When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 361: The Fall of God

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As soon as the light bullet came into contact with the ubiquitous sword light like sunlight, it was immediately turned into nothingness.

It seems that under the extremely high temperature, the ice and snow disappeared without even turning into water and steam.

The Forbidden Bullet of the Spirit Casting Peak couldn't compete with the terrifying sword light at all, and it shattered instantly, not above a level at all.

The sword light shone on Li Xiu's body in an instant, and the flower-like armor couldn't stop it for even a second, and was turned into nothingness by the sword light, revealing Li Xiu's body.

The president had already stood up. With such a blow, Li Xiu would be killed in an instant. This is not a simple lesson. Such a lesson may not be useful until the next life.

The president's skinny body exploded in an instant, and the clothes on his body were directly burst, revealing that perfect and strong physique.

He wanted to save Li Xiu before he was killed.

The President stepped on the ground and was about to exert force for a moment, but saw the taboo spear in Li Xiu's hand suddenly change.

The Gatling-like gun body was full of icy light, and the barrels of the guns seemed to have turned into ice shells with strong light inside.

The seven crystal-clear gun barrels, overflowing with icy light, spun rapidly.

Seeing the sword light that was about to blast Li Xiu's body into nothingness, it was strangely sucked in by the spinning gun body.

The high-speed rotating Taboo Spear seemed to have turned into a powerful vacuum cleaner, sucking in all the sword light blasting towards Li Xiu, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted by it.

The spirit-forging-level taboo spear unexpectedly forcibly withstood the continuous bombardment of the light of truth.

Following the inhalation of the sword light, the icy light spread across Li Xiu's body like vines, quickly covering his body, blooming flowers like icy jade, which turned into a piece of ice flower armor again.

"It actually managed it! The casting spirit class actually withstood the full-force bombardment of the god-level class head-on. President Li is indeed the person you chose, the president, and he is too strong." Old Jia was surprised and delighted.

The president snorted coldly: "Fuck, he's risking his life, he integrated that **** gem into that contract, and at the same time forcibly absorbed Guan Jinghao's only light of truth, trying to use this to get rid of that contract." Push it directly to the rank of god. He thought very well, but accepting the energy of the gem of the **** and the light of the only truth at the same time, I am afraid that the contract will be blown up by the terrifying energy before it is promoted to the rank of god. "

It seemed to confirm the president's judgment. Cracks appeared on the ice-like Forbidden Spear, and it seemed that it could no longer bear the ravages of that terrifying force.

Li Xiu naturally saw the situation of the Forbidden Spear, but he didn't intend to stop. He destroyed the Forbidden Spear even more frantically, causing the Forbidden Spear to spin faster and faster. The space at the muzzle distorted, as if forming a Like a black hole in space, it **** in all the light energy.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how strong the body of the Forbidden Spear was, it would have exploded at this time.

But within the gun body, there is a mysterious force that permeates the gun body soundlessly, which is Li Xiu's ultimate light.

The ultimate light that penetrated the entire gun body, although colorless and invisible, its existence could not be seen at all, but it caused a wonderful change in the gun body, and its toughness far exceeded its own level.

Even so, the terrifying light energy still made the Forbidden Spear unbearable. A large amount of light energy was directly vented into Li Xiu's body by the Forbidden Spear. share the burden.

The tiny streaks on the gun looked very worrying, but they were not broken and survived abruptly.

The president looked at Li Xiu in a daze, and murmured to himself with some doubts: "It shouldn't be, such a strong light energy, the body of the cast spirit level can't bear it at all, it should have exploded long ago, but looking at the current situation Li Xiu actually stabilized the situation, how did he do it?"

It's no wonder that the president can't figure it out. In terms of the ability to withstand light energy, if Li Xiuruo is said to be the second among his peers, no one would dare to claim the number one.

He has the ability to control light energy, such as super sucking in a bottle, plus two cast spirits of the original deed, and his body transformed by a kind of light method, which can withstand the effects of light energy.

The amount far exceeds that of ordinary casting spirits.

Even if it is a cultivator at the pinnacle of casting spirits, if it is only about the carrying capacity of light energy, they are all younger brothers, and there is no comparison at all.

Of course, Li Xiu's biggest reliance is not on these, but the demon larva in his body. That guy is simply a bottomless pit, and the light energy it can swallow is no less than Li Xiu's light-seeded body.

It can be said that Li Xiu's ability to withstand light energy is stronger than the sum of the five peak casting spirits. If not for this, he would not be so arrogant that he would use Guan Jinghao's only light of truth to catalyze the **** gem and help the taboo gun to become a **** bit.

The ubiquitous sword light continued, and the area with a radius of tens of miles was destroyed into nothingness. The big pit that was blown out became deeper and deeper, almost like a bottomless pit, and it was almost impossible to see the bottom.

Li Xiu hovered over the pit, absorbing the sword light with his gun, as if he was fixed there.

Guan Jinghao had already seen through what Li Xiu was going to do, and knew that if he continued, he might not be able to kill Li Xiu, and would help him ascend to the **** position.

A strange color flashed in Guan Jinghao's eyes, but the sword light did not stop, and continued to bombard Li Xiu.

The Forbidden Spear in Li Xiu's hand and the Forbidden Flower armor on his body were already so bright that it was hard to look directly at them, emitting a dazzling icy light, but they had not been able to be promoted to the **** position for a long time.

"It's strange, it's impossible for Guan Jinghao not to know that if he continues, it will only help President Li to be promoted to the **** position. Why does he continue to attack such harmful and useless attacks?" Old Jia said doubtfully.

The president squinted his eyes and said, "Because he has seen through Li Xiu's contract, it is impossible for him to be promoted to the **** position."

"Why?" Old Jia asked puzzled.

In his opinion, with such powerful light energy assistance and the fusion of **** gems, he should be able to be promoted to god.

"Because the quality of his deed is too high, but the quality of the gemstone he used is not enough." The president said lightly.

Lao Jia suddenly understood, and said in amazement: "That is to say, the quality of the **** gem is not enough to make the deed a qualitative change and be promoted to the **** position. If this continues, the deed will only explode in the end."

"Yes, Guan Jinghao will continue to give him sword light only after seeing through this point. The more he absorbs now, the stronger the light energy stored in the deed will be. When the deed explodes, the energy generated will self-explode. , At that time, there is no need for Guan Jinghao to make another move, and Li Xiu will suffer the consequences of himself and be directly blown to death by his own deed." The president pouted and said: "That kid likes to take shortcuts, thinking he has mastered a method that can absorb others. The ability that can only be used for oneself is invincible in the world, and there is no such cheap thing in the world.”

Li Xiu didn't realize this problem at first, but since the Forbidden Spear failed to be promoted to the **** position, he immediately realized the problem. Without any hesitation at the moment, Li Xiu held the forbidden gun with one hand, and with the other hand, he took out a bright orange gemstone from his body, and directly threw it into the forbidden gun.

That orange gemstone is naturally another divine gemstone obtained by Li Xiu.

As the second **** gem was integrated into the Forbidden Spear, orange light streaks suddenly appeared inside the spear, no longer the single ice color before.

"Good guy, there is still a **** gem. He is not going to stop until he kills himself. It's just a pity for those two **** gems." The president snorted coldly.

Lao Jia naturally understood what the president meant. Anyone could see that the two **** gems were not of the same attribute at all. The **** gems with different attributes were used to promote the same contract, but the conflict of attributes was enough. Destroy that deed.

Even a tester with no common sense can use two different **** gems to strengthen the same deed.

By doing this, Li Xiu could certainly bring about a sufficient qualitative change in the deed, but before the qualitative change, the deed would have already been destroyed.

Lao Jia also understood that Li Xiu had no other choice but to take a risk at this point, otherwise he could only wait for his deed to explode.

"That person was really generous enough to let you go to the Sea of ​​​​Sky on behalf of him. He even gave you two **** gems. It's a pity that you used two **** gems with different attributes, or even completely opposite attributes, to strengthen a deed. , will only accelerate the collapse of the contract

broken. "Guan Jinghao said expressionlessly.

Li Xiu didn't say a word, but just stared at the Forbidden Spear with countless orange light patterns appearing inside the gun.

The flower armor on his body was also dyed orange, and streaks of orange stretched within the flowers, like cracks.

Others thought that it was difficult for the Forbidden Spear to fuse two divine gems with different attributes at the same time, and Li Xiu also knew that it was impossible for the Forbidden Spear.

But the ultimate light he possesses can make the impossible possible.

The ultimate light, which combines three kinds of top-level light energy, has a wonderful effect that ordinary practitioners can't imagine.

It can restrain almost any kind of light energy, and use the ultimate light as a catalyst to force the Forbidden Gun to fuse two divine gems.

Li Xiu knew that success or failure depended on one move, so he gritted his teeth and directly transported the light energy in himself and the red and blue twin casting spirits into the Forbidden Spear.


The Forbidden Spear bursts with light, like the sun exploding, the dazzling light makes it difficult for everyone to look directly at it.

The shock wave generated by the explosion shocked the clouds in the sky and rolled them like waves.

"Is it over?" In the bitter wind, Lao Jia was shocked. The president hadn't made a move yet, so Li Xiu wouldn't be killed.

He hurriedly turned his head to look at the president, but saw that the president looked at the place where Li Xiu was just now with some astonishment in his eyes.

Lao Jia looked up quickly, only to see that Li Xiu was still standing there after the light burst away.

It's just that the flower armor on his body has now turned into an orange-red color in the snow, covering his entire body like biological armor. On his shoulders was a huge long object, more than ten meters long, like the barrel of some kind of cannon, or some kind of launcher. The whole body of the object is snow-white, but there is an orange-red halo flashing inside. It looks full of technology, but it seems to have biological characteristics. "It turned out to be a success!" Lao Jia was surprised and delighted.


When Lao Jia was still in a daze, spiral orange-red patterns of light appeared on the weird gun barrel and launcher.

In the next second, an orange-red beam of light shot out, soaring into the sky, smashing the invincible sword light into pieces.

The terrifying beam of light blasted in front of Guan Jinghao in an instant, instantly turning the area where Guan Jinghao was into an orange burst of light.

It seemed that two suns appeared in the sky at the same time, and the whole world seemed to tremble with the appearance of that orange sun.

"It's too strong, Mr. Li is really too strong... Under such circumstances, he can turn defeat into victory." Lao Jia was ecstatic.

"Don't be too happy, my seed is not so easy to defeat." The president snorted coldly.

After the orange burst of light dissipated, Guan Jinghao, who was in the center of the burst of light, was not as embarrassed as he imagined, and he wasn't even injured at all. It's just that his appearance at the moment is a little different from before.

The sword light imprint between the eyebrows was shattered, and the three pairs of light wings on his back turned out to wither and fall down like feathers. In a blink of an eye, feathers were flying all over the sky, as if snow had fallen.

As the light wings withered, the armor on Guan Jinghao's body turned from pure to true white to a dull black.

He just stood there, like a black hole, as if no light could escape from him, like a dark evil spirit in the void.

"Originally, I thought that it would be impossible to use this form other than facing that person." Guan Jinghao's face, which was like an evil spirit in the dark, could not see clearly, showing a complicated look: "I didn't expect it to be on you. used"

Li Xiu didn't want to talk nonsense to Guan Jinghao at all, so he took another shot at Guan Jinghao in the sky with the forbidden cannon.

The terrifying orange-red beam of light that could destroy the city arrived in front of Guan Jinghao in an instant.

Guan Jinghao stretched out a palm unhappily, and slashed towards the terrifying orange beam of light like a knife.

The palm that didn't seem to be fast hit the orange beam of light that reached the speed of light.

In Li Xiu's surprised eyes, Guan Jinghao actually looked at the orange beam of light.

It was just a random cut, and it was split into two halves, without even an explosion, it was directly annihilated in the void.

In the next second, Guan Jinghao's figure disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Li Xiu, and his face was almost pressed against Li Xiu's. The eyes under the black mask stared at Li Xiu's eyes like a devil, and an uppercut hit Li Xiu's jaw.

Li Xiu was already retreating to dodge, but he still couldn't dodge. He was punched into the sky by a punch, the visor transformed by the forbidden power was shattered, and the forbidden cannon in his hand flew out.

After flying into the air, Guan Jinghao appeared in front of Li Xiu again like a ghost.

Even though Li Xiu had predicted his attack route and moved as far as possible, he was still punched by Guan Jinghao, and his body flew back like a cannonball.

While flying back at that speed, Guan Jinghao followed him closely, punching and kicking wildly.

Li Xiu suffered heavy blows one after another, the taboo armor on his body was torn apart, and the fragments flew everywhere in the sky.


With Guan Jinghao's last punch, Li Xiu's body was sent flying, and he hit the wall of a mountain heavily, causing the mountain to collapse.

Li Xiu was covered in blood all over his body. He had broken countless bones. He struggled to climb out of the ruins of the mountain. It seemed that even standing had become very difficult, and he kept coughing up blood.

"Is this the true strength of the **** level?" Li Xiu panted, watching Guan Jinghao slowly descending from the sky.

"I told you, that person is not a human being. Half of his blood is flowing in my body. This is also the difference between me and ordinary god-level testers. I fuse his blood with the power of my own tester , created this special form of God, I call it the Fall of God." Guan Jinghao slowly landed in front of Li Xiu, looked at the **** Li Xiu and said: "Originally, I have decided not to treat that person Anyone other than using God's Fall, I never thought you would be able to push me to this extent."

"The Fall of God? It's really strong. I'm not your opponent yet." Li Xiu coughed up blood.

Even though he forcibly pushed the Forbidden Spear to the level of a god, but in the face of Guan Jinghao's depravity, he was still only beaten and had no strength to fight back.

It's not that the Forbidden Spear is weak, but that Guan Jinghao is too strong. The depravity of the gods should have surpassed the level of ordinary gods.

Li Xiu felt that even the three immortal corpses might not be able to defeat Guan Jinghao who had used God's Fall.

Forbidden Spear, who had just been promoted to the position of god, obviously hadn't reached that level yet.

"It's over." The president looked at Guan Jinghao, who was in the fallen state of God, with complicated eyes, as if he was a little happy, and there seemed to be some other inexplicable things


"Let me see you off for the last time. Yin and Yang will be separated from now on, and there will be no God in the world." Guan Jinghao slowly raised his palm like a knife

"I don't need to give it away, I haven't lived enough yet." Li Xiu's face was covered with blood, but he still smiled brightly, with a strange brilliance in his eyes.

Guan Jinghao's body trembled, his pupils contracted, his whole body trembled violently, his hands kept shaking, but he couldn't cut it down.

Li Xiu's eyes became almost pure white, and there was a strange white light between his brows~www.readwn.com~ The white light continuously condensed on his forehead, faintly turning into a vertical eye with white pupils.

Under the direct gaze of those white pupils, Guan Jinghao's body seemed to be restrained by an invisible force. His body trembled violently, but he was still unable to move.

The president, who was already planning to rescue Li Xiu, also showed shock when he saw this strange scene.

"Is this... pure spiritual power? How could it be so strong... Is this really the spiritual power that human beings can achieve..." The president looked at Li Xiu's white eyes vertically between his brows with a strange expression.

Lao Jia was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He had never seen that human's spiritual consciousness could be so powerful that it could directly affect the opponent without the help of magic equipment.

Moreover, the person he influenced was still Guan Jinghao, which is not comparable to that of ordinary gods.

The presence.

Such a powerful practitioner was unable to move under the direct control of Li Xiu. What kind of terrifying spiritual consciousness was able to achieve this level.

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