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"Are you sure that when the president communicated with the soul worm of the big grave, the soul worm mentioned Xiao Bu'er?" Li Xiu was slightly taken aback. time, so I still have some impressions." Li Qingyi thought for a while and said.

"Did the president mention Xiao Bu'er?" Li Xiu hurriedly asked.

"I don't remember it." Li Qingyi thought for a while, then shook her head again.

"Then do you still remember where the trial gate with the big tomb is?" Li Xiu pondered.

"I only remember that it was at sea, and I don't know where it is. After all, I was too young at that time. I just saw the door of trial on a small island after I went out to sea with my father. It was a golden door. The gate, I remember this very clearly, because the resplendent appearance is really impressive." Li Qingyi said.

"On the sea..." Li Xiu suddenly felt a little depressed.

The ocean is so big, there are too many small islands, and it is impossible to find them, not to mention that Li Qingyi doesn't even remember which sea she went out of.

"Who is this little Bu'er? Is it important? If necessary, I can ask my father." Li Qingyi said. Li Xiu quickly shook his head and said, "Don't let anyone else know about this for now."

"I see." Seeing that Li Xiu didn't say anything, Li Qingyi didn't continue to ask.

After leaving the Black Death City, Li Xiu went home alone, but he was thinking in his heart: "The City of Light only has such a gate of trials. There is really no need to build a special city. I thought the president built this city before." It is for the Unrivaled King under the city, and now it seems that it may have something to do with the black dead city."

After returning to the room, Li Xiu saw that the killing tablet was still on the table, as if he was waiting for him to come back.

"What is the relationship between the cemetery of the Black Dead City and the City of Love?" Li Xiu asked, staring at the tablet of the God of Death, and he was determined to find out the answer today.

"Don't you have an answer in your heart?" The words appeared on the tablet of the God of Death. "I want to know your answer." Li Xiu said coldly.

"The City of Love is a very special existence. You can call it the City of Time and Space, or the City of Memory if you want. These are not important, and you probably don't care about them. In fact, I can't explain it clearly. "The writing on the God of Death Tablet slowly emerged: "What you really want to know is whether you can save those people in the City of Love, right?"

"You mean, those people in the City of Love can still be saved?" Li Xiu frowned.

"I can't guarantee for other people. If you want to save Xiao Bu'er, then you have to kill that mysterious person. If you kill him, you will have a chance to save Xiao Bu'er." The killing tablet said ambiguously.

"What is a chance?" Li Xiu frowned.

"Because I'm the same as you. I only know the existence of the City of Love and the City of the Black Death, and I also know that they are related. As you can see, every time Xiaobu'er dies, Xiaobu appears on the grave in the City of the Black Death." So I can only speculate that if Xiao Buer can survive when the mysterious man slaughtered the City of Love, maybe there will be some unexpected changes in the cemetery of the Black Dead City, and he may come back from the dead. maybe."

"After a long time, you didn't say anything. Don't tell me, you don't know anything." Li Xiu didn't believe that the killing tablet only knew such a little thing.

The God of Death Tablet holds the gateway to the City of Love and the City of Blood Moon Black Death. No one believes it, it only knows this little thing.

"In fact, I only know so much. The City of Love itself is a very special existence. Although I can bring you into the City of Love, it is limited to this. I can know what happened in the City of Love, but that is only An infinite loop process, every time Xiaobuer dies, I will lose my perception of the City of Love, and I will not be able to perceive the situation in the City of Love again until the next cycle begins, but that is just a process that is constantly repeated, It didn't work out."

After a pause, words continued to appear on the God of Death Tablet: "But there is one thing I can tell you, the mysterious man carrying the stele is from the sea of ​​heaven."

"Sure enough, it's the sea of ​​heaven." Li Xiu probably thought of this too.

"He came on a big boat made of magic spirit wood. If he could come from the sea of ​​love, then the place where he came could only be the sea of ​​heaven." The killing **** tablet continued: "So, you can't go to Sky Sea, if that mysterious person is still alive and in Sky Sea, he might be hostile to you."

"You mean, he can also receive what happened in the City of Love?" Li Xiu frowned.

"I'm not sure. The City of Love is so special. Its existence itself is a mystery. It seems to be just a city of memories, repeating a memory of the past, but changes in the City of Love can indeed affect The current black dead city. Theoretically speaking, it should be impossible for the mysterious person to know what happened in the city of love in this time and space, but no one can guarantee that if he can receive some information, your going to the sea of ​​​​the sky is equivalent to It's death." The God of Death Tablet explained.

"What about you? What is your background? What kind of role do you play?" Li Xiu stared at the God of Death tablet and said.

"If I say, I don't even know who I am or where I come from, will you believe me?" wrote the killing **** tablet.

"Do you think I can believe it?" Li Xiu said coldly.

"I knew you didn't believe it, so it's useless for me to explain. In fact, I only became conscious when you liberated me."

"It's as if I was your mother and just gave birth to you." Li Xiu pouted and said, "I don't remember when I taught you the ability to pull people into the Blood Moon Black Death City and the City of Love."

"So it's hard to explain this matter. I feel like I was in a deep sleep all the time before you released me. After waking up, I have some memories, but those memories are not complete. Maybe my memory Incomplete, maybe I know everything, but now I really can’t remember, I dragged you into the city of black death and the city of love, and I hope you can help me find the answer, I also want to know who I am.” The killing tablet said.

"Is that really the case?" Li Xiu didn't quite believe what the killing tablet said.

"There is nothing you can do if you don't believe me, because the fact is that there is only so much I know, and you have already experienced it all. What I can know now, you already know. The rest of the mystery can only be solved." Come and help me untie it." The God-killing Tablet wrote.

"In this case, then I have a way, maybe I can figure out your origin, will you try?" Li Xiu stared at the killing tablet and said.

"What way?" Four words immediately appeared on the killing **** tablet. "Do you know a demon named Unrivaled King?" Li Xiu asked. "I don't know." The Death Tablet answered simply.

"You don't know it, but it knows your existence, and knows that you are in the small sarcophagus in the Black Death City, and asked me to take you there." Li Xiu stared at the killing tablet and said slowly: " Since it knows so clearly, it should know your origin, do you dare to meet it with me?"

"There is such a demon, why didn't you tell me earlier, and take me to see it right away." Li Xiu's reaction to the killing tablet was somewhat unexpected.

"Okay, then I'll take you to see the King of Unrivaled World." Li Xiu pondered for a moment, reached out to grab the tablet, and walked outside. The entrance to the underground world where King Unrivaled was imprisoned was turned into a huge warehouse by Li Xiu.

After entering the warehouse, Li Xiu opened the special metal door, revealing the hole leading directly to the ground.

Li Xiu stepped on the fire lotus sword and flew into the underground cave. After a while, he came to the underground space and saw the unrivaled king who looked like a unicorn.

"Boy, why haven't you come to see my lord for so long, do you want to die?" King Gaishi said angrily when he saw Li Xiu fly down.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, let's see what I brought you." Li Xiu held up the killing tablet in his hand. The Unrivaled King, who was originally full of anger, immediately stood up in ecstasy after seeing the tablet of the God of Death.

It's a pity that its body was imprisoned, so it couldn't fly up, otherwise it might have pounced on it and snatched the tablet of killing god.

"Very good, well done, hurry up and give me the God of Death Tablet." The King Unable to wait shouted.

"My lord, don't worry, I brought the things, but I don't know yet

Find out exactly where it came from and what it can do for you. "Li Xiu didn't hand over the God of Death Tablet directly to the King of Unrivaled World.

"You don't need to know that much, just give it to me." The Great King Gaishha snapped.

"My lord, I have done so many things for you, so I should have the right to know? If you refuse to tell me anything, your lord, then you don't treat me as your own. Since I am not your own, why should I help you? Are you right?" Li Xiu narrowed his eyes and said.

"When is it your turn to teach this king a lesson? You are courting death." The radiance of King Qishi was like the brilliance reflected by countless diamond facets, covering the entire underground space.

With a thought in Li Xiu's mind, the Forbidden Spear turned into Forbidden Cannon, and at the same time, the flower-like armor covered his whole body. The god-level taboo light bloomed on the blood armor, forcibly blocking the strange brilliance of the Unrivaled King.

"Hey! Your natal deed has actually been promoted to the **** position... How long has it been..." The King of Unrivaled World looked slightly surprised at Li Xiu who was carrying the taboo cannon in the air.

"No...that's the forbidden light of the Sea of ​​Heaven....Your natal deed comes from the Sea of ​​Heaven..." The King of Unrivaled World stared at the forbidden light on Li Xiu, compared to the wheel The big eyes are shining.

Li Xiu was also very surprised. The Unrivaled King himself was imprisoned, and the light energy emitted was not inferior to that of a god. Its ability was stronger than Li Xiu expected.

Its previous bragging words, in retrospect at this time, do not seem to be that exaggerated.

"Boy... use your forbidden light to help this king break the bondage. After this king goes out, he will rule the world. Then you will be under one person... above tens of thousands..."Unrivaled King Staring at the forbidden light on Li Xiu with some excitement, he said.

Li Xiu didn't expect such a thing to happen, and said with a smile: "It's right to save the king from trouble, but before that, shouldn't the king give me a little trust?"

"You dare to threaten this king?" The King of Unrivaled World said angrily.

"I can't say it's a threat, it's just a heart-to-heart comparison. I have done so many things for the king. A person like you, the king, can't make people feel cold, right?" Li Xiu said with a smile.

The King of Unrivaled World was not really stupid, he knew that if Li Xiu refused to help it, it would not be able to keep Li Xiu with the light of taboo to save his life. Li Xiu said that, it was tantamount to giving it a step, if the relationship between the two was frozen, it would have no chance to get out of trouble.

"What do you want? This king has just said that when this king rules the world, you will be the one above tens of thousands of people. You can get what you want, so why rush for a while." The King of Unrivaled World also wanted to draw a painting for Li Xiu Flatbread.

How could Li Xiu be willing to accept it, and said lightly: "Then thank the king first, but now I just want to know, what is the origin of this killing **** tablet?"

The Great King of Unrivaled World pondered: "It's okay to tell you, the longevity tablet of the God of Killing Tablet Changshengtian, with it, you can have an immortal body."

"I see, but why did I hear that the Longevity Tablet of Longevity Island is not really able to make people live forever, and there are many restrictions, not to mention that there is already a name on this tablet, so what is the use of it if you take it?" Li Xiu frowned.

"You know the Longevity Tablet on Longevity Island, so it's easy to explain." The Great King said, "Naturally, ordinary longevity tablets cannot truly live forever, but this killing **** tablet is different."

"What's the difference?" Li Xiu asked.

The Great King Gai Shi said straightforwardly: "Because this is not only the Longevity Tablet of Longevity Island, it also has the power of the sea of ​​heaven."

"What do you mean?" Li Xiu's heart was pounding, and now the words of Unrivaled King finally sounded a little reliable. "You said that there is a name on this tablet of longevity, which is not wrong. Generally speaking , the longevity tablet that already has a name has no value for other people, but this one is different, because the name engraved on it is not the name of a person or a demon, but the name of a real **** "The King of Unrivaled World said, staring at the God of Death Tablet with a complicated expression.

"Killing God is a real god?" Li Xiu didn't understand what it was


"That's right, the Killing God is the God of the Sea of ​​Heaven. That's a real god, not a so-called **** at the level of a god. Its name is engraved on the longevity tablet, and the longevity tablet has the real power of a god. It truly possesses the power of immortality." The King of Unrivaled World said, staring at the God of Death Tablet with burning eyes.

"After talking for a long time, you still haven't told me, what is the real god, and what is the real god?" Li Xiu vaguely felt that what the King of Unrivaled World knew would probably unravel the truth that he had been fighting for so long. Some mysteries that can't be figured out.

"It is an existence that cannot be described in words. It is an indescribable thing. Only the existence of the sea of ​​​​the sky can contact it and obtain divine power. The supreme and holy thing." The king of the world said disdainfully: "If ordinary creatures can How can something that can be seen be called a real god? A real **** is an existence that ordinary creatures cannot touch. Not to mention seeing him, even if they just sense his existence, ordinary creatures will probably pay for it. The price of life."

"Bottomless Cave, Longevity Island, and Sky Sea are the three restricted areas. The magnetic pole hole in Bottomless Cave, the Longevity Root of Longevity Island, and the God of Sky Sea are all real gods, which cannot be seen by ordinary creatures. Only a few creatures can see them." sensed presence."

"The Longevity Tablet is the divine object given by the Longevity Root to the living beings in the world, plus the name of the **** of the sea of ​​​​the sky, this object can be said to be a true divine object, an unparalleled existence." Said the king of the world.

"Since it's an invisible and indescribable thing, how do you know?" Li Xiu couldn't help frowning when he saw that the unrivaled king's words became more and more mysterious.

"Boy, this great king is an unparalleled existence in the sea of ​​heaven, one of the few existences that can communicate with the true god, how do you think I know?" The king of the world said triumphantly: "There are no more than five people in the world who know the real secret of this killing **** tablet. My Majesty is one of them."

"The original king was actually the king of the sea of ​​heaven, so do you know why the true **** engraved its name on this longevity card?" Li Xiu continued to explore the secret, and he felt that he was very close to the truth of the secret." The King of Unrivaled World seemed a little apprehensive, but he didn't answer Li Xiu's question directly.

"Even the king of Tianzhihai doesn't know why the true **** of Tianzhihai engraved his name on the longevity tablet?" Li Xiu said with a curled lip.

"Who said that this king doesn't know, it's just that the things of God are beyond reproach. If this king said it, it would be a violation of God's taboo. I don't care. If you listened, it would be the same as a violation of God's taboo. At that time, you will be jealous of the gods, and I am afraid that you will not even have a chance to live, are you sure you want to listen?" The King of Unrivaled World said, looking at Li Xiu jokingly.

"Your Majesty is not afraid. As a younger brother, how can I embarrass you? It's okay for you to say so." It's already so close to the truth, how could Li Xiu give up just because of a few words from Unrivaled King.

"Since this is the case, then listen carefully. The Black Death City was not originally a Black Death City. It was only because the people in that city violated the taboo of the gods that the true **** attached to the Longevity Card and went to the Black Death City to give divine punishment. , turned the originally vibrant city into the black dead city of today, all the creatures in the city have survived, and even the city itself has fallen into boundless darkness, and will never see light...Now you have listened to God It’s a secret, and it’s a violation of God’s taboo. Your fate will not be better than those in the Black Dead City... ". The tone of the King of Unrivaled World is gloomy, like the whisper of a demon.

However, Li Xiu didn't hear the latter words of Unrivaled King, because the previous words had already made his brain roar, as if struck by lightning.

If what Unrivaled King said is true, doesn't that mean that the tablet of killing **** is the mysterious person who destroyed the city of love? Li Xiu couldn't accept such an inference for a while.


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