When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 363: amazing guess

After returning to the City Lord's Mansion, Li Xiu found the Killing God Tablet and placed it on the table in a serious manner.

"Old Killer, let me ask you something. Tell me honestly, did the mysterious person who slaughtered the City of Love come from the Sea of ​​Heaven?" Li Xiu asked while sitting on the stool, staring at the tablet of the God of Death.

Seeing that there was no response from the God of Death tablet, Li Xiu said again: "I'm going to the Sea of ​​Heaven in a while, it's hard to say if I'll come back alive, if you don't tell me now, I don't know if I'll have a chance to say it later. "

"Are you going to the Sea of ​​Heaven?" The God-killing Tablet finally responded.



"Just a couple of months."

The God of Death Tablet was quiet for a long time, before words appeared on it again: "Don't go, or you will surely die."

"Why? Is it because that mysterious person came from the Sea of ​​Heaven?" Li Xiu asked.

There was another silence, Li Xiu was almost impatient waiting, and was about to say something more, but saw writing appeared on the tablet of the God of Death again.

Seeing clearly that his name appeared on the tablet, Li Xiu had the urge to scold someone, so if he didn't say it, he wouldn't say it, what was he trying to do.

It's just that there was no time for Li Xiu to swear at others, and the tablet had already pulled him into a weird vortex.


Li Xiu landed steadily and appeared at the intersection next to the City of Love Square.

As before, he looked down and saw Xiaobu'er.

"Uncle, why are you standing here in a daze?" Xiao Bu'er looked at Li Xiu suspiciously.

"Do you know me?" Li Xiu looked at Xiao Bu'er and asked.

"Are you famous? Why should I know you?" Xiao Bu'er said with her lips curled up.

"It's good not to know each other." Li Xiu nodded, not having memories is not necessarily a bad thing, at least the current Xiao Bu'er doesn't have such painful memories. "Uncle, where did you come from?" Xiaobuer asked Li Xiu curiously.

"I came from the City of Light." Li Xiu replied.

"City of Light, where is that? Is it far away?" Xiao Bu'er tilted his head and asked in thought.

"It's far away." Li Xiu said with a smile.

"How did you come here? Did you come across the Sea of ​​Love? Why didn't I see the boat?" Xiaobuer asked.

"I didn't have a boat, so I swam here." Li Xiu said casually.

"Swimming here? Don't lie to me. Father Wu said that there are countless terrifying demons in the sea of ​​love. Unless you take a skyship, no one can cross the sea of ​​love." Xiao Bu'er looked at Li Xiu's eyes and said It's like watching a big liar.

"Maybe I'm lucky, and I didn't encounter those terrifying demon spirits." Li Xiu smiled.

Xiao Bu'er looked Li Xiu up and down, as if trying to figure out whether what he said was true or not.

"If you want to go to the City of Light, I can try to take you back with me." This time Li Changed changed his strategy.

Since he couldn't persuade the people here to leave, he could only find a way to take Xiao Bu'er away.

Little Bu'er seems to have some kind of incomprehensible relationship with this City of Love. As long as Little Bu'er is not dead, Li Xiu will not be able to leave the City of Love and return to the real world. What will happen to the city.

"Not interested." Xiao Bu'er turned her head and left, ignoring Li Xiu, as if she was not interested in Li Xiu's proposal at all.

This made Li Xiu somewhat startled, Xiao Bu'er obviously wanted to leave the City of Love, at least she should really want to go to Tianzhihai to find her father.

But she refused so resolutely at this time, as if she really didn't want to leave the City of Love, which was beyond Li Xiu's expectation.

Watching Xiaobuer leave, Li Xiu didn't follow her, because Li Xiu knew that even if he followed her, it would be useless, but at night, the mysterious man broke into the city of love, and the result was still the same.

Even though the Forbidden Spear has been promoted to the **** level, Li Xiu is still not sure that he can fight the mysterious man.

Li Xiu walked around the city, thinking

Learn as much as possible about things you haven't seen before.

The God of Death Tablet once again pulled him into the City of Love, perhaps to tell him that the answer he wanted was actually in the City of Love.

The residents of the City of Love are still as warm and kind as before. As long as Li Xiu doesn't kill himself, those residents are still quite cute.

It's a pity that Li Xiu went around the city lord, but he didn't find anything new.

He is very familiar with the residents here. Father Wu and the blind tailor are no different from before, and the others are also normal, and there is no abnormality found. Li Xiu waited until it was dark, and for some unknown reason, those people held a dinner party on the square again.

Li Xiu is now very suspicious that the City of Love may not be a real place at all, and it may just be a space-time memory intercepted by the God of Death Tablet.

Maybe what happened in the City of Love is actually what happened a long time ago, so no matter how many times Li Xiu came in, he could only repeat what happened in this period.

The dinner party will be held no matter what, the mysterious person will definitely appear, and Xiaobuer will definitely die, because those are facts that have already happened, and no one can change them.

"If it's as I guessed, these things cannot be changed, why does the Death Tablet pull me in here? It knows that the City of Love cannot be killed, so it doesn't make any sense to pull me in again and again." Li Xiu looked at the bustling square, the proprietress was having a drink with Father Wu, and everyone else was booing beside him, and Xiao Buer, who was holding a glass of milk, happily joined in the fun.

Li Xiu calculated the time and knew that in about ten minutes, the mysterious person would arrive.

"From Xiao Bu'er and the others, it is probably difficult to find the answer. Could it be that the answer that the God of Death Tablet wants me to know is on that mysterious person? It's a pity that I may not be his opponent now." Li Xiu thought to himself.

"Brother Li, why don't you go drink?" Father Wu, whose face was flushed from drinking, came over and said with arms crossed.

During the day, Li Xiu was already familiar with them.

Li Xiu looked at Father Wu, who was almost drunk, and said in a low voice, "father Wu, do you know a woman named Jiang Linglan?"

"Jiang Linglan... Concubine Lan... how do you know her?" Father Wu seemed to have woken up instantly, staring at Li Xiu with burning eyes, and pressed Li Xiu's shoulders tightly with a pair of big hands, like iron cuffs .

Li Xiu was both surprised and delighted. Originally, the president told him that Jiang Linglan was not actually called Jiang Linglan, nor did he tell him what Jiang Linglan's real name was.

A pseudonym, Li Xiu originally thought that even if he said it, Father Wu and the others probably didn't know about it, so he didn't say it before.

Unexpectedly, Father Wu actually knew about Jiang Linglan, which made Li Xiu doubt whether the president was lying to him.

"Father Wu, to be honest, I'm here because Jiang Linglan asked me to bring you something." Li Xiu said hastily.

"Concubine Lan asked you to bring me something? Why did she ask you to bring me something? Don't talk nonsense." Father Wu's eyes were sharp, as if he didn't believe that Jiang Linglan would bring him anything.

"Unless you are not the Fifth Heavenly King Wu Xinglie, then you are right." Li Xiu said hastily.

Father Wu was slightly taken aback. It had been a long time since anyone had called him this title and name.

"What did she ask you to bring me?" Father Wu still looked suspicious.

Li Xiu quickly took out the piece of jade that Jiang Linglan had given him, and handed it to Father Wu.

Father Wu took the jadeite and didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after seeing the words on the jadeite clearly, he seemed to be a little lost in thought, and even the hand pressing Li Xiu's shoulder was much less forceful.

Father Wu looked at it for a while, then let go of Li Xiu's shoulder, stroked the words on the emerald, and asked, "Apart from this emerald, did she say anything else?"

"One more thing, she said that incident has nothing to do with her." Li Xiu observed the expression on Father Wu's face.

"Hmph, it has nothing to do with her? Only ghosts would believe this. If it wasn't for her, how could the Demon Kingdom..." Father Wu didn't say anything.

He stopped when he finished speaking.

"Father Wu, is that Jiang Linglan the princess of the Demon Kingdom?" Li Xiu asked hastily.

"Hmph, what kind of imperial concubine or demon concubine? If she didn't cause trouble for Chao Gang and confuse the king, how could it be?" Father Wu seemed to realize that he had said too much, and he glared at Li Xiu and said, "Where is Jiang Linglan now?" place?"

"Emerald Emperor." Li Xiu answered truthfully.

"Hmph, she actually occupied the Emerald Emperor's Court. If she had nothing to do with it, how could she still be able to occupy the Emerald Emperor's Court without dying?" Father Wu's face became more and more gloomy.

"Father Wu, what's going on here?" Li Xiu calculated that time was running out, and if he didn't ask now, the **** of death would come soon.

"It has nothing to do with you." Father Wu said coldly, "She didn't tell you, why did she give me the list?"

"No." Li Xiu shook his head.

There are thirteen names engraved on the emerald, and Li Xiu has already seen it. Among them are the names of Father Wu and the blind tailor. Li Xiu doesn't know who the other eleven people are.

Li Xiu is probably also a person from the City of Love, but the people in the City of Love use some strange names, and Li Xiu has no way to match them with those names. If Jiang Linglan hadn't mentioned the real names of Father Wu and Tailor, Li Xiu would not have known that their names were also on it.

"Father Wu, who are the thirteen names written on it?" Normally, Li Xiu would never ask such a direct question, but now there is no time. Father Wu's face turned cold, he stared at what Li Xiu wanted to say, but suddenly heard a loud noise from the city gate, and couldn't help turning his head to look.

Li Xiu secretly groaned in his heart, knowing that the mysterious man had come again.

Sure enough, the city gate was opened, and the mysterious man walked in carrying the stone tablet, and started killing without saying a word.

Father Wu and the others rushed forward, Li Xiu gritted his teeth, directly possessed the red and blue cast spirits, and at the same time summoned the Forbidden Spear.

In just a split second, the Forbidden Gun turned into a Forbidden Cannon, aiming at the mysterious man, and when the mysterious man killed a rushing resident, he blasted out the terrifying Forbidden Cannon.

The orange beam of light actually ran through the entire street and reached the mysterious man.

Papa Wu, the blind tailor, the proprietress and others who were rushing towards the mystery were stunned for a moment and stopped in their tracks.


The mysterious man stood the stele in front of him, blocking the orange beam of light from the taboo cannon.

The stele doesn't know what material it is, but it forcibly blocks the orange beam of light.


Like a hydrogen bomb explosion, with the stele as the center, an orange ball of light exploded, and everything around was destroyed by the ball of light.

The strange thing is that the houses on both sides of the street, which don't look very solid, were not damaged under such a terrifying light explosion.

Father Wu and the others who were closest to the light explosion were only pushed back a long way by the shock wave, but they were not injured.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiu became even more suspicious. He had fought against Father Wu and the blind tailor before.

It seems that they are all only casting spirits. It is obviously unscientific that they were not injured by the blow of the gods at such a short distance. There was no time for Li Xiu to think too much. After the light burst dissipated, neither the mysterious man nor the stele had any damage, and there was not even a trace left on the stele. At some point, the desperate violinist stood on the roof near the mysterious man, and he played the violin.

The sound of the piano turned into tangible threads of light and entwined towards the mysterious man. Judging by his methods, he was also a master at casting spirits.

Countless sound threads were entwined towards the mysterious man, but the mysterious man just stretched out his hand and grabbed the sound thread like an ordinary silk thread in his hand, and then pulled hard.

The violinist's body flew towards the mysterious man, and the mysterious man grabbed the violinist's neck and crushed the violinist's neck as if casually.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Father Wu, the blind tailor and the proprietress all changed drastically. Father Wu directly stuffed the jade in his hand to Li Xiu, and at the same time pushed Xiao Bu'er to Li Xiu: "Bring something Go fast with Xiaobuer, never fall into him

hands. "

After all, Father Wu burst out with light energy, turned around and rushed towards the mysterious man, and everyone else also rushed up.

It's a pity that like last time, they were like dolls in front of the mysterious man. No one could block the blow of the mysterious man alone, and many people were killed in a blink of an eye.

Li Xiu picked up Xiao Bu'er, turned around and ran, no matter how Xiao Bu'er cried and struggled, he ignored him, but after running for a few steps, he saw a mysterious person appearing in front of him like a ghost, and the stone tablet was directly facing him smashed down.

Li Xiu's eyes glowed with white light, and the white pupils between his brows opened vertically, causing the mysterious man's movements to pause for a moment.


The taboo cannon hit the mysterious man directly, and the terrifying orange light blasted out, forcing the mysterious man backwards, and the orange light blast exploded again.

But in the next second, Li Xiu felt a chill in his heart. The mysterious man was completely unprepared, and the taboo cannon that exploded directly on his body didn't even blow up his clothes, and even the corners of his clothes didn't get damaged. a cent.

The mysterious man stared at Li Xiu coldly with ghostly eyes, and thrust the stone tablet into the ground.

With the stele as the center, the terrifying light instantly turned the entire City of Love into ruins, all the houses were shattered, and the fragments rose towards the sky. Li Xiu only felt that the extremely terrifying power made him fly into the air involuntarily. The flower armor on his body was directly blown to pieces by that power, and the terrifying power continued to rush towards his body.

It's just that before his body was torn apart, Xiaobu'er, who was being pulled by him, couldn't bear the force and his body was torn to pieces.

Li Xiu only felt his eyes go dark, and he returned to his room in the City of Light.

"Pfft!" Li Xiu spat out blood with his mouth open.

"What's going on here?" Li Xiu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face was cloudy.

He originally thought that everything in the City of Love should be a memory segment of time and space, and it does not really exist.

But if that's the case, he, a person who doesn't belong to that space-time memory, shouldn't be injured there, but the injuries on his body are real, not illusory.

"Father Wu and the others are important figures in the Demon Kingdom. Jiang Linglan should be the concubine of the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom. It is probably because of Jiang Linglan that the Demon Kingdom disappeared in the long river of history." Li Xiu thought in his heart Sort out the information I know, hoping to sort out a clue.

Li Xiu kept recombining various clues he knew, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

"Jiang Linglan is the concubine of the demon king, but she has another affair with the president and gave birth to a son. If she hadn't cheated or remarried, is there a possibility that the president is the emperor of the demon kingdom?" Li Xiu himself was taken aback by this thought.

If the president is really the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom, then what Guan Jinghao said seems to make sense.

The Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom is from the Demon Kingdom, and he is somewhat different from the people on Earth. Guan Jinghao can make sense if he says that he is not a human being.

"The Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom went to the earth and became the president of the Longevity Heaven. Is this possible?" Li Xiu still felt that this kind of conjecture was absurd.

The Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom was the existence who ruled the world in the Kingdom of Demon Spirits. His power is so powerful. If the president is really the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom, and he has come to the earth thousands of years ago, I am afraid that one finger of his You can sweep the world, why do you have to endure for so many years on the earth?

The more Li Xiu thought about it, the more doubtful he felt, and Father Wu said that it was because of Jiang Linglan that the Demon Kingdom would perish.

From what Li Xiu saw, although the president is lustful, he is by no means a person who will sacrifice everything for the sake of beauty.

He is not like the kind of faint king who will bring the country to decline for just one woman.

Also, why are Father Wu and the others in the City of Love, and who is Xiao Bu'er? Jiang Linglan didn't know about the existence of Xiao Bu'er, so what did Xiao Bu'er have to do with the Demon Kingdom? Why did Father Wu and the others desperately protect Xiao Bu'er?

From what Li Xiu saw, Father Wu and the others seemed to stay in the City of Love~www.readwn.com~ for Xiao Buer, but Jiang Linglan didn't know Xiao Buer.

"What exactly is going on

? Li Xiu still couldn't figure it out after much deliberation, he knew that he was still missing some key information.

But now Li Xiu can be sure that the City of Love is definitely not a normal space.

His god-level power can't hurt the houses and people there, which shows that there must be some kind of special power influence there.

"Old Killer, what's the situation in the City of Love? If you don't tell me, I'll throw you into the cesspit." Li Xiu stared at the God of Death tablet on the table and asked viciously.


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