Wei, Yan Yuli, Chen Feng, Li Xiaobin... and Zhang Yi, ranking fifth to first respectively."

"Wow, Zhang Yi is first again."

"We are used to it. He always ranks first in the intern assessment." The interns whispered to each other.

Then, Liu Weiguang looked at Zhang Yi with a rather appreciative look, and he said, "In addition, let me say that Zhang Yi is also the only one among all of you who got a perfect score!"

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